10 research outputs found

    User Roles on Peer-to-Peer Sharing Platforms: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommended Remedies

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    The success of sharing platforms such as Airbnb and Uber sparked interests in research, practice, and legislation in equal measures. However, studies about user roles on sharing platforms are very heterogeneous and have yet not dived into the theoretical complexity of these roles. In order to prevent incomparability of results and scattered theory building, this study reviews existing literature and identifies flaws in terminology and conceptualization of user roles and in applied measurement approaches. We discuss why these flaws matter and how they can be resolved. Finally, we propose a research agenda and emphasize to study the role of the prosumer, why different user roles lead to differences in constructs, and how the transition of user roles takes place

    Understanding the Platform Economy: Signals, Trust, and Social Interaction

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    Two-sided markets are gaining increasing importance. Examples include accommodation and car sharing, resale, shared mobility, crowd work, and many more. As these businesses rely on transactions among users, central aspects to virtually all platforms are the creation and maintenance of trust. While research has considered effects of trust-building on diverse platforms in isolation, the overall platform landscape has received much less attention. However, cross-platform comparison is important since platforms vary in their degree of social interaction, which, as we demonstrate in this paper, determines the adequacy and use of different trust mechanisms. Based on actual market data, we examine the mechanisms platforms employ and how frequent users rely on them. We contrast this view against survey data on users’ perceptions of the context-specific importance of these trust-building tools. Our findings provide robust evidence for our reasoning on the relation between platforms’ degree of social interaction and the associated expressive trust cues

    Couchsurfing involvement in non-profit peer-to-peer accommodations and its impact on destination image, familiarity, and behavioral intentions

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    Accommodation is a fundamental part of tourism, and it plays an important role in the tourist experience. The emerging economy and especially the peer-to-peer accommodations (P2P) have shaken up the conventional accommodations sector. While most P2P accommodation studies have focused on the monetary platform, which includes Airbnb, there is little knowledge about the linkages of involvement and behavioral intentions on the non-profit accommodation users. This empirical study applied a multiple-methods approach to investigate the positive impacts of involvement on couchsurfing, such as P2P accommodations on the destination image, familiarity, and the behavioral intentions. The data was collected from 609 travelers who have used couchsurfing while traveling to Turkey from 2016 to 2017. The results revealed that involvement in couchsurfing improved the destination image, familiarity, the E-WoM, and the revisit intention of couchsurfers. This study also discusses the practical implications

    VGLM proportional odds model to infer hosts’ Airbnb performance

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    We investigated aspects of host activities that influence and enhance host performance in an effort to achieve best results in terms of the occupancy rate and the overall rating. The occupancy rate measures the percentage of reserved days with respect to available days. The overall rating identifies the satisfaction level of guests that booked an Airbnb accommodation. We used the proportional odds model to estimate the impact of the managerial variables and the characteristics of the accommodation on host performance. Five different levels of the occupancy and the overall rating were investigated to understand which features impact them and support the effort to move from the lowest to the highest level. The analysis was carried out for Italy’s most visited cities: Rome, Milan, Venice, and Florence. We focused on the year 2016. Moreover, we investigated different impact levels in terms of the overall rating during the COVID-19 pandemic to evaluate possible differences. Our findings show the relevance of some variables, such as the number of reviews, services, and typology of the rented accommodation. Moreover, the results show differences among cities and in time for the relevant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

    OpĂ©rationnaliser les compĂ©tences transversales en analyse bibliomĂ©trique et en visualisation des rĂ©seaux au thĂšme de l’économie collaborative

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    Une analyse bibliomĂ©trique utilisant la visualisation de rĂ©seaux pour reprĂ©senter le thĂšme de l’Économie collaborative (ÉC) au sein de la recherche scientifique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le cadre de ce mĂ©moire. Pour ce faire, 729 documents ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s sur deux bases de donnĂ©es (Scopus et Web of Science). Ces documents ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©sambiguĂŻsĂ©s, nettoyĂ©s et standardisĂ©s pour ĂȘtre compilĂ©s et analysĂ©s avec BibExcel et VOSviewer. DiffĂ©rentes statistiques bibliomĂ©triques et analyses non Ă©valuatives (cooccurence, cocitation, coauteur) ont pu ĂȘtre exĂ©cutĂ©es et visualisĂ©es afin de mieux comprendre le milieu de l’ÉC. Les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche sont multiples. D’une part, l’importance des États-Unis est notoire, autant au niveau des auteurs, des organisations que des collaborations. Ensuite, diffĂ©rentes grappes thĂ©matiques ont pu ĂȘtre formĂ©es selon la variable Ă©tudiĂ©e. L’importance de la technologie, du tourisme, du dĂ©veloppement durable, de l’aspect managĂ©rial et enfin de la thĂ©orie/conceptualisation de l’ÉC est rĂ©currente. Plusieurs auteurs sont dĂ©terminants dans la littĂ©rature, mais les plus influents sont Russel Belk et Rachel Botsman. Le livre What’s yours is mine (Botsman et Rogers, 2010) est le document le plus citĂ©, et ce malgrĂ© le fait qu’il soit Ă©crit par des auteurs ne provenant pas du milieu acadĂ©mique. Les relations entre les publications Ă©tudiĂ©es dĂ©montrent une cohĂ©sion entre les diffĂ©rentes idĂ©es et thĂ©matiques vĂ©hiculĂ©es dans le domaine, et ce malgrĂ© le fait qu’il existe des problĂšmes dĂ©finitionnels et conceptuels Ă  propos de l’ÉC. Enfin, l’évolution chronologique des publications subit une croissance trĂšs importante depuis 2016 et tĂ©moigne d’un champ de recherche Ă©mergent : le dĂ©veloppement durable. La somme des rĂ©sultats analysĂ©s donne un nouveau regard sur l’ÉC. Elle permet pour les nouveaux chercheurs de les introduire aux caractĂ©ristiques du domaine et sert aux experts Ă  cerner les thĂ©matiques, revues et auteurs Ă  considĂ©rer lors de leurs propres analyses. La mĂ©thodologie et les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche furent publiĂ©s dans le Journal of Cleaner Production (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2018), le Journal of Markteing Analytics (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019a) et le livre Sage Research methods Cases (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019b)

    Interaction in Digital Ecologies with Connected and Non-Connected Cars

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