219 research outputs found

    SpreadMeNot: A Provably Secure and Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing Protocol

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    A plethora of contact tracing apps have been developed and deployed in several countries around the world in the battle against Covid-19. However, people are rightfully concerned about the security and privacy risks of such applications. To this end, the contribution of this work is twofold. First, we present an in-depth analysis of the security and privacy characteristics of the most prominent contact tracing protocols, under both passive and active adversaries. The results of our study indicate that all protocols are vulnerable to a variety of attacks, mainly due to the deterministic nature of the underlying cryptographic protocols. Our second contribution is the design and implementation of SpreadMeNot, a novel contact tracing protocol that can defend against most passive and active attacks, thus providing strong (provable) security and privacy guarantees that are necessary for such a sensitive application. Our detailed analysis, both formal and experimental, shows that SpreadMeNot satisfies security, privacy, and performance requirements, hence being an ideal candidate for building a contact tracing solution that can be adopted by the majority of the general public, as well as to serve as an open-source reference for further developments in the field

    Non-malleable codes for space-bounded tampering

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    Non-malleable codes—introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs at ICS 2010—are key-less coding schemes in which mauling attempts to an encoding of a given message, w.r.t. some class of tampering adversaries, result in a decoded value that is either identical or unrelated to the original message. Such codes are very useful for protecting arbitrary cryptographic primitives against tampering attacks against the memory. Clearly, non-malleability is hopeless if the class of tampering adversaries includes the decoding and encoding algorithm. To circumvent this obstacle, the majority of past research focused on designing non-malleable codes for various tampering classes, albeit assuming that the adversary is unable to decode. Nonetheless, in many concrete settings, this assumption is not realistic

    Privacy-preserving controls for sharing mHealth data

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    Mobile devices allow people to collect and share health and health-related information with recipients such as health providers, family and friends, employers and insurance companies, to obtain health, emotional or financial benefits. People may consider certain health information sensitive and prefer to disclose only what is necessary. In this dissertation, we present our findings about factors that affect people’s sharing behavior, describe scenarios in which people may wish to collect and share their personal health-related information with others, but may be hesitant to disclose the information if necessary controls are not available to protect their privacy, and propose frameworks to provide the desired privacy controls. We introduce the concept of close encounters that allow users to share data with other people who may have been in spatio-temporal proximity. We developed two smartphone-based systems that leverage stationary sensors and beacons to determine whether users are in spatio-temporal proximity. The first system, ENACT, allows patients diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease to alert others retrospectively about their possible exposure to airborne virus. The second system, SPICE, allows users to collect sensor information, retrospectively, from others with whom they shared a close encounter. We present design and implementation of the two systems, analyse their security and privacy guarantees, and evaluate the systems on various performance metrics. Finally, we evaluate how Bluetooth beacons and Wi-Fi access points can be used in support of these systems for close encounters, and present our experiences and findings from a deployment study on Dartmouth campus

    Efficient Message Authentication Codes with Combinatorial Group Testing

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    Message authentication code, MAC for short, is a symmetric-key cryptographic function for authenticity. A standard MAC verification only tells whether the message is valid or invalid, and thus we can not identify which part is corrupted in case of invalid message. In this paper we study a class of MAC functions that enables to identify the part of corruption, which we call group testing MAC (GTM). This can be seen as an application of a classical (non-adaptive) combinatorial group testing to MAC. Although the basic concept of GTM (or its keyless variant) has been proposed in various application areas, such as data forensics and computer virus testing, they rather treat the underlying MAC function as a black box, and exact computation cost for GTM seems to be overlooked. In this paper, we study the computational aspect of GTM, and show that a simple yet non-trivial extension of parallelizable MAC (PMAC) enables O(m+t)O(m+t) computation for mm data items and tt tests, irrespective of the underlying test matrix we use, under a natural security model. This greatly improves efficiency from naively applying a black-box MAC for each test, which requires O(mt)O(mt) time. Based on existing group testing methods, we also present experimental results of our proposal and observe that ours runs as fast as taking single MAC tag, with speed-up from the conventional method by factor around 8 to 15 for m=104m=10^4 to 10510^5 items

    Studying a Virtual Testbed for Unverified Data

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    It is difficult to fully know the effects a piece of software will have on your computer, particularly when the software is distributed by an unknown source. The research in this paper focuses on malware detection, virtualization, and sandbox/honeypot techniques with the goal of improving the security of installing useful, but unverifiable, software. With a combination of these techniques, it should be possible to install software in an environment where it cannot harm a machine, but can be tested to determine its safety. Testing for malware, performance, network connectivity, memory usage, and interoperability can be accomplished without allowing the program to access the base operating system of a machine. After the full effects of the software are understood and it is determined to be safe, it could then be run from, and given access to, the base operating system. This thesis investigates the feasibility of creating a system to verify the security of unknown software while ensuring it will have no negative impact on the host machine

