7 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Optimality of Antidictionary Codes

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    An antidictionary code is a lossless compression algorithm using an antidictionary which is a set of minimal words that do not occur as substrings in an input string. The code was proposed by Crochemore et al. in 2000, and its asymptotic optimality has been proved with respect to only a specific information source, called balanced binary source that is a binary Markov source in which a state transition occurs with probability 1/2 or 1. In this paper, we prove the optimality of both static and dynamic antidictionary codes with respect to a stationary ergodic Markov source on finite alphabet such that a state transition occurs with probability p(0<p≤1)p (0 < p \leq 1).Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2010

    On the Use of Suffix Arrays for Memory-Efficient Lempel-Ziv Data Compression

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    Much research has been devoted to optimizing algorithms of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) 77 family, both in terms of speed and memory requirements. Binary search trees and suffix trees (ST) are data structures that have been often used for this purpose, as they allow fast searches at the expense of memory usage. In recent years, there has been interest on suffix arrays (SA), due to their simplicity and low memory requirements. One key issue is that an SA can solve the sub-string problem almost as efficiently as an ST, using less memory. This paper proposes two new SA-based algorithms for LZ encoding, which require no modifications on the decoder side. Experimental results on standard benchmarks show that our algorithms, though not faster, use 3 to 5 times less memory than the ST counterparts. Another important feature of our SA-based algorithms is that the amount of memory is independent of the text to search, thus the memory that has to be allocated can be defined a priori. These features of low and predictable memory requirements are of the utmost importance in several scenarios, such as embedded systems, where memory is at a premium and speed is not critical. Finally, we point out that the new algorithms are general, in the sense that they are adequate for applications other than LZ compression, such as text retrieval and forward/backward sub-string search.Comment: 10 pages, submited to IEEE - Data Compression Conference 200

    Minimal Absent Words in Rooted and Unrooted Trees

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    We extend the theory of minimal absent words to (rooted and unrooted) trees, having edges labeled by letters from an alphabet of cardinality. We show that the set of minimal absent words of a rooted (resp.&nbsp;unrooted) tree T with n nodes has cardinality (resp.), and we show that these bounds are realized. Then, we exhibit algorithms to compute all minimal absent words in a rooted (resp.&nbsp;unrooted) tree in output-sensitive time (resp. assuming an integer alphabet of size polynomial in n

    Constructing Antidictionaries of Long Texts in Output-Sensitive Space

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    A word x that is absent from a word y is called minimal if all its proper factors occur in y. Given a collection of k words y1, … , yk over an alphabet Σ, we are asked to compute the set M{y1,…,yk}ℓ of minimal absent words of length at most ℓ of the collection {y1, … , yk}. The set M{y1,…,yk}ℓ contains all the words x such that x is absent from all the words of the collection while there exist i,j, such that the maximal proper suffix of x is a factor of yi and the maximal proper prefix of x is a factor of yj. In data compression, this corresponds to computing the antidictionary of k documents. In bioinformatics, it corresponds to computing words that are absent from a genome of k chromosomes. Indeed, the set Myℓ of minimal absent words of a word y is equal to M{y1,…,yk}ℓ for any decomposition of y into a collection of words y1, … , yk such that there is an overlap of length at least ℓ − 1 between any two consecutive words in the collection. This computation generally requires Ω(n) space for n = |y| using any of the plenty available O(n) -time algorithms. This is because an Ω(n)-sized text index is constructed over y which can be impractical for large n. We do the identical computation incrementally using output-sensitive space. This goal is reasonable when ∥M{y1,…,yN}ℓ∥=o(n), for all N ∈ [1,k], where ∥S∥ denotes the sum of the lengths of words in set S. For instance, in the human genome, n ≈ 3 × 109 but ∥M{y1,…,yk}12∥≈106. We consider a constant-sized alphabet for stating our results. We show that allMy1ℓ,…,M{y1,…,yk}ℓ can be computed in O(kn+∑N=1k∥M{y1,…,yN}ℓ∥) total time using O(MaxIn+MaxOut) space, where MaxIn is the length of the longest word in {y1, … , yk} and MaxOut=max{∥M{y1,…,yN}ℓ∥:N∈[1,k]}. Proof-of-concept experimental results are also provided confirming our theoretical findings and justifying our contribution


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    The sliding window dictionary-based algorithms of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) 77 family are widely used for universal lossless data compression. The encoding component of these algorithms performs repeated substring search. Data structures, such as hash tables, binary search trees, and suffix trees have been used to speedup these searches, at the expense of memory usage. Previous work has shown how suffix arrays (SA) can be used for dictionary representation and LZ77 decomposition. In this paper, we improve over that work by proposing a new efficient algorithm to update the sliding window each time a token is produced at the output. The proposed algorithm toggles between two SA on consecutive tokens. The resulting SA-based encoder requires less memory than the conventional tree-based encoders. In comparing our SA-based technique against tree-based encoders, on a large set of benchmark files, we find that, in some compression settings, our encoder is also faster than tree-based encoders

    Constructing Antidictionaries in Output-Sensitive Space

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    A word x that is absent from a word y is called minimal if all its proper factors occur in y. Given a collection of k words y_1,y_2,...,y_k over an alphabet Σ, we are asked to compute the set M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_k of minimal absent words of length at most ℓ of word y=y_1#y_2#...#y_k, #∉Σ. In data compression, this corresponds to computing the antidictionary of k documents. In bioinformatics, it corresponds to computing words that are absent from a genome of k chromosomes. This computation generally requires Ω(n) space for n=|y| using any of the plenty available O(n)-time algorithms. This is because an Ω(n)-sized text index is constructed over y which can be impractical for large n. We do the identical computation incrementally using output-sensitive space. This goal is reasonable when ||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||=o(n), for all N∈[1,k]. For instance, in the human genome, n ≈ 3× 10^9 but ||M^12_y_1#...#y_k|| ≈ 10^6. We consider a constant-sized alphabet for stating our results. We show that all M^ℓ_y_1,...,M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_k can be computed in O(kn+∑^k_N=1||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||) total time using O(MaxIn+MaxOut) space, where MaxIn is the length of the longest word in {y_1,...,y_k} and MaxOut={||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||:N∈[1,k]}. Proof-of-concept experimental results are also provided confirming our theoretical findings and justifying our contribution