5 research outputs found

    Cross-Modulation Networks for Few-Shot Learning

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    A family of recent successful approaches to few-shot learning relies on learning an embedding space in which predictions are made by computing similarities between examples. This corresponds to combining information between support and query examples at a very late stage of the prediction pipeline. Inspired by this observation, we hypothesize that there may be benefits to combining the information at various levels of abstraction along the pipeline. We present an architecture called Cross-Modulation Networks which allows support and query examples to interact throughout the feature extraction process via a feature-wise modulation mechanism. We adapt the Matching Networks architecture to take advantage of these interactions and show encouraging initial results on miniImageNet in the 5-way, 1-shot setting, where we close the gap with state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted at NIPS 2018 Workshop on Meta-Learning. Source code available at https://github.com/hprop/cross-modulation-net

    A Multi-task Learning Framework for Grasping-Position Detection and Few-Shot Classification

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    It is a big problem that a model of deep learning for a picking robot needs many labeled images. Operating costs of retraining a model becomes very expensive because the object shape of a product or a part often is changed in a factory. It is important to reduce the amount of labeled images required to train a model for a picking robot. In this study, we propose a multi-task learning framework for few-shot classification using feature vectors from an intermediate layer of a model that detects grasping positions. In the field of manufacturing, multitask for shape classification and grasping-position detection is often required for picking robots. Prior multi-task learning studies include methods to learn one task with feature vectors from a deep neural network (DNN) learned for another task. However, the DNN that was used to detect grasping positions has two problems with respect to extracting feature vectors from a layer for shape classification: (1) Because each layer of the grasping position detection DNN is activated by all objects in the input image, it is necessary to refine the features for each grasping position. (2) It is necessary to select a layer to extract the features suitable for shape classification. To tackle these issues, we propose a method to refine the features for each grasping position and to select features from the optimal layer of the DNN. We then evaluated the shape classification accuracy using these features from the grasping positions. Our results confirm that our proposed framework can classify object shapes even when the input image includes multiple objects and the number of images available for training is small.Comment: 7 page

    Attentive Feature Reuse for Multi Task Meta learning

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    We develop new algorithms for simultaneous learning of multiple tasks (e.g., image classification, depth estimation), and for adapting to unseen task/domain distributions within those high-level tasks (e.g., different environments). First, we learn common representations underlying all tasks. We then propose an attention mechanism to dynamically specialize the network, at runtime, for each task. Our approach is based on weighting each feature map of the backbone network, based on its relevance to a particular task. To achieve this, we enable the attention module to learn task representations during training, which are used to obtain attention weights. Our method improves performance on new, previously unseen environments, and is 1.5x faster than standard existing meta learning methods using similar architectures. We highlight performance improvements for Multi-Task Meta Learning of 4 tasks (image classification, depth, vanishing point, and surface normal estimation), each over 10 to 25 test domains/environments, a result that could not be achieved with standard meta learning techniques like MAML

    Deep Object Co-segmentation via Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation

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    Object co-segmentation is to segment the shared objects in multiple relevant images, which has numerous applications in computer vision. This paper presents a spatial and semantic modulated deep network framework for object co-segmentation. A backbone network is adopted to extract multi-resolution image features. With the multi-resolution features of the relevant images as input, we design a spatial modulator to learn a mask for each image. The spatial modulator captures the correlations of image feature descriptors via unsupervised learning. The learned mask can roughly localize the shared foreground object while suppressing the background. For the semantic modulator, we model it as a supervised image classification task. We propose a hierarchical second-order pooling module to transform the image features for classification use. The outputs of the two modulators manipulate the multi-resolution features by a shift-and-scale operation so that the features focus on segmenting co-object regions. The proposed model is trained end-to-end without any intricate post-processing. Extensive experiments on four image co-segmentation benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior accuracy of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Domain Conditional Predictors for Domain Adaptation

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    Learning guarantees often rely on assumptions of i.i.d. data, which will likely be violated in practice once predictors are deployed to perform real-world tasks. Domain adaptation approaches thus appeared as a useful framework yielding extra flexibility in that distinct train and test data distributions are supported, provided that other assumptions are satisfied such as covariate shift, which expects the conditional distributions over labels to be independent of the underlying data distribution. Several approaches were introduced in order to induce generalization across varying train and test data sources, and those often rely on the general idea of domain-invariance, in such a way that the data-generating distributions are to be disregarded by the prediction model. In this contribution, we tackle the problem of generalizing across data sources by approaching it from the opposite direction: we consider a conditional modeling approach in which predictions, in addition to being dependent on the input data, use information relative to the underlying data-generating distribution. For instance, the model has an explicit mechanism to adapt to changing environments and/or new data sources. We argue that such an approach is more generally applicable than current domain adaptation methods since it does not require extra assumptions such as covariate shift and further yields simpler training algorithms that avoid a common source of training instabilities caused by minimax formulations, often employed in domain-invariant methods.Comment: Part of the pre-registration workshop at NeurIPS 2020: https://preregister.science