29,465 research outputs found

    Prosodic Event Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks with Context Information

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    This paper demonstrates the potential of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for detecting and classifying prosodic events on words, specifically pitch accents and phrase boundary tones, from frame-based acoustic features. Typical approaches use not only feature representations of the word in question but also its surrounding context. We show that adding position features indicating the current word benefits the CNN. In addition, this paper discusses the generalization from a speaker-dependent modelling approach to a speaker-independent setup. The proposed method is simple and efficient and yields strong results not only in speaker-dependent but also speaker-independent cases.Comment: Interspeech 2017 4 pages, 1 figur

    Exploiting Contextual Information for Prosodic Event Detection Using Auto-Context

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    Prosody and prosodic boundaries carry significant information regarding linguistics and paralinguistics and are important aspects of speech. In the field of prosodic event detection, many local acoustic features have been investigated; however, contextual information has not yet been thoroughly exploited. The most difficult aspect of this lies in learning the long-distance contextual dependencies effectively and efficiently. To address this problem, we introduce the use of an algorithm called auto-context. In this algorithm, a classifier is first trained based on a set of local acoustic features, after which the generated probabilities are used along with the local features as contextual information to train new classifiers. By iteratively using updated probabilities as the contextual information, the algorithm can accurately model contextual dependencies and improve classification ability. The advantages of this method include its flexible structure and the ability of capturing contextual relationships. When using the auto-context algorithm based on support vector machine, we can improve the detection accuracy by about 3% and F-score by more than 7% on both two-way and four-way pitch accent detections in combination with the acoustic context. For boundary detection, the accuracy improvement is about 1% and the F-score improvement reaches 12%. The new algorithm outperforms conditional random fields, especially on boundary detection in terms of F-score. It also outperforms an n-gram language model on the task of pitch accent detection

    Using foreign inclusion detection to improve parsing performance

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    Inclusions from other languages can be a significant source of errors for monolin-gual parsers. We show this for English in-clusions, which are sufficiently frequent to present a problem when parsing German. We describe an annotation-free approach for accurately detecting such inclusions, and de-velop two methods for interfacing this ap-proach with a state-of-the-art parser for Ger-man. An evaluation on the TIGER cor-pus shows that our inclusion entity model achieves a performance gain of 4.3 points in F-score over a baseline of no inclusion de-tection, and even outperforms a parser with access to gold standard part-of-speech tags.

    Automatic Segmentation of Multiparty Dialogue

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of automatically predicting segment boundaries in spoken multiparty dialogue. We extend prior work in two ways. We first apply approaches that have been proposed for predicting top-level topic shifts to the problem of identifying subtopic boundaries. We then explore the impact on performance of using ASR output as opposed to human transcription. Examination of the effect of features shows that predicting top-level and predicting subtopic boundaries are two distinct tasks: (1) for predicting subtopic boundaries, the lexical cohesion-based approach alone can achieve competitive results, (2) for predicting top-level boundaries, the machine learning approach that combines lexical-cohesion and conversational features performs best, and (3) conversational cues, such as cue phrases and overlapping speech, are better indicators for the top-level prediction task. We also find that the transcription errors inevitable in ASR output have a negative impact on models that combine lexical-cohesion and conversational features, but do not change the general preference of approach for the two tasks

    Detecting word substitutions in text

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    Searching for words on a watchlist is one way in which large-scale surveillance of communication can be done, for example in intelligence and counterterrorism settings. One obvious defense is to replace words that might attract attention to a message with other, more innocuous, words. For example, the sentence the attack will be tomorrow" might be altered to the complex will be tomorrow", since 'complex' is a word whose frequency is close to that of 'attack'. Such substitutions are readily detectable by humans since they do not make sense. We address the problem of detecting such substitutions automatically, by looking for discrepancies between words and their contexts, and using only syntactic information. We define a set of measures, each of which is quite weak, but which together produce per-sentence detection rates around 90% with false positive rates around 10%. Rules for combining persentence detection into per-message detection can reduce the false positive and false negative rates for messages to practical levels. We test the approach using sentences from the Enron email and Brown corpora, representing informal and formal text respectively