252 research outputs found

    Trees, ladders and graphs

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    We introduce a new method to construct uncountably chromatic graphs from non special trees and ladder systems. Answering a question of P. Erd\H{o}s and A. Hajnal from 1985, we construct graphs of chromatic number ω1\omega_1 without uncountable ω\omega-connected subgraphs. Second, we build triangle free graphs of chromatic number ω1\omega_1 without subgraphs isomorphic to Hω,ω+2H_{\omega,\omega+2}.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the Journal of Comb. Theory Series

    On the growth rate of chromatic numbers of finite subgraphs

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    We prove that, for every function f:N→Nf:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}, there is a graph GG with uncountable chromatic number such that, for every k∈Nk \in \mathbb{N} with k≥3k \geq 3, every subgraph of GG with fewer than f(k)f(k) vertices has chromatic number less than kk. This answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Hajnal, and Szemeredi.Comment: 10 page

    Uncountable dichromatic number without short directed cycles

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    A. Hajnal and P. Erd\H{o}s proved that a graph with uncountable chromatic number cannot avoid short cycles, it must contain for example C4 C_4 (among other obligatory subgraphs). It was shown recently by D. T. Soukup that, in contrast of the undirected case, it is consistent that for any n<ω n<\omega there exists an uncountably dichromatic digraph without directed cycles shorter than n n . He asked if it is provable already in ZFC. We answer his question positively by constructing for every infinite cardinal κ \kappa and n<ω n<\omega a digraph of size 2κ 2^{\kappa} with dichromatic number at least κ+ \kappa^{+} which does not contain directed cycles of length less than n n as a subdigraph.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Analytic digraphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number under injective definable homomorphism

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    We study the analytic digraphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number on Polish spaces, and compare them with the notion of injective Borel homomorphism. We provide some minimal digraphs incomparable with G 0. We also prove the existence of antichains of size continuum, and that there is no finite basis. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 03E15, 54H0

    Cycle reversions and dichromatic number in tournaments

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    We show that if DD is a tournament of arbitrary size then DD has finite strong components after reversing a locally finite sequence of cycles. In turn, we prove that any tournament can be covered by two acyclic sets after reversing a locally finite sequence of cycles. This provides a partial solution to a conjecture of S. Thomass\'e.Comment: 23 pages, first public version. Comments are very welcom

    Finite subgraphs of uncountably chromatic graphs

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    It is consistent that for every monotonically increasing function f:omega->omega there is a graph with size and chromatic number aleph_1 in which every n-chromatic subgraph has at least f(n) elements (n >= 3). This solves a $250 problem of Erdos. It is also consistent that there is a graph X with Chr(X)=|X|= aleph_1 such that if Y is a graph all whose finite subgraphs occur in X then Chr(Y)<=aleph_2 (so the Taylor conjecture may fail)

    On the growth rate of dichromatic numbers of finite subdigraphs

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    Chris Lambie-Hanson proved recently that for every function f:N→N f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N} there is an ℵ1 \aleph_1 -chromatic graph G G of size 2ℵ1 2^{\aleph_1} such that every (n+3) (n+3) -chromatic subgraph of G G has at least f(n) f(n) vertices. Previously, this fact was just known to be consistently true due to P. Komj\'ath and S. Shelah. We investigate the analogue of this question for directed graphs. In the first part of the paper we give a simple method to construct for an arbitrary f:N→N f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N} an uncountably dichromatic digraph D D of size 2ℵ0 2^{\aleph_0} such that every (n+2) (n+2) -dichromatic subgraph of D D has at least f(n) f(n) vertices. In the second part we show that it is consistent with arbitrary large continuum that in the previous theorem "uncountably dichromatic" and "of size 2ℵ0 2^{\aleph_0} " can be replaced by "κ\kappa -dichromatic" and "of size κ \kappa " respectively where κ \kappa is universally quantified with bounds ℵ0≤κ≤2ℵ0 \aleph_0 \leq \kappa \leq 2^{\aleph_0}.Comment: 6 page

    Extremal triangle-free and odd-cycle-free colourings of uncountable graphs

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    The optimality of the Erd\H{o}s-Rado theorem for pairs is witnessed by the colouring Δκ:[2κ]2→κ\Delta_\kappa : [2^\kappa]^2 \rightarrow \kappa recording the least point of disagreement between two functions. This colouring has no monochromatic triangles or, more generally, odd cycles. We investigate a number of questions investigating the extent to which Δκ\Delta_\kappa is an \emph{extremal} such triangle-free or odd-cycle-free colouring. We begin by introducing the notion of Δ\Delta-regressive and almost Δ\Delta-regressive colourings and studying the structures that must appear as monochromatic subgraphs for such colourings. We also consider the question as to whether Δκ\Delta_\kappa has the minimal cardinality of any \emph{maximal} triangle-free or odd-cycle-free colouring into κ\kappa. We resolve the question positively for odd-cycle-free colourings.Comment: 16 page

    A determinacy approach to Borel combinatorics

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    We introduce a new method, involving infinite games and Borel determinacy, which we use to answer several well-known questions in Borel combinatorics.Comment: Minor corrections and some reorganization of section

    Counterexamples to Hedetniemi's conjecture

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    The chromatic number of G×HG\times H can be smaller than the minimum of the chromatic numbers of finite simple graphs GG and HH.Comment: 3 pages, minor corrections, a version accepted for publicatio
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