53,321 research outputs found

    Admitting a coarse embedding is not preserved under group extensions

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    We construct a finitely generated group which is an extension of two finitely generated groups coarsely embeddable into Hilbert space but which itself does not coarsely embed into Hilbert space. Our construction also provides a new infinite monster group: the first example of a finitely generated group that does not coarsely embed into Hilbert space and yet does not contain a weakly embedded expander.Comment: 15 pages; Proposition 3.3(v1) was modified following a comment of D. Sawicki; Theorem 2(v3) is new and gives an extension of finitely generated group

    Cohomology of Local Cochains

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    We prove that for generalised partitions of unity ϕiiI{\phi_i \mid i \in I} and coverings U:=ϕi1(R0)iI\mathfrak{U}:={\phi_i^{-1} (R \setminus {0}) \mid i \in I} of a topological space XX the cohomology of abstract U\mathfrak{U}-local cochains coincides with the cohomology of continuous U\mathfrak{U}-local cochains, provided the coefficients are loop contractible. Furthermore we show that for each locally contractible group GG and loop contractible coefficient group VV the complex of germs of continuous functions on left-invariant diagonal neighbourhoods computes the Alexander-Spanier and singular cohomology; similar results are obtained for kk-groups and for germs of smooth functions on Lie groups GG.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, elucidated argument for Corollaries 2.8 and 4.5, added Corollary 4.6 and examples in section 4, results unchange

    On the o-minimal Hilbert's fifth problem

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    Let M{\mathbb M} be an arbitrary o-minimal structure. Let GG be a definably compact definably connected abelian definable group of dimension nn. Here we compute the new the intrinsic o-minimal fundamental group of G;G; for each k>0k>0, the kk-torsion subgroups of G;G; the o-minimal cohomology algebra over Q{\mathbb Q} of G.G. As a corollary we obtain a new uniform proof of Pillay's conjecture, an o-minimal analogue of Hilbert's fifth problem, relating definably compact groups to compact real Lie groups, extending the proof already known in o-minimal expansions of ordered fields

    Controlled Connectivity for Semi-Direct Products Acting on Locally Finite Trees

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    In 2003 Bieri and Geoghegan generalized the Bieri-Neuman-Strebel invariant Σ1\Sigma^1 by defining Σ1(ρ)\Sigma^1(\rho), ρ\rho an isometric action by a finitely generated group GG on a proper CAT(0) space MM. In this paper, we show how the natural and well-known connection between Bass-Serre theory and covering space theory provides a framework for the calculation of Σ1(ρ)\Sigma^1(\rho) when ρ\rho is a cocompact action by G=BAG = B \rtimes A, AA a finitely generated group, on a locally finite Bass-Serre tree TT for AA. This framework leads to a theorem providing conditions for including an endpoint in, or excluding an endpoint from, Σ1(ρ)\Sigma^1(\rho). When AA is a finitely generated free group acting on its Cayley graph, we can restate this theorem from a more algebraic perspective, which leads to some general results on Σ1\Sigma^1 for such actions

    Geometric structures on orbifolds and holonomy representations

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    An orbifold is a topological space modeled on quotient spaces of a finite group actions. We can define the universal cover of an orbifold and the fundamental group as the deck transformation group. Let GG be a Lie group acting on a space XX. We show that the space of isotopy-equivalence classes of (G,X)(G,X)-structures on a compact orbifold Σ\Sigma is locally homeomorphic to the space of representations of the orbifold fundamental group of Σ\Sigma to GG following the work of Thurston, Morgan, and Lok. This implies that the deformation space of (G,X)(G, X)-structures on Σ\Sigma is locally homeomorphic to the space of representations of the orbifold fundamental group to GG when restricted to the region of proper conjugation action by GG.Comment: 35 page

    The nuclear dimension of C*-algebras associated to homeomorphisms

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    We show that if X is a finite dimensional locally compact Hausdorff space, then the crossed product of C_0(X) by any automorphism has finite nuclear dimension. This generalizes previous results, in which the automorphism was required to be free. As an application, we show that group C*-algebras of certain non-nilpotent groups have finite nuclear dimension.Comment: With an appendix by Gabor Szabo. 28 pages. Minor typos corrected. To appear, Adv. Math. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1308.5418 by other author

    Finite Spaces and Schemes

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    A ringed finite space is a ringed space whose underlying topological space is finite. The category of ringed finite spaces contains, fully faithfully, the category of finite topological spaces and the category of affine schemes. Any ringed space, endowed with a finite open covering, produces a ringed finite space. We introduce the notions of schematic finite space and schematic morphism, showing that they behave, with respect to quasi-coherence, like schemes and morphisms of schemes do. Finally, we construct a fully faithful and essentially surjective functor from a localization of a full subcategory of the category of schematic finite spaces and schematic morphisms to the category of quasi-compact and quasi-separated schemes.Comment: This is a simplified version of the paper Ringed Finite Spaces, arXiv:1409.4574v

    Simple groups of dynamical origin

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    We associate with every etale groupoid G two normal subgroups S(G) and A(G) of the topological full group of G, which are analogs of the symmetric and alternating groups. We prove that if G is a minimal groupoid of germs (e.g., of a group action), then A(G) is simple and is contained in every non-trivial normal subgroup of the full group. We show that if G is expansive (e.g., is the groupoid of germs of an expansive action of a group), then A(G) is finitely generated. We also show that S(G)/A(G) is a quotient of H_0(G, Z/2Z).Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Final group topologies, Kac-Moody groups and Pontryagin duality

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    We study final group topologies and their relations to compactness properties. In particular, we are interested in situations where a colimit or direct limit is locally compact, a k_\omega-space, or locally k_\omega. As a first application, we show that unitary forms of complex Kac-Moody groups can be described as the colimit of an amalgam of subgroups (in the category of Hausdorff topological groups, and the category of k_\omega-groups). Our second application concerns Pontryagin duality theory for the classes of almost metrizable topological abelian groups, resp., locally k_\omega topological abelian groups, which are dual to each other. In particular, we explore the relations between countable projective limits of almost metrizable abelian groups and countable direct limits of locally k_\omega abelian groups.Comment: v3: exposition improved; former title "Final group topologies, Phan systems and Pontryagin duality'' replaced by new titl

    Examples of buildings constructed via covering spaces

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    Covering space theory is used to construct new examples of buildings