24 research outputs found

    A DCA-Like Algorithm and its Accelerated Version with Application in Data Visualization

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    In this paper, we present two variants of DCA (Different of Convex functions Algorithm) to solve the constrained sum of differentiable function and composite functions minimization problem, with the aim of increasing the convergence speed of DCA. In the first variant, DCA-Like, we introduce a new technique to iteratively modify the decomposition of the objective function. This successive decomposition could lead to a better majorization and consequently a better convergence speed than the basic DCA. We then incorporate the Nesterov's acceleration technique into DCA-Like to give rise to the second variant, named Accelerated DCA-Like. The convergence properties and the convergence rate under Kudyka-Lojasiewicz assumption of both variants are rigorously studied. As an application, we investigate our algorithms for the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. Numerical experiments on several benchmark datasets illustrate the efficiency of our algorithms

    A New Nonconvex Strategy to Affine Matrix Rank Minimization Problem

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    The affine matrix rank minimization (AMRM) problem is to find a matrix of minimum rank that satisfies a given linear system constraint. It has many applications in some important areas such as control, recommender systems, matrix completion and network localization. However, the problem (AMRM) is NP-hard in general due to the combinational nature of the matrix rank function. There are many alternative functions have been proposed to substitute the matrix rank function, which lead to many corresponding alternative minimization problems solved efficiently by some popular convex or nonconvex optimization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new nonconvex function, namely, TLαϵTL_{\alpha}^{\epsilon} function (with 0≤α00\leq\alpha0), to approximate the rank function, and translate the NP-hard problem (AMRM) into the TLpϵTL_{p}^{\epsilon} function affine matrix rank minimization (TLAMRM) problem. Firstly, we study the equivalence of problem (AMRM) and (TLAMRM), and proved that the uniqueness of global minimizer of the problem (TLAMRM) also solves the NP-hard problem (AMRM) if the linear map A\mathcal{A} satisfies a restricted isometry property (RIP). Secondly, an iterative thresholding algorithm is proposed to solve the regularization problem (RTLAMRM) for all 0≤α00\leq\alpha0. At last, some numerical results on low-rank matrix completion problems illustrated that our algorithm is able to recover a low-rank matrix, and the extensive numerical on image inpainting problems shown that our algorithm performs the best in finding a low-rank image compared with some state-of-art methods

    Pinball Loss Minimization for One-bit Compressive Sensing: Convex Models and Algorithms

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    The one-bit quantization is implemented by one single comparator that operates at low power and a high rate. Hence one-bit compressive sensing (1bit-CS) becomes attractive in signal processing. When measurements are corrupted by noise during signal acquisition and transmission, 1bit-CS is usually modeled as minimizing a loss function with a sparsity constraint. The one-sided â„“1\ell_1 loss and the linear loss are two popular loss functions for 1bit-CS. To improve the decoding performance on noisy data, we consider the pinball loss, which provides a bridge between the one-sided â„“1\ell_1 loss and the linear loss. Using the pinball loss, two convex models, an elastic-net pinball model and its modification with the â„“1\ell_1-norm constraint, are proposed. To efficiently solve them, the corresponding dual coordinate ascent algorithms are designed and their convergence is proved. The numerical experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and the performance of the pinball loss minimization for 1bit-CS.Comment: 11 page

    Projection Neural Network for a Class of Sparse Regression Problems with Cardinality Penalty

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    In this paper, we consider a class of sparse regression problems, whose objective function is the summation of a convex loss function and a cardinality penalty. By constructing a smoothing function for the cardinality function, we propose a projected neural network and design a correction method for solving this problem. The solution of the proposed neural network is unique, global existent, bounded and globally Lipschitz continuous. Besides, we prove that all accumulation points of the proposed neural network have a common support set and a unified lower bound for the nonzero entries. Combining the proposed neural network with the correction method, any corrected accumulation point is a local minimizer of the considered sparse regression problem. Moreover, we analyze the equivalent relationship on the local minimizers between the considered sparse regression problem and another regression sparse problem. Finally, some numerical experiments are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed neural networks in solving some sparse regression problems in practice

    Sparse Bayesian Inference of Multivariable ARX Networks

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    Increasing attention has recently been given to the inference of sparse networks. In biology, for example, most molecules only bind to a small number of other molecules, leading to sparse molecular interaction networks. To achieve sparseness, a common approach consists of applying weighted penalties to the number of links between nodes in the network and the complexity of the dynamics of existing links. The selection of proper weights, however, is non-trivial. Alternatively, this paper proposes a novel data-driven method, called GESBL, that is able to penalise both network sparsity and model complexity without any tuning. GESBL combines Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) and Group Sparse Bayesian Learning (GSBL) to introduce penalties for complexity, both in terms of element (system order of nonzero connections) and group sparsity (network topology). The paper considers a class of sparse linear time-invariant networks where the dynamics are represented by multivariable ARX models. Data generated from sparse random ARX networks and synthetic gene regulatory networks indicate that our method, on average, considerably outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. The proposed method can be applied to a wide range of fields, from systems biology applications in signalling and genetic regulatory networks to power systems

    Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Truss Topology Optimization with Limited Number of Nodes: A Cardinality-Constrained Second-Order Cone Programming Approach

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    This paper addresses the compliance minimization of a truss, where the number of available nodes is limited. It is shown that this optimization problem can be recast as a second-order cone programming with a cardinality constraint. We propose a simple heuristic based on the alternative direction method of multipliers. The efficiency of the proposed method is compared with a global optimization approach based on mixed-integer second-order cone programming. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed method often finds a solution having a good objective value with small computational cost

    Uncoded Placement Optimization for Coded Delivery

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    We consider the classical coded caching problem as defined by Maddah-Ali and Niesen, where a server with a library of NN files of equal size is connected to KK users via a shared error-free link. Each user is equipped with a cache with capacity of MM files. The goal is to design a static content placement and delivery scheme such that the average load over the shared link is minimized. We first present a class of centralized coded caching schemes consisting of a general content placement strategy specified by a file partition parameter, enabling efficient and flexible content placement, and a specific content delivery strategy, enabling load reduction by exploiting common requests of different users. For the proposed class of schemes, we consider two cases for the optimization of the file partition parameter, depending on whether a large subpacketization level is allowed or not. In the case of an unrestricted subpacketization level, we formulate the coded caching optimization in order to minimize the average load under an arbitrary file popularity. A direct formulation of the problem involves N2KN2^K variables. By imposing some additional conditions, the problem is reduced to a linear program with N(K+1)N(K+1) variables under an arbitrary file popularity and with K+1K+1 variables under the uniform file popularity. We can recover Yu {\em et al.}'s optimal scheme for the uniform file popularity as an optimal solution of our problem. When a low subpacketization level is desired, we introduce a subpacketization level constraint involving the â„“0\ell_0 norm for each file. Again, by imposing the same additional conditions, we can simplify the problem to a difference of two convex functions (DC) problem with N(K+1)N(K+1) variables that can be efficiently solved.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, presented in part at IEEE WiOpt 201

    Bandwidth Gain from Mobile Edge Computing and Caching in Wireless Multicast Systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel mobile edge computing (MEC) model where the MEC server has the input and output data of all computation tasks and communicates with multiple caching-and-computing-enabled mobile devices via a shared wireless link. Each task request can be served from local output caching, local computing with input caching, local computing or MEC computing, each of which incurs a unique bandwidth requirement of the multicast link. Aiming to minimize the transmission bandwidth, we design and optimize the local caching and computing policy at mobile devices subject to latency, caching, energy and multicast transmission constraints. The joint policy optimization problem is shown to be NP-hard. When the output data size is smaller than the input data size, we reformulate the problem as minimization of a monotone submodular function over matroid constraints and obtain the optimal solution via a strongly polynomial algorithm of Schrijver. On the other hand, when the output data size is larger than the input data size, by leveraging sample approximation and concave convex procedure together with the alternating direction method of multipliers, we propose a low-complexity high-performance algorithm and prove it converges to a stationary point. Furthermore, we theoretically reveal how much bandwidth gain can be achieved from computing and caching resources at mobile devices or the multicast transmission for symmetric case. Our results indicate that exploiting the computing and caching resources at mobile devices as well as multicast transmission can provide significant bandwidth savings.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1807.0553

    Content-Centric Sparse Multicast Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud RAN

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    This paper presents a content-centric transmission design in a cloud radio access network (cloud RAN) by incorporating multicasting and caching. Users requesting a same content form a multicast group and are served by a same cluster of base stations (BSs) cooperatively. Each BS has a local cache and it acquires the requested contents either from its local cache or from the central processor (CP) via backhaul links. We investigate the dynamic content-centric BS clustering and multicast beamforming with respect to both channel condition and caching status. We first formulate a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem of minimizing the weighted sum of backhaul cost and transmit power under the quality-of-service constraint for each multicast group. Theoretical analysis reveals that all the BSs caching a requested content can be included in the BS cluster of this content, regardless of the channel conditions. Then we reformulate an equivalent sparse multicast beamforming (SBF) problem. By adopting smoothed â„“0\ell_0-norm approximation and other techniques, the SBF problem is transformed into the difference of convex (DC) programs and effectively solved using the convex-concave procedure algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate significant advantage of the proposed content-centric transmission. The effects of three heuristic caching strategies are also evaluated.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Modeling and Trade-off for Mobile Communication, Computing and Caching Networks

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    Computation task service delivery in a computing-enabled and caching-aided multi-user mobile edge computing (MEC) system is studied in this paper, where a MEC server can deliver the input or output datas of tasks to mobile devices over a wireless multicast channel. The computing-enabled and caching-aided mobile devices are able to store the input or output datas of some tasks, and also compute some tasks locally, reducing the wireless bandwidth consumption. The corresponding framework of this system is established, and under the latency constraint, we jointly optimize the caching and computing policy at mobile devices to minimize the required transmission bandwidth. The joint policy optimization problem is shown to be NP-hard, and based on equivalent transformation and exact penalization of the problem, a stationary point is obtained via concave convex procedure (CCCP). Moreover, in a symmetric scenario, gains offered by this approach are derived to analytically understand the influences of caching and computing resources at mobile devices, multicast transmission, the number of mobile devices, as well as the number of tasks on the transmission bandwidth. Our results indicate that exploiting the computing and caching resources at mobile devices can provide significant bandwidth savings.Comment: to appear in IEEE GLOBECOM 201