12,806 research outputs found

    Cross-Lingual Adaptation for Type Inference

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    Deep learning-based techniques have been widely applied to the program analysis tasks, in fields such as type inference, fault localization, and code summarization. Hitherto deep learning-based software engineering systems rely thoroughly on supervised learning approaches, which require laborious manual effort to collect and label a prohibitively large amount of data. However, most Turing-complete imperative languages share similar control- and data-flow structures, which make it possible to transfer knowledge learned from one language to another. In this paper, we propose cross-lingual adaptation of program analysis, which allows us to leverage prior knowledge learned from the labeled dataset of one language and transfer it to the others. Specifically, we implemented a cross-lingual adaptation framework, PLATO, to transfer a deep learning-based type inference procedure across weakly typed languages, e.g., Python to JavaScript and vice versa. PLATO incorporates a novel joint graph kernelized attention based on abstract syntax tree and control flow graph, and applies anchor word augmentation across different languages. Besides, by leveraging data from strongly typed languages, PLATO improves the perplexity of the backbone cross-programming-language model and the performance of downstream cross-lingual transfer for type inference. Experimental results illustrate that our framework significantly improves the transferability over the baseline method by a large margin

    Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT

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    Pretrained contextual representation models (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018) have pushed forward the state-of-the-art on many NLP tasks. A new release of BERT (Devlin, 2018) includes a model simultaneously pretrained on 104 languages with impressive performance for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer on a natural language inference task. This paper explores the broader cross-lingual potential of mBERT (multilingual) as a zero shot language transfer model on 5 NLP tasks covering a total of 39 languages from various language families: NLI, document classification, NER, POS tagging, and dependency parsing. We compare mBERT with the best-published methods for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer and find mBERT competitive on each task. Additionally, we investigate the most effective strategy for utilizing mBERT in this manner, determine to what extent mBERT generalizes away from language specific features, and measure factors that influence cross-lingual transfer.Comment: EMNLP 2019 Camera Read

    Joint Representation Learning of Cross-lingual Words and Entities via Attentive Distant Supervision

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    Joint representation learning of words and entities benefits many NLP tasks, but has not been well explored in cross-lingual settings. In this paper, we propose a novel method for joint representation learning of cross-lingual words and entities. It captures mutually complementary knowledge, and enables cross-lingual inferences among knowledge bases and texts. Our method does not require parallel corpora, and automatically generates comparable data via distant supervision using multi-lingual knowledge bases. We utilize two types of regularizers to align cross-lingual words and entities, and design knowledge attention and cross-lingual attention to further reduce noises. We conducted a series of experiments on three tasks: word translation, entity relatedness, and cross-lingual entity linking. The results, both qualitatively and quantitatively, demonstrate the significance of our method.Comment: 11 pages, EMNLP201

    Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer with Meta Learning

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    Learning what to share between tasks has been a topic of great importance recently, as strategic sharing of knowledge has been shown to improve downstream task performance. This is particularly important for multilingual applications, as most languages in the world are under-resourced. Here, we consider the setting of training models on multiple different languages at the same time, when little or no data is available for languages other than English. We show that this challenging setup can be approached using meta-learning, where, in addition to training a source language model, another model learns to select which training instances are the most beneficial to the first. We experiment using standard supervised, zero-shot cross-lingual, as well as few-shot cross-lingual settings for different natural language understanding tasks (natural language inference, question answering). Our extensive experimental setup demonstrates the consistent effectiveness of meta-learning for a total of 15 languages. We improve upon the state-of-the-art for zero-shot and few-shot NLI (on MultiNLI and XNLI) and QA (on the MLQA dataset). A comprehensive error analysis indicates that the correlation of typological features between languages can partly explain when parameter sharing learned via meta-learning is beneficial.Comment: Accepted as long paper in EMNLP2020 main conferenc
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