2,175 research outputs found

    Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tactile Representations

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    The ability to associate touch with other modalities has huge implications for humans and computational systems. However, multimodal learning with touch remains challenging due to the expensive data collection process and non-standardized sensor outputs. We introduce UniTouch, a unified tactile model for vision-based touch sensors connected to multiple modalities, including vision, language, and sound. We achieve this by aligning our UniTouch embeddings to pretrained image embeddings already associated with a variety of other modalities. We further propose learnable sensor-specific tokens, allowing the model to learn from a set of heterogeneous tactile sensors, all at the same time. UniTouch is capable of conducting various touch sensing tasks in the zero-shot setting, from robot grasping prediction to touch image question answering. To the best of our knowledge, UniTouch is the first to demonstrate such capabilities. Project page: https://cfeng16.github.io/UniTouch

    A Touch, Vision, and Language Dataset for Multimodal Alignment

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    Touch is an important sensing modality for humans, but it has not yet been incorporated into a multimodal generative language model. This is partially due to the difficulty of obtaining natural language labels for tactile data and the complexity of aligning tactile readings with both visual observations and language descriptions. As a step towards bridging that gap, this work introduces a new dataset of 44K in-the-wild vision-touch pairs, with English language labels annotated by humans (10%) and textual pseudo-labels from GPT-4V (90%). We use this dataset to train a vision-language-aligned tactile encoder for open-vocabulary classification and a touch-vision-language (TVL) model for text generation using the trained encoder. Results suggest that by incorporating touch, the TVL model improves (+29% classification accuracy) touch-vision-language alignment over existing models trained on any pair of those modalities. Although only a small fraction of the dataset is human-labeled, the TVL model demonstrates improved visual-tactile understanding over GPT-4V (+12%) and open-source vision-language models (+32%) on a new touch-vision understanding benchmark. Code and data: https://tactile-vlm.github.io

    MOSAIC: Learning Unified Multi-Sensory Object Property Representations for Robot Learning via Interactive Perception

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    A holistic understanding of object properties across diverse sensory modalities (e.g., visual, audio, and haptic) is essential for tasks ranging from object categorization to complex manipulation. Drawing inspiration from cognitive science studies that emphasize the significance of multi-sensory integration in human perception, we introduce MOSAIC (Multimodal Object property learning with Self-Attention and Interactive Comprehension), a novel framework designed to facilitate the learning of unified multi-sensory object property representations. While it is undeniable that visual information plays a prominent role, we acknowledge that many fundamental object properties extend beyond the visual domain to encompass attributes like texture, mass distribution, or sounds, which significantly influence how we interact with objects. In MOSAIC, we leverage this profound insight by distilling knowledge from multimodal foundation models and aligning these representations not only across vision but also haptic and auditory sensory modalities. Through extensive experiments on a dataset where a humanoid robot interacts with 100 objects across 10 exploratory behaviors, we demonstrate the versatility of MOSAIC in two task families: object categorization and object-fetching tasks. Our results underscore the efficacy of MOSAIC's unified representations, showing competitive performance in category recognition through a simple linear probe setup and excelling in the fetch object task under zero-shot transfer conditions. This work pioneers the application of sensory grounding in foundation models for robotics, promising a significant leap in multi-sensory perception capabilities for autonomous systems. We have released the code, datasets, and additional results: https://github.com/gtatiya/MOSAIC.Comment: Accepted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 13 to 17, 2024; Yokohama, Japa

    Multimodality Helps Unimodality: Cross-Modal Few-Shot Learning with Multimodal Models

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    The ability to quickly learn a new task with minimal instruction - known as few-shot learning - is a central aspect of intelligent agents. Classical few-shot benchmarks make use of few-shot samples from a single modality, but such samples may not be sufficient to characterize an entire concept class. In contrast, humans use cross-modal information to learn new concepts efficiently. In this work, we demonstrate that one can indeed build a better visual{\bf visual} dog classifier by read{\bf read}ing about dogs and listen{\bf listen}ing to them bark. To do so, we exploit the fact that recent multimodal foundation models such as CLIP are inherently cross-modal, mapping different modalities to the same representation space. Specifically, we propose a simple cross-modal adaptation approach that learns from few-shot examples spanning different modalities. By repurposing class names as additional one-shot training samples, we achieve SOTA results with an embarrassingly simple linear classifier for vision-language adaptation. Furthermore, we show that our approach can benefit existing methods such as prefix tuning, adapters, and classifier ensembling. Finally, to explore other modalities beyond vision and language, we construct the first (to our knowledge) audiovisual few-shot benchmark and use cross-modal training to improve the performance of both image and audio classification.Comment: CVPR 2023. Project website: https://linzhiqiu.github.io/papers/cross_modal

    RH20T: A Comprehensive Robotic Dataset for Learning Diverse Skills in One-Shot

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    A key challenge in robotic manipulation in open domains is how to acquire diverse and generalizable skills for robots. Recent research in one-shot imitation learning has shown promise in transferring trained policies to new tasks based on demonstrations. This feature is attractive for enabling robots to acquire new skills and improving task and motion planning. However, due to limitations in the training dataset, the current focus of the community has mainly been on simple cases, such as push or pick-place tasks, relying solely on visual guidance. In reality, there are many complex skills, some of which may even require both visual and tactile perception to solve. This paper aims to unlock the potential for an agent to generalize to hundreds of real-world skills with multi-modal perception. To achieve this, we have collected a dataset comprising over 110,000 contact-rich robot manipulation sequences across diverse skills, contexts, robots, and camera viewpoints, all collected in the real world. Each sequence in the dataset includes visual, force, audio, and action information. Moreover, we also provide a corresponding human demonstration video and a language description for each robot sequence. We have invested significant efforts in calibrating all the sensors and ensuring a high-quality dataset. The dataset is made publicly available at rh20t.github.ioComment: RSS 2023 workshop on LTAMP. The project page is at rh20t.github.i

    Self-Supervised Visuo-Tactile Pretraining to Locate and Follow Garment Features

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    Humans make extensive use of vision and touch as complementary senses, with vision providing global information about the scene and touch measuring local information during manipulation without suffering from occlusions. While prior work demonstrates the efficacy of tactile sensing for precise manipulation of deformables, they typically rely on supervised, human-labeled datasets. We propose Self-Supervised Visuo-Tactile Pretraining (SSVTP), a framework for learning multi-task visuo-tactile representations in a self-supervised manner through cross-modal supervision. We design a mechanism that enables a robot to autonomously collect precisely spatially-aligned visual and tactile image pairs, then train visual and tactile encoders to embed these pairs into a shared latent space using cross-modal contrastive loss. We apply this latent space to downstream perception and control of deformable garments on flat surfaces, and evaluate the flexibility of the learned representations without fine-tuning on 5 tasks: feature classification, contact localization, anomaly detection, feature search from a visual query (e.g., garment feature localization under occlusion), and edge following along cloth edges. The pretrained representations achieve a 73-100% success rate on these 5 tasks.Comment: RSS 2023, site: https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/ssvt

    Generating Visual Scenes from Touch

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    An emerging line of work has sought to generate plausible imagery from touch. Existing approaches, however, tackle only narrow aspects of the visuo-tactile synthesis problem, and lag significantly behind the quality of cross-modal synthesis methods in other domains. We draw on recent advances in latent diffusion to create a model for synthesizing images from tactile signals (and vice versa) and apply it to a number of visuo-tactile synthesis tasks. Using this model, we significantly outperform prior work on the tactile-driven stylization problem, i.e., manipulating an image to match a touch signal, and we are the first to successfully generate images from touch without additional sources of information about the scene. We also successfully use our model to address two novel synthesis problems: generating images that do not contain the touch sensor or the hand holding it, and estimating an image's shading from its reflectance and touch.Comment: ICCV 2023; Project site: https://fredfyyang.github.io/vision-from-touch