2,105 research outputs found

    Fine-grained Apparel Classification and Retrieval without rich annotations

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    The ability to correctly classify and retrieve apparel images has a variety of applications important to e-commerce, online advertising and internet search. In this work, we propose a robust framework for fine-grained apparel classification, in-shop and cross-domain retrieval which eliminates the requirement of rich annotations like bounding boxes and human-joints or clothing landmarks, and training of bounding box/ key-landmark detector for the same. Factors such as subtle appearance differences, variations in human poses, different shooting angles, apparel deformations, and self-occlusion add to the challenges in classification and retrieval of apparel items. Cross-domain retrieval is even harder due to the presence of large variation between online shopping images, usually taken in ideal lighting, pose, positive angle and clean background as compared with street photos captured by users in complicated conditions with poor lighting and cluttered scenes. Our framework uses compact bilinear CNN with tensor sketch algorithm to generate embeddings that capture local pairwise feature interactions in a translationally invariant manner. For apparel classification, we pass the feature embeddings through a softmax classifier, while, the in-shop and cross-domain retrieval pipelines use a triplet-loss based optimization approach, such that squared Euclidean distance between embeddings measures the dissimilarity between the images. Unlike previous works that relied on bounding box, key clothing landmarks or human joint detectors to assist the final deep classifier, proposed framework can be trained directly on the provided category labels or generated triplets for triplet loss optimization. Lastly, Experimental results on the DeepFashion fine-grained categorization, and in-shop and consumer-to-shop retrieval datasets provide a comparative analysis with previous work performed in the domain.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, Submitted to Springer Journal of Applied Intelligenc

    A Deep-Learning-Based Fashion Attributes Detection Model

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    Analyzing fashion attributes is essential in the fashion design process. Current fashion forecasting firms, such as WGSN utilizes information from all around the world (from fashion shows, visual merchandising, blogs, etc). They gather information by experience, by observation, by media scan, by interviews, and by exposed to new things. Such information analyzing process is called abstracting, which recognize similarities or differences across all the garments and collections. In fact, such abstraction ability is useful in many fashion careers with different purposes. Fashion forecasters abstract across design collections and across time to identify fashion change and directions; designers, product developers and buyers abstract across a group of garments and collections to develop a cohesive and visually appeal lines; sales and marketing executives abstract across product line each season to recognize selling points; fashion journalist and bloggers abstract across runway photos to recognize symbolic core concepts that can be translated into editorial features. Fashion attributes analysis for such fashion insiders requires much detailed and in-depth attributes annotation than that for consumers, and requires inference on multiple domains. In this project, we propose a data-driven approach for recognizing fashion attributes. Specifically, a modified version of Faster R-CNN model is trained on images from a large-scale localization dataset with 594 fine-grained attributes under different scenarios, for example in online stores and street snapshots. This model will then be used to detect garment items and classify clothing attributes for runway photos and fashion illustrations

    Looking at Outfit to Parse Clothing

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    This paper extends fully-convolutional neural networks (FCN) for the clothing parsing problem. Clothing parsing requires higher-level knowledge on clothing semantics and contextual cues to disambiguate fine-grained categories. We extend FCN architecture with a side-branch network which we refer outfit encoder to predict a consistent set of clothing labels to encourage combinatorial preference, and with conditional random field (CRF) to explicitly consider coherent label assignment to the given image. The empirical results using Fashionista and CFPD datasets show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in clothing parsing, without additional supervision during training. We also study the qualitative influence of annotation on the current clothing parsing benchmarks, with our Web-based tool for multi-scale pixel-wise annotation and manual refinement effort to the Fashionista dataset. Finally, we show that the image representation of the outfit encoder is useful for dress-up image retrieval application

    Learning the Latent "Look": Unsupervised Discovery of a Style-Coherent Embedding from Fashion Images

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    What defines a visual style? Fashion styles emerge organically from how people assemble outfits of clothing, making them difficult to pin down with a computational model. Low-level visual similarity can be too specific to detect stylistically similar images, while manually crafted style categories can be too abstract to capture subtle style differences. We propose an unsupervised approach to learn a style-coherent representation. Our method leverages probabilistic polylingual topic models based on visual attributes to discover a set of latent style factors. Given a collection of unlabeled fashion images, our approach mines for the latent styles, then summarizes outfits by how they mix those styles. Our approach can organize galleries of outfits by style without requiring any style labels. Experiments on over 100K images demonstrate its promise for retrieving, mixing, and summarizing fashion images by their style

    Complete the Look: Scene-based Complementary Product Recommendation

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    Modeling fashion compatibility is challenging due to its complexity and subjectivity. Existing work focuses on predicting compatibility between product images (e.g. an image containing a t-shirt and an image containing a pair of jeans). However, these approaches ignore real-world 'scene' images (e.g. selfies); such images are hard to deal with due to their complexity, clutter, variations in lighting and pose (etc.) but on the other hand could potentially provide key context (e.g. the user's body type, or the season) for making more accurate recommendations. In this work, we propose a new task called 'Complete the Look', which seeks to recommend visually compatible products based on scene images. We design an approach to extract training data for this task, and propose a novel way to learn the scene-product compatibility from fashion or interior design images. Our approach measures compatibility both globally and locally via CNNs and attention mechanisms. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves significant performance gains over alternative systems. Human evaluation and qualitative analysis are also conducted to further understand model behavior. We hope this work could lead to useful applications which link large corpora of real-world scenes with shoppable products.Comment: Accepted to CVPR'1

