2 research outputs found

    Una propuesta para mejorar la completitud de requisitos utilizando un enfoque lingüístico

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    La calidad de los productos de software está estrechamente relacionada con la calidad de los requisitos especificados desde las primeras etapas del proceso de desarrollo; las propuestas encaminadas a la especificación de requisitos realizan incipientes esfuerzos para lograr que los requisitos del software sean lo suficientemente completos como para lograr la traducción de las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios al producto final. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta para mejorar la calidad, en cuanto a completitud, de especificaciones de requisitos escritas en un subconjunto del español denominado español restringido, utilizando para ello un enfoque lingüístico basado en la gramática de casos./Software product quality is closely linked with requirements quality from development process initial stages; proposals directed to requirements specification make incipient efforts to reach software requirements complete enough to reach the translation of user needs and expectations into the final product. In this paper we present a proposal for quality enhancement, especially in completeness, of requirements specifications written in restricted Spanish, a subset from Spanish, using a linguistic Case-Grammar- based approach to reach this goal


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    A large number of software projects exist and will continue to be developed that have textual requirements and textual design elements where the design elements should fully satisfy the requirements. Current techniques to assess the satisfaction of requirements by corresponding design elements are largely manual processes that lack formal criteria and standard practices. Software projects that require satisfaction assessment are often very large systems containing several hundred requirements and design elements. Often these projects are within a high assurance project domain, where human lives and millions of dollars of funding are at stake. Manual satisfaction assessment is expensive in terms of hours of human effort and project budget. Automated techniques are not currently applied to satisfaction assessment. This dissertation addresses the problem of automated satisfaction assessment for English, textual documents and the generation of candidate satisfaction assessments that can then be verified by a human analyst with far less effort and time expenditure than is required to produce a manual satisfaction assessment. Validation results to date show that automated satisfaction methods produce candidate satisfaction assessments sufficient to greatly reduce the effort required to assess the satisfaction of textual requirements by textual design elements