1 research outputs found

    On the existence and regularity of solutions of semi-hyperbolic patches to 2-D Euler equations with van der Waals gas

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    This article is concerned in establishing the existence and regularity of solution of semi-hyperbolic patch problem for two-dimensional isentropic Euler equations with van der Waals gas. This type of solution appears in the transonic flow over an airfoil and Guderley reflection and is very common in the numerical solution of Riemann problems. We use the idea of characteristic decomposition and bootstrap method to prove the existence of global smooth solution which is uniformly C1,12C^{1, \frac{1}{2}} continuous up to the sonic curve. We also prove that the sonic curve is C1,12C^{1, \frac{1}{2}} continuous. Further, we show the formation of shock as an envelope for positive characteristics before reaching their sonic points