    Snap and Find: Deep Discrete Cross-domain Garment Image Retrieval

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    With the increasing number of online stores, there is a pressing need for intelligent search systems to understand the item photos snapped by customers and search against large-scale product databases to find their desired items. However, it is challenging for conventional retrieval systems to match up the item photos captured by customers and the ones officially released by stores, especially for garment images. To bridge the customer- and store- provided garment photos, existing studies have been widely exploiting the clothing attributes (\textit{e.g.,} black) and landmarks (\textit{e.g.,} collar) to learn a common embedding space for garment representations. Unfortunately they omit the sequential correlation of attributes and consume large quantity of human labors to label the landmarks. In this paper, we propose a deep multi-task cross-domain hashing termed \textit{DMCH}, in which cross-domain embedding and sequential attribute learning are modeled simultaneously. Sequential attribute learning not only provides the semantic guidance for embedding, but also generates rich attention on discriminative local details (\textit{e.g.,} black buttons) of clothing items without requiring extra landmark labels. This leads to promising performance and 306×\times boost on efficiency when compared with the state-of-the-art models, which is demonstrated through rigorous experiments on two public fashion datasets

    Studio2Shop: from studio photo shoots to fashion articles

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    Fashion is an increasingly important topic in computer vision, in particular the so-called street-to-shop task of matching street images with shop images containing similar fashion items. Solving this problem promises new means of making fashion searchable and helping shoppers find the articles they are looking for. This paper focuses on finding pieces of clothing worn by a person in full-body or half-body images with neutral backgrounds. Such images are ubiquitous on the web and in fashion blogs, and are typically studio photos, we refer to this setting as studio-to-shop. Recent advances in computational fashion include the development of domain-specific numerical representations. Our model Studio2Shop builds on top of such representations and uses a deep convolutional network trained to match a query image to the numerical feature vectors of all the articles annotated in this image. Top-kk retrieval evaluation on test query images shows that the correct items are most often found within a range that is sufficiently small for building realistic visual search engines for the studio-to-shop setting.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures (Figure 1 has 5 subfigures, Figure 2 has 3 subfigures), 7 table

    Fashion-Gen: The Generative Fashion Dataset and Challenge

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    We introduce a new dataset of 293,008 high definition (1360 x 1360 pixels) fashion images paired with item descriptions provided by professional stylists. Each item is photographed from a variety of angles. We provide baseline results on 1) high-resolution image generation, and 2) image generation conditioned on the given text descriptions. We invite the community to improve upon these baselines. In this paper, we also outline the details of a challenge that we are launching based upon this dataset

    Query-free Clothing Retrieval via Implicit Relevance Feedback

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    Image-based clothing retrieval is receiving increasing interest with the growth of online shopping. In practice, users may often have a desired piece of clothing in mind (e.g., either having seen it before on the street or requiring certain specific clothing attributes) but may be unable to supply an image as a query. We model this problem as a new type of image retrieval task in which the target image resides only in the user's mind (called "mental image retrieval" hereafter). Because of the absence of an explicit query image, we propose to solve this problem through relevance feedback. Specifically, a new Bayesian formulation is proposed that simultaneously models the retrieval target and its high-level representation in the mind of the user (called the "user metric" hereafter) as posterior distributions of pre-fetched shop images and heterogeneous features extracted from multiple clothing attributes, respectively. Requiring only clicks as user feedback, the proposed algorithm is able to account for the variability in human decision-making. Experiments with real users demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, under review at IEEE Transactions on Multimedi

    VersatileGait: A Large-Scale Synthetic Gait Dataset with Fine-GrainedAttributes and Complicated Scenarios

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    With the motivation of practical gait recognition applications, we propose to automatically create a large-scale synthetic gait dataset (called VersatileGait) by a game engine, which consists of around one million silhouette sequences of 11,000 subjects with fine-grained attributes in various complicated scenarios. Compared with existing real gait datasets with limited samples and simple scenarios, the proposed VersatileGait dataset possesses several nice properties, including huge dataset size, high sample diversity, high-quality annotations, multi-pitch angles, small domain gap with the real one, etc. Furthermore, we investigate the effectiveness of our dataset (e.g., domain transfer after pretraining). Then, we use the fine-grained attributes from VersatileGait to promote gait recognition in both accuracy and speed, and meanwhile justify the gait recognition performance under multi-pitch angle settings. Additionally, we explore a variety of potential applications for research.Extensive experiments demonstrate the value and effective-ness of the proposed VersatileGait in gait recognition along with its associated applications. We will release both VersatileGait and its corresponding data generation toolkit for further studies
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