4 research outputs found

    Crowd Transformer Network

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    In this paper, we tackle the problem of Crowd Counting, and present a crowd density estimation based approach for obtaining the crowd count. Most of the existing crowd counting approaches rely on local features for estimating the crowd density map. In this work, we investigate the usefulness of combining local with non-local features for crowd counting. We use convolution layers for extracting local features, and a type of self-attention mechanism for extracting non-local features. We combine the local and the non-local features, and use it for estimating crowd density map. We conduct experiments on three publicly available Crowd Counting datasets, and achieve significant improvement over the previous approaches

    Uncertainty Estimation and Sample Selection for Crowd Counting

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    We present a method for image-based crowd counting, one that can predict a crowd density map together with the uncertainty values pertaining to the predicted density map. To obtain prediction uncertainty, we model the crowd density values using Gaussian distributions and develop a convolutional neural network architecture to predict these distributions. A key advantage of our method over existing crowd counting methods is its ability to quantify the uncertainty of its predictions. We illustrate the benefits of knowing the prediction uncertainty by developing a method to reduce the human annotation effort needed to adapt counting networks to a new domain. We present sample selection strategies which make use of the density and uncertainty of predictions from the networks trained on one domain to select the informative images from a target domain of interest to acquire human annotation. We show that our sample selection strategy drastically reduces the amount of labeled data from the target domain needed to adapt a counting network trained on a source domain to the target domain. Empirically, the networks trained on UCF-QNRF dataset can be adapted to surpass the performance of the previous state-of-the-art results on NWPU dataset and Shanghaitech dataset using only 17%\% of the labeled training samples from the target domain.Comment: ACCV 202

    Monitoring Social-distance in Wide Areas during Pandemics: a Density Map and Segmentation Approach

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    With the relaxation of the containment measurements around the globe, monitoring the social distancing in crowded public places is of grate importance to prevent a new massive wave of COVID-19 infections. Recent works in that matter have limited themselves by detecting social distancing in corridors up to small crowds by detecting each person individually considering the full body in the image. In this work, we propose a new framework for monitoring the social-distance using end-to-end Deep Learning, to detect crowds violating the social-distance in wide areas where important occlusions may be present. Our framework consists in the creation of a new ground truth based on the ground truth density maps and the proposal of two different solutions, a density-map-based and a segmentation-based, to detect the crowds violating the social-distance constrain. We assess the results of both approaches by using the generated ground truth from the PET2009 and CityStreet datasets. We show that our framework performs well at providing the zones where people are not following the social-distance even when heavily occluded or far away from one camera.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/TwzBMKg7h_

    Attention, please! A survey of Neural Attention Models in Deep Learning

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    In humans, Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given our limited ability to process competing sources, attention mechanisms select, modulate, and focus on the information most relevant to behavior. For decades, concepts and functions of attention have been studied in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and computing. For the last six years, this property has been widely explored in deep neural networks. Currently, the state-of-the-art in Deep Learning is represented by neural attention models in several application domains. This survey provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of developments in neural attention models. We systematically reviewed hundreds of architectures in the area, identifying and discussing those in which attention has shown a significant impact. We also developed and made public an automated methodology to facilitate the development of reviews in the area. By critically analyzing 650 works, we describe the primary uses of attention in convolutional, recurrent networks and generative models, identifying common subgroups of uses and applications. Furthermore, we describe the impact of attention in different application domains and their impact on neural networks' interpretability. Finally, we list possible trends and opportunities for further research, hoping that this review will provide a succinct overview of the main attentional models in the area and guide researchers in developing future approaches that will drive further improvements.Comment: 66 pages, 24 figure