3,223 research outputs found

    Nonsingular Dilaton Cosmology in the String Frame

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    We consider the theory obtained by adding to the usual string frame dilaton gravity action specially constructed higher derivative terms motivated by the limited curvature construction of [MukhanovET1992a] and determine the spatially homogeneous and isotropic solutions to the resulting equations of motion. All solutions of the resulting theory of gravity with these symmetries are nonsingular and all curvature invariants are bounded. For initial conditions inspired by the pre-big-bang scenario solutions exist which correspond to a spatially flat Universe starting in a dilaton-dominated superinflationary phase with HË™>0{\dot H} > 0 and having a smooth transition to an expanding Friedmann Universe with HË™<0{\dot H} < 0. Hence, the graceful exit problem of pre-big-bang cosmology is solved in a natural way.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, LaTex; minor changes; published in JHEP 9909:003, 199

    Nonsingular Lagrangians for Two Dimensional Black Holes

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    We introduce a large class of modifications of the standard lagrangian for two dimensional dilaton gravity, whose general solutions are nonsingular black holes. A subclass of these lagrangians have extremal solutions which are nonsingular analogues of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime. It is possible that quantum deformations of these extremal solutions are the endpoint of Hawking evaporation when the models are coupled to matter, and that the resulting evolution may be studied entirely within the framework of the semiclassical approximation. Numerical work to verify this conjecture is in progress. We point out however that the solutions with non-negative mass always contain Cauchy horizons, and may be sensitive to small perturbations.Comment: 27 pages, three figures, RU-92-61. (Replaced version contains some corrections to incorrect equations. The zero temperature extremal geometry (the conjectured end-point of the Hawking evaporation) is not as stated in the previous version, but rather is a nonsingular analogue of the zero temperature M2=Q2M^2 = Q^2 Reissner-Nordstrom space-time.
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