117 research outputs found

    Underwater Exploration and Mapping

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    This paper analyzes the open challenges of exploring and mapping in the underwater realm with the goal of identifying research opportunities that will enable an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to robustly explore different environments. A taxonomy of environments based on their 3D structure is presented together with an analysis on how that influences the camera placement. The difference between exploration and coverage is presented and how they dictate different motion strategies. Loop closure, while critical for the accuracy of the resulting map, proves to be particularly challenging due to the limited field of view and the sensitivity to viewing direction. Experimental results of enforcing loop closures in underwater caves demonstrate a novel navigation strategy. Dense 3D mapping, both online and offline, as well as other sensor configurations are discussed following the presented taxonomy. Experimental results from field trials illustrate the above analysis.acceptedVersio

    Online path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles in unknown environments

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    We present a framework for planning collision-free paths online for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in unknown environments. It is composed of three main modules (mapping, planning and mission handler) that incrementally explore the environment while solving start-to-goal queries. We use an octree-based representation of the environment and we extend the optimal rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT*) using concepts of anytime algorithms and lazy collision evaluation, thus including the capability to replan paths according to nearby obstacles perceived during the execution of the mission. To validate our approach, we plan paths for the SPARUS-II AUV, a torpedo-shaped vehicle performing autonomous missions in a 2-dimensional workspace. We demonstrate its feasibility with the SPARUS-II AUV in both simulation and real-world in-water trials

    3-D Coverage Path Planning for Underwater Terrain Mapping

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    This thesis presents an autonomous approach of 3-D coverage of underwater terrain using multi-level coverage trees. An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with multi-beam sonar sensors, Doppler velocity log (DVL) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors is used to achieve this goal. The underwater 3-D search space is represented by a multi-level coverage tree which is generated online based on the obstacle information collected by the AUV. The nodes of the tree correspond to safe sub-areas for AUV navigation which are identified based on obstacle density in neighborhood of free cells. Standard tree traversal strategies like depth-first-search (DFS) and breath-first-search (BFS) are then used for visiting all the nodes of the tree thus securing complete coverage of the 3-D space. The terrain data collected by the AUV during tree coverage is used offline for the 3-D reconstruction of seabed using alpha shapes algorithm. The performance of this method is validated using a high-fidelity underwater simulator UWSim based on Robot Operating System (ROS). The simