1,116 research outputs found

    Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs

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    Associated to a finite graph XX is its quantum automorphism group GG. The main problem is to compute the Poincar\'e series of GG, meaning the series f(z)=1+c1z+c2z2+...f(z)=1+c_1z+c_2z^2+... whose coefficients are multiplicities of 1 into tensor powers of the fundamental representation. In this paper we find a duality between certain quantum groups and planar algebras, which leads to a planar algebra formulation of the problem. Together with some other results, this gives ff for all homogeneous graphs having 8 vertices or less.Comment: 30 page

    The vertex-transitive TLF-planar graphs

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    We consider the class of the topologically locally finite (in short TLF) planar vertex-transitive graphs, a class containing in particular all the one-ended planar Cayley graphs and the normal transitive tilings. We characterize these graphs with a finite local representation and a special kind of finite state automaton named labeling scheme. As a result, we are able to enumerate and describe all TLF-planar vertex-transitive graphs of any given degree. Also, we are able decide to whether any TLF-planar transitive graph is Cayley or not.Comment: Article : 23 pages, 15 figures Appendix : 13 pages, 72 figures Submitted to Discrete Mathematics The appendix is accessible at http://www.labri.fr/~renault/research/research.htm
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