    Image-based malware classification: A space filling curve approach

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    Anti-virus (AV) software is effective at distinguishing between benign and malicious programs yet lack the ability to effectively classify malware into their respective family classes. AV vendors receive considerably large volumes of malicious programs daily and so classification is crucial to quickly identify variants of existing malware that would otherwise have to be manually examined. This paper proposes a novel method of visualizing and classifying malware using Space-Filling Curves (SFC\u27s) in order to improve the limitations of AV tools. The classification models produced were evaluated on previously unseen samples and showed promising results, with precision, recall and accuracy scores of 82%, 80% and 83% respectively. Furthermore, a comparative assessment with previous research and current AV technologies revealed that the method presented her was robust, outperforming most commercial and open-source AV scanner software programs

    Statistical Review of Health Monitoring Models for Real-Time Hospital Scenarios

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    Health Monitoring System Models (HMSMs) need speed, efficiency, and security to work. Cascading components ensure data collection, storage, communication, retrieval, and privacy in these models. Researchers propose many methods to design such models, varying in scalability, multidomain efficiency, flexibility, usage and deployment, computational complexity, cost of deployment, security level, feature usability, and other performance metrics. Thus, HMSM designers struggle to find the best models for their application-specific deployments. They must test and validate different models, which increases design time and cost, affecting deployment feasibility. This article discusses secure HMSMs' application-specific advantages, feature-specific limitations, context-specific nuances, and deployment-specific future research scopes to reduce model selection ambiguity. The models based on the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning Models (MLMs), Blockchain Models, Hashing Methods, Encryption Methods, Distributed Computing Configurations, and Bioinspired Models have better Quality of Service (QoS) and security than their counterparts. Researchers can find application-specific models. This article compares the above models in deployment cost, attack mitigation performance, scalability, computational complexity, and monitoring applicability. This comparative analysis helps readers choose HMSMs for context-specific application deployments. This article also devises performance measuring metrics called Health Monitoring Model Metrics (HM3) to compare the performance of various models based on accuracy, precision, delay, scalability, computational complexity, energy consumption, and security

    Simple and secured access to networked home appliances via internet using SSL, BioHashing and single Authentication Server

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    This thesis describes a web-based application that will enable users to access their networked home appliances over the Internet in an easy, secured, accessible and cost effective manner, using the user's iris image only for authentication. As Internet is increasingly gaining significance and popularity in our daily lives, various home networking technologies also started gaining importance from consumers, which helped in facilitating interoperability, sharing of services and exchange of information between different electronic devices at home. As a result, the demand to be able to access home appliances or security cameras over the Internet gradually grew. In this research, we propose an efficient, secured, low-cost and user-friendly method to access networked home appliances over the Internet, providing strong, well integrated, three levels of security to the whole application and user data. According to our design, the user's iris data after hashing (using BioHashing) is sent through a secure communication channel utilizing Secure Sockets Layer v-3.0. The deterministic feature sequence from the iris image is extracted using 1D log-Gabor filters and while performing BioHashing, the orthonormalization of the pseudorandom number is implemented employing Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization algorithm. In addition to this protected data transfer mechanism, we propose the design of an Authentication Server that can be shared among multiple homes, allowing numerous users to access their home appliances in a trouble-free and secured manner. It can also bring down the cost of commercial realization of this endeavor and increase its accessibility without compromising on system security. We demonstrate that the recognition efficiency of this system is computationally effective with equal error rate (EER) of 0% and 6.75% (average) in two separate conditions on CASIA 1 and CASIA 2 iris image datasets

    Privacy-Preserving Epidemiological Modeling on Mobile Graphs

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    Since 2020, governments all over the world have used a variety of containment measures to control the spread of COVID-19, such as contact tracing, social distance regulations, and curfews. Epidemiological simulations are commonly used to assess the impact of those policies before they are implemented. Unfortunately, their predictive accuracy is hampered by the scarcity of relevant empirical data, specifically detailed social contact graphs. As this data is inherently privacy-critical, there is an urgent need for a method to perform powerful epidemiological simulations on real-world contact graphs without disclosing sensitive~information. In this work, we present RIPPLE, a privacy-preserving epidemiological modeling framework that enables the execution of standard epidemiological models for infectious disease on a population\u27s most recent real contact graph while keeping all contact information privately and locally on the participants\u27 devices. As underlying building block, we present PIR-SUM, a novel extension to private information retrieval that allows users to securely download the sum of a set of elements from a database rather than individual elements. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation of our protocols demonstrating that a 2-week simulation over a population of half a million can be finished in 7 minutes, with each participant communicating less than 50 KB of data