26 research outputs found

    Cubic scaling algorithms for RPA correlation using interpolative separable density fitting

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    We present a new cubic scaling algorithm for the calculation of the RPA correlation energy. Our scheme splits up the dependence between the occupied and virtual orbitals in χ0\chi^0 by use of Cauchy's integral formula. This introduces an additional integral to be carried out, for which we provide a geometrically convergent quadrature rule. Our scheme also uses the newly developed Interpolative Separable Density Fitting algorithm to further reduce the computational cost in a way analogous to that of the Resolution of Identity method.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Low-Scaling Algorithm for the Random Phase Approximation using Tensor Hypercontraction with k-point Sampling

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    We present a low-scaling algorithm for the random phase approximation (RPA) with \textbf{k}-point sampling in the framework of tensor hypercontraction (THC) for electron repulsion integrals (ERIs). The THC factorization is obtained via a revised interpolative separable density fitting (ISDF) procedure with a momentum-dependent auxiliary basis for generic single-particle Bloch orbitals. Our formulation does not require pre-optimized interpolating points nor auxiliary bases, and the accuracy is systematically controlled by the number of interpolating points. The resulting RPA algorithm scales linearly with the number of \textbf{k}-points and cubically with the system size without any assumption on sparsity or locality of orbitals. The errors of ERIs and RPA energy show rapid convergence with respect to the size of the THC auxiliary basis, suggesting a promising and robust direction to construct efficient algorithms of higher-order many-body perturbation theories for large-scale systems.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    Benchmarking the accuracy of the separable resolution of the identity approach for correlated methods in the numeric atom-centered orbitals framework

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    Four-center two-electron Coulomb integrals routinely appear in electronic structure algorithms. The resolution-of-the-identity (RI) is a popular technique to reduce the computational cost for the numerical evaluation of these integrals in localized basis-sets codes. Recently, Duchemin and Blase proposed a separable RI scheme [J. Chem. Phys. 150, 174120 (2019)], which preserves the accuracy of the standard global RI method with the Coulomb metric (RI-V) and permits the formulation of cubic-scaling random phase approximation (RPA) and GWGW approaches. Here, we present the implementation of a separable RI scheme within an all-electron numeric atom-centered orbital framework. We present comprehensive benchmark results using the Thiel and the GW100 test set. Our benchmarks include atomization energies from Hartree-Fock, second-order M{\o}ller-Plesset (MP2), coupled-cluster singles and doubles, RPA and renormalized second-order perturbation theory as well as quasiparticle energies from GWGW. We found that the separable RI approach reproduces RI-free HF calculations within 9 meV and MP2 calculations within 1 meV. We have confirmed that the separable RI error is independent of the system size by including disordered carbon clusters up to 116 atoms in our benchmarksComment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Complex-valued K-means clustering of interpolative separable density fitting algorithm for large-scale hybrid functional enabled \textit{ab initio} molecular dynamics simulations within plane waves

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    K-means clustering, as a classic unsupervised machine learning algorithm, is the key step to select the interpolation sampling points in interpolative separable density fitting (ISDF) decomposition. Real-valued K-means clustering for accelerating the ISDF decomposition has been demonstrated for large-scale hybrid functional enabled \textit{ab initio} molecular dynamics (hybrid AIMD) simulations within plane-wave basis sets where the Kohn-Sham orbitals are real-valued. However, it is unclear whether such K-means clustering works for complex-valued Kohn-Sham orbitals. Here, we apply the K-means clustering into hybrid AIMD simulations for complex-valued Kohn-Sham orbitals and use an improved weight function defined as the sum of the square modulus of complex-valued Kohn-Sham orbitals in K-means clustering. Numerical results demonstrate that this improved weight function in K-means clustering algorithm yields smoother and more delocalized interpolation sampling points, resulting in smoother energy potential, smaller energy drift and longer time steps for hybrid AIMD simulations compared to the previous weight function used in the real-valued K-means algorithm. In particular, we find that this improved algorithm can obtain more accurate oxygen-oxygen radial distribution functions in liquid water molecules and more accurate power spectrum in crystal silicon dioxide compared to the previous K-means algorithm. Finally, we describe a massively parallel implementation of this ISDF decomposition to accelerate large-scale complex-valued hybrid AIMD simulations containing thousands of atoms (2,744 atoms), which can scale up to 5,504 CPU cores on modern supercomputers.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure