7 research outputs found

    Analysis of two pairing-based three-party password authenticated key exchange protocols

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    Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols allow parties to share secret keys in an authentic manner based on an easily memorizable password. Recently, Nam et al. showed that a provably secure three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol using Weil pairing by Wen et al. is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. In doing so, Nam et al. showed the flaws in the proof of Wen et al. and described how to fix the problem so that their attack no longer works. In this paper, we show that both Wen et al. and Nam et al. variants fall to key compromise impersonation by any adversary. Our results underline the fact that although the provable security approach is necessary to designing PAKEs, gaps still exist between what can be proven and what are really secure in practice

    Security of two recent constant-round password authenticated group key exchange schemes

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    When humans interact with machines in their daily networks, it is important that security of the communications is offered, and where the involved shared secrets used to achieve this are easily remembered by humans. Password-based authenticated group key exchange (PAGKE) schemes allow group users to share a session key based on a human-memorizable password. In this paper, we consider two PAGKE schemes that build on the seminal scheme of Burmester and Desmedt. Weshow an undetectable online dictionary attack on the first scheme, and exploit the partnering definition to break the key indistinguishability of the second scheme

    Analysis of Two Pairing-Based Three-Party Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols

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    Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols allow parties to share secret keys in an authentic manner based on an easily memorizable password. Recently, Nam et al. showed that a provably secure three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol using Weil pairing by Wen et al. is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. In doing so, Nam et al. showed the flaws in the proof of Wen et al. and described how to fix the problem so that their attack no longer works. In this paper, we show that both Wen et al. and Nam et al. variants fall to key compromise impersonation by any adversary. Our results underline the fact that although the provable security approach is necessary to designing PAKEs, gaps still exist between what can be proven and what are really secure in practice

    Security of Group Key Exchange Protocols with Different Passwords

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    Password-based authenticated group key exchange protocols allow group users to jointly share a session key based on a human-memorizable password. In this paper, we present an undetectable online dictionary attack on N-EKE-D, a recent provably secure protocol designed to explicitly resist this type of attack. Thus, our result contradicts the design goal. We also give a simple attack on the key indistinguishability of N-EKE-D and two N-EKE-M variants that exploits the definition of partnering in their security model

    (In)Security of an Efficient Fingerprinting Scheme with Symmetric and Commutative Encryption of IWDW 2005

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    We analyze the security of a fingerprinting scheme proposed at IWDW 2005. We show two results, namely that this scheme (1) does riot provide seller security: a dishonest buyer can repudiate the fact that, he redistributed a content, and (2) does riot, provide buyer security: a buyer can be framed by a malicious seller

    A New Security Model for Cross-Realm C2C-PAKE Protocol

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    Cross realm client-to-client password authenticated key exchange (C2C-PAKE) schemes are designed to enable two clients in different realms to agree on a common session key using different passwords. In 2006, Yin-Bao presented the first provably secure cross-realm C2C-PAKE, which security is proven rigorously within a formally defined security model and based on the hardness of some computationally intractable assumptions. However, soon after, Phan et al. pointed out that the Yin-Bao scheme was flawed. In this paper, we first analyze the necessary security attributes in the cross-realm C2C-PAKE scenario, and then a new security model for cross-realm C2C-PAKE is given. Analogous to the general construction of 3PAKE protocol for single server C2C-PAKE setting, we give a general construction of cross-realm C2C-PAKE protocol, which security is proved in the new security model