326 research outputs found

    Higher order differentiation over finite fields with applications to generalising the cube attack

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    Higher order differentiation was introduced in a cryptographic context by Lai. Several attacks can be viewed in the context of higher order differentiations, amongst them the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir and the AIDA attack of Vielhaber. All of the above have been developed for the binary case. We examine differentiation in larger fields, starting with the field GF(p) of integers modulo a prime p, and apply these techniques to generalising the cube attack to GF(p). The crucial difference is that now the degree in each variable can be higher than one, and our proposed attack will differentiate several times with respect to each variable (unlike the classical cube attack and its larger field version described by Dinur and Shamir, both of which differentiate at most once with respect to each variable). Connections to the Moebius/Reed Muller Transform over GF(p) are also examined. Finally we describe differentiation over finite fields GF(ps) with ps elements and show that it can be reduced to differentiation over GF(p), so a cube attack over GF(ps) would be equivalent to cube attacks over GF(p)

    Higher order differentiation over finite fields with applications to generalising the cube attack

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    Higher order differentiation was introduced in a cryptographic context by Lai. Several attacks can be viewed in the context of higher order differentiations, amongst them the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir and the AIDA attack of Vielhaber. All of the above have been developed for the binary case. We examine differentiation in larger fields, starting with the field GF(p) of integers modulo a prime p, and apply these techniques to generalising the cube attack to GF(p). The crucial difference is that now the degree in each variable can be higher than one, and our proposed attack will differentiate several times with respect to each variable (unlike the classical cube attack and its larger field version described by Dinur and Shamir, both of which differentiate at most once with respect to each variable). Connections to the Moebius/Reed Muller Transform over GF(p) are also examined. Finally we describe differentiation over finite fields GF(ps) with ps elements and show that it can be reduced to differentiation over GF(p), so a cube attack over GF(ps) would be equivalent to cube attacks over GF(p)

    A Security Analysis of IoT Encryption: Side-channel Cube Attack on Simeck32/64

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    Simeck, a lightweight block cipher has been proposed to be one of the encryption that can be employed in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Therefore, this paper presents the security of the Simeck32/64 block cipher against side-channel cube attack. We exhibit our attack against Simeck32/64 using the Hamming weight leakage assumption to extract linearly independent equations in key bits. We have been able to find 32 linearly independent equations in 32 key variables by only considering the second bit from the LSB of the Hamming weight leakage of the internal state on the fourth round of the cipher. This enables our attack to improve previous attacks on Simeck32/64 within side-channel attack model with better time and data complexity of 2^35 and 2^11.29 respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communication

    Dynamic Cube Attack on Grain-v1

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    This article aims to present dynamic cube attack on Grain-v1. Dynamic cube attack finds the secret key by using distinguishers gained from structural weakness. The main idea of dynamic cube attack lies in simplifying the output function. After making it simpler, dynamic cube attack will be able to exploit distinguishing attack for recovering the secret key. In this paper, we investigate Grain-v1 to which key recovery attack has never been applied because its feedback function is so sophisticated. we apply dynamic cube attack on it by utilizing both intelligent choices of Initial Value variables and appropriate simplifications. Our attack is done in feasible time complexity, and it recovers all bits of the key while the number of initialization rounds in Grain-v1 is decreased to 100. This attack is faster than exhaustive search by a factor 2322^{32}

    Cube Attacks on Non-Blackbox Polynomials Based on Division Property (Full Version)

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    The cube attack is a powerful cryptanalytic technique and is especially powerful against stream ciphers. Since we need to analyze the complicated structure of a stream cipher in the cube attack, the cube attack basically analyzes it by regarding it as a blackbox. Therefore, the cube attack is an experimental attack, and we cannot evaluate the security when the size of cube exceeds an experimental range, e.g., 40. In this paper, we propose cube attacks on non-blackbox polynomials. Our attacks are developed by using the division property, which is recently applied to various block ciphers. The clear advantage is that we can exploit large cube sizes because it never regards the cipher as a blackbox. We apply the new cube attack to Trivium, Grain128a, ACORN and Kreyvium. As a result, the secret keys of 832-round Trivium, 183-round Grain128a, 704-round ACORN and 872-round Kreyvium are recovered. These attacks are the current best key-recovery attack against these ciphers

    Comparison of cube attacks over different vector spaces

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    We generalise the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir (and the similar AIDA attack of Vielhaber) to a more general higher order differentiation attack, by summing over an arbitrary subspace of the space of initialisation vectors. The Moebius transform can be used for efficiently examining all the subspaces of a big space, similar to the method used by Fouque and Vannet for the usual cube attack. Secondly we propose replacing the Generalised Linearity Test proposed by Dinur and Shamir with a test based on higher order differentiation/Moebius transform. We show that the proposed test provides all the information provided by the Generalised Linearity Test, at the same computational cost. In addition, for functions that do not pass the linearity test it also provides, at no extra cost, an estimate of the degree of the function. This is useful for guiding the heuristics for the cube/AIDA attacks

    Practical Key-recovery Attacks on Round-Reduced Ketje Jr, Xoodoo-AE and Xoodyak

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    Conditional cube attack was proposed by Huang et al. at EUROCRYPT 2017 to attack Keccak keyed mode. Inspired by dynamic cube attack, they reduce the degree by appending key bit conditions on the initial value (IV). Recently, Li et al. proposed new conditional cube attacks on Keccak keyed mode with extremely small degrees of freedom. In this paper, we find a new property on Li et al.\u27s method, and modify the new conditional cube attack for lightweight encryption algorithms using a 8-2-2 pattern, and apply it on 5-round Ketje Jr, 6-round Xoodoo-AE and Xoodyak, where Ketje Jr is among the 3rd round CAESAR competition candidates and Xoodyak is a Round 1 submission of the ongoing NIST lightweight cryptography project. Then we give the updated conditional cube attack analysis. All our results are of practical time complexity with negligible memory cost and our test codes are given in this paper. Notably, it is the first third-party cryptanalysis result for Xoodyak

    Links between Division Property and Other Cube Attack Variants

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    A theoretically reliable key-recovery attack should evaluate not only the non-randomness for the correct key guess but also the randomness for the wrong ones as well. The former has always been the main focus but the absence of the latter can also cause self-contradicted results. In fact, the theoretic discussion of wrong key guesses is overlooked in quite some existing key-recovery attacks, especially the previous cube attack variants based on pure experiments. In this paper, we draw links between the division property and several variants of the cube attack. In addition to the zero-sum property, we further prove that the bias phenomenon, the non-randomness widely utilized in dynamic cube attacks and cube testers, can also be reflected by the division property. Based on such links, we are able to provide several results: Firstly, we give a dynamic cube key-recovery attack on full Grain-128. Compared with Dinur et al.’s original one, this attack is supported by a theoretical analysis of the bias based on a more elaborate assumption. Our attack can recover 3 key bits with a complexity 297.86 and evaluated success probability 99.83%. Thus, the overall complexity for recovering full 128 key bits is 2125. Secondly, now that the bias phenomenon can be efficiently and elaborately evaluated, we further derive new secure bounds for Grain-like primitives (namely Grain-128, Grain-128a, Grain-V1, Plantlet) against both the zero-sum and bias cube testers. Our secure bounds indicate that 256 initialization rounds are not able to guarantee Grain-128 to resist bias-based cube testers. This is an efficient tool for newly designed stream ciphers for determining the number of initialization rounds. Thirdly, we improve Wang et al.’s relaxed term enumeration technique proposed in CRYPTO 2018 and extend their results on Kreyvium and ACORN by 1 and 13 rounds (reaching 892 and 763 rounds) with complexities 2121.19 and 2125.54 respectively. To our knowledge, our results are the current best key-recovery attacks on these two primitives

    Practical Complexity Cube Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak Sponge Function

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    In this paper we mount the cube attack on the Keccak sponge function. The cube attack, formally introduced in 2008, is an algebraic technique applicable to cryptographic primitives whose output can be described as a low-degree polynomial in the input. Our results show that 5- and 6-round Keccak sponge function is vulnerable to this technique. All the presented attacks have practical complexities and were verified on a desktop PC

    SMT-based Cube Attack on Simeck32/64

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    Satisfiability modulo theories or SMT can be stated as a generalization of Boolean satisfiability problem or SAT. The core idea behind the introduction of SMT solvers is to reduce the complexity through providing more information about the problem environment. In this paper, we take advantage of a similar idea and feed the SMT solver itself, by extra information provided through middle state Cube characteristics, to introduce a new method which we call SMT-based Cube Attack, and apply it to improve the success of the solver in attacking reduced-round versions of the Simeck32/64 lightweight block cipher. We first propose a new algorithm to find cubes with most number of middle state characteristics. Then, we apply these obtained cubes and their characteristics as extra information in the SMT definition of the cryptanalysis problem, to evaluate its effectiveness. Our cryptanalysis results in a full key recovery attack by 64 plaintext/ciphertext pairs on 12 rounds of the cipher in just 122.17 seconds. This is the first practical attack so far presented against the reduced-round versions of Simeck32/64. We also conduct the cube attack on the Simeck32/64 to compare with the SMT-based cube attack. The results indicate that the proposed attack is more powerful than the cube attack
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