4 research outputs found

    Critical percolation of free product of groups

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    In this article we study percolation on the Cayley graph of a free product of groups. The critical probability pcp_c of a free product G1G2...GnG_1*G_2*...*G_n of groups is found as a solution of an equation involving only the expected subcritical cluster size of factor groups G1,G2,...,GnG_1,G_2,...,G_n. For finite groups these equations are polynomial and can be explicitly written down. The expected subcritical cluster size of the free product is also found in terms of the subcritical cluster sizes of the factors. In particular, we prove that pcp_c for the Cayley graph of the modular group PSL2(Z)\hbox{PSL}_2(\mathbb Z) (with the standard generators) is .5199....5199..., the unique root of the polynomial 2p56p4+2p3+4p212p^5-6p^4+2p^3+4p^2-1 in the interval (0,1)(0,1). In the case when groups GiG_i can be "well approximated" by a sequence of quotient groups, we show that the critical probabilities of the free product of these approximations converge to the critical probability of G1G2...GnG_1*G_2*...*G_n and the speed of convergence is exponential. Thus for residually finite groups, for example, one can restrict oneself to the case when each free factor is finite. We show that the critical point, introduced by Schonmann, pexpp_{\mathrm{exp}} of the free product is just the minimum of pexpp_{\mathrm{exp}} for the factors

    Critical percolation of virtually free groups and other tree-like graphs

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    This article presents a method for finding the critical probability pcp_c for the Bernoulli bond percolation on graphs with the so-called tree-like structure. Such a graph can be decomposed into a tree of pieces, each of which has finitely many isomorphism classes. This class of graphs includes the Cayley graphs of amalgamated products, HNN extensions or general groups acting on trees. It also includes all transitive graphs with more than one end. The idea of the method is to find a multi-type Galton--Watson branching process (with a parameter pp) which has finite expected population size if and only if the expected percolation cluster size is finite. This provides sufficient information about pcp_c. In particular, if the pairwise intersections of pieces are finite, then pcp_c is the smallest positive pp such that det(M1)=0\operatorname {det}(M-1)=0, where MM is the first-moment matrix of the branching process. If the pieces of the tree-like structure are finite, then pcp_c is an algebraic number and we give an algorithm computing pcp_c as a root of some algebraic function. We show that any Cayley graph of a virtually free group (i.e., a group acting on a tree with finite vertex stabilizers) with respect to any finite generating set has a tree-like structure with finite pieces. In particular, we show how to compute pcp_c for the Cayley graph of a free group with respect to any finite generating set.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOP458 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org