4 research outputs found

    Uncovering Download Fraud Activities in Mobile App Markets

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    Download fraud is a prevalent threat in mobile App markets, where fraudsters manipulate the number of downloads of Apps via various cheating approaches. Purchased fake downloads can mislead recommendation and search algorithms and further lead to bad user experience in App markets. In this paper, we investigate download fraud problem based on a company's App Market, which is one of the most popular Android App markets. We release a honeypot App on the App Market and purchase fake downloads from fraudster agents to track fraud activities in the wild. Based on our interaction with the fraudsters, we categorize download fraud activities into three types according to their intentions: boosting front end downloads, optimizing App search ranking, and enhancing user acquisition&retention rate. For the download fraud aimed at optimizing App search ranking, we select, evaluate, and validate several features in identifying fake downloads based on billions of download data. To get a comprehensive understanding of download fraud, we further gather stances of App marketers, fraudster agencies, and market operators on download fraud. The followed analysis and suggestions shed light on the ways to mitigate download fraud in App markets and other social platforms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigates the download fraud problem in mobile App markets.Comment: Published as a conference paper in IEEE/ACM ASONAM 201

    Review Manipulation: Literature Review, and Future Research Agenda

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    Background: The phenomenon of review manipulation and fake reviews has gained Information Systems (IS) scholars’ attention during recent years. Scholarly research in this domain has delved into the causes and consequences of review manipulation. However, we find that the findings are diverse, and the studies do not portray a systematic approach. This study synthesizes the findings from a multidisciplinary perspective and presents an integrated framework to understand the mechanism of review manipulation. Method: The study reviews 88 relevant articles on review manipulation spanning a decade and a half. We adopted an iterative coding approach to synthesizing the literature on concepts and categorized them independently into potential themes. Results: We present an integrated framework that shows the linkages between the different themes, namely, the prevalence of manipulation, impact of manipulation, conditions and choice for manipulation decision, characteristics of fake reviews, models for detecting spam reviews, and strategies to deal with manipulation. We also present the characteristics of review manipulation and cover both operational and conceptual issues associated with the research on this topic. Conclusions: Insights from the study will guide future research on review manipulation and fake reviews. The study presents a holistic view of the phenomenon of review manipulation. It informs various online platforms to address fake reviews towards building a healthy and sustainable environment

    Crowd and AI Powered Manipulation: Characterization and Detection

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    User reviews are ubiquitous. They power online review aggregators that influence our daily-based decisions, from what products to purchase (e.g., Amazon), movies to view (e.g., Netflix, HBO, Hulu), restaurants to patronize (e.g., Yelp), and hotels to book (e.g., TripAdvisor, Airbnb). In addition, policy makers rely on online commenting platforms like Regulations.gov and FCC.gov as a means for citizens to voice their opinions about public policy issues. However, showcasing the opinions of fellow users has a dark side as these reviews and comments are vulnerable to manipulation. And as advances in AI continue, fake reviews generated by AI agents rather than users pose even more scalable and dangerous manipulation attacks. These attacks on online discourse can sway ratings of products, manipulate opinions and perceived support of key issues, and degrade our trust in online platforms. Previous efforts have mainly focused on highly visible anomaly behaviors captured by statistical modeling or clustering algorithms. While detection of such anomalous behaviors helps to improve the reliability of online interactions, it misses subtle and difficult-to-detect behaviors. This research investigates two major research thrusts centered around manipulation strategies. In the first thrust, we study crowd-based manipulation strategies wherein crowds of paid workers organize to spread fake reviews. In the second thrust, we explore AI-based manipulation strategies, where crowd workers are replaced by scalable, and potentially undetectable generative models of fake reviews. In particular, one of the key aspects of this work is to address the research gap in previous efforts for anomaly detection where ground truth data is missing (and hence, evaluation can be challenging). In addition, this work studies the capabilities and impact of model-based attacks as the next generation of online threats. We propose inter-related methods for collecting evidence of these attacks, and create new countermeasures for defending against them. The performance of proposed methods are compared against other state-of-the-art approaches in the literature. We find that although crowd campaigns do not show obvious anomaly behavior, they can be detected given a careful formulation of their behaviors. And, although model-generated fake reviews may appear on the surface to be legitimate, we find that they do not completely mimic the underlying distribution of human-written reviews, so we can leverage this signal to detect them

    Software Engineering in the Age of App Stores: Feature-Based Analyses to Guide Mobile Software Engineers

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    Mobile app stores are becoming the dominating distribution platform of mobile applications. Due to their rapid growth, their impact on software engineering practices is not yet well understood. There has been no comprehensive study that explores the mobile app store ecosystem's effect on software engineering practices. Therefore, this thesis, as its first contribution, empirically studies the app store as a phenomenon from the developers' perspective to investigate the extent to which app stores affect software engineering tasks. The study highlights the importance of a mobile application's features as a deliverable unit from developers to users. The study uncovers the involvement of app stores in eliciting requirements, perfective maintenance and domain analysis in the form of discoverable features written in text form in descriptions and user reviews. Developers discover possible features to include by searching the app store. Developers, through interviews, revealed the cost of such tasks given a highly prolific user base, which major app stores exhibit. Therefore, the thesis, in its second contribution, uses techniques to extract features from unstructured natural language artefacts. This is motivated by the indication that developers monitor similar applications, in terms of provided features, to understand user expectations in a certain application domain. This thesis then devises a semantic-aware technique of mobile application representation using textual functionality descriptions. This representation is then shown to successfully cluster mobile applications to uncover a finer-grained and functionality-based grouping of mobile apps. The thesis, furthermore, provides a comparison of baseline techniques of feature extraction from textual artefacts based on three main criteria: silhouette width measure, human judgement and execution time. Finally, this thesis, in its final contribution shows that features do indeed migrate in the app store beyond category boundaries and discovers a set of migratory characteristics and their relationship to price, rating and popularity in the app stores studied