13 research outputs found

    System Programming - The Human and the Machine

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    The purpose of this paper is to document my experiences in planning, generating, and modifying the IBM VM/SP operating system (systems programming), survey literature on systems programming, and to draw conclusions as to what makes a successful systems programming experience. I will explore the skills necessary for the systems programmer to perform the tasks, as well as discuss aspects of the system itself (hardware, software, and documentation) that affect the success of any systems programming effort. This work is intended to serve as a case study of a VM/SP systems programmer working on WISPcompatible hardware. Judgments as to how these skills and conclusions may apply to other platforms are left to the reader

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Database machines in support of very large databases

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    Software database management systems were developed in response to the needs of early data processing applications. Database machine research developed as a result of certain performance deficiencies of these software systems. This thesis discusses the history of database machines designed to improve the performance of database processing and focuses primarily on the Teradata DBC/1012, the only successfully marketed database machine that supports very large databases today. Also reviewed is the response of IBM to the performance needs of its database customers; this response has been in terms of improvements in both software and hardware support for database processing. In conclusion, an analysis is made of the future of database machines, in particular the DBC/1012, in light of recent IBM enhancements and its immense customer base

    A comparison of management of virtual machines with z/VM and ESX Server

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    Virtualization and virtual machines are becoming more and more important for businesses. By consolidating many servers to run as virtual machine on a single host companies can save considerable amounts on money. The savings come from the better utilization of the hardware, and by having less hardware that needs maintenance. There are several products for virtualization, and different methods to acheive the virtualization. This thesis will focus on comparing VMware ESX Server and z/VM. These products are quite different and run on different hardware. The primary focus of the comparison will be on management of the two different products.Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjo

    Einführung in z/OS

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    Studi Pengkajian Sistem Jaringan Komunikasi Data Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    Perbankan yang merupakan suatu bentuk perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa dan moneter/financial mempunyai kiat khusus dalam mewujudkan jaringan perusahaan yang terintegrasi dalam jangkauan yang luas, guna menjalankan fungsinya ditengah era globalisasi informasi saat ini. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dikaji sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia, dimana dalam pembahasannya akan dibatasi pada perangkat terminal yang dipakai oleh jaringan bank, klasifikasi jaringan bank, fungsi-fungsi aplikasi yang dijalankan oleh dalam jaringan perbankan di Indonesia, aspek-aspek perencanaan dan pengembangan sistemjaringan perbankan di Indonesia. Dalam mengkaji permasalahan diatas, maka dalam tugas akhir ini dipakai beberapa langkah-langkah pembahasan, yaitu : studi literatur dan pengumpulan data dari bank-bank nasional yang ada di Indonesia, studi kasus sistem perbankan, dimana keseluruhan data tesebut diperlukan untuk mengkaji sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia. Dalam pembahasannya akan di berikan contoh aplikasi jaringan Bank sentral (Bank Indonesia), Bank umum swasta nasional di Indonesia, yang diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengkaji permasalahan diatas serta dalam pengambilan kesimpulan dalam tugas akhir ini. Dari studi pengkajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa, vertama Sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia merupakan suatu sistem informasi yang ditunjang oleh perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komunikasi dalam menghubungkan berbagai terminal data bank pada satu pola terhubung sehingga terjadi pertukaran informasi secara simultan, melalui suatu media transmisi. Kedua sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia diklasifikasikan sebagai : sistem jaringan yang menginterkoneksi terminal data dalam satu ruang lingkup kantor pusat yang digolongkan sebagai jaringan LAN (local Area Network), dan sistemjaringan yang menginterkoneksikan terminal data di Kantor pusat di Jakarta dan kantor cabang dalam dan di luar kota Jakarta yang diklasifikasikan sebagai MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) dan WAN (Wide Area Network). Ketiga terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan jaringan komunikasi data bank di Indonesia, yaitu aspek kebutuhan interkoneksi komputer Bank, aspek prakiraan trafik transaksi data Bank, aspek fasilitas jaringan di Indonesia, aspek pemilihan protokol komputer, protokol pada media jaringan dan alternatif interkoneksi jaringan

    z/OS Internet Integration

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    Management en organisatie van automatiseringsmiddelen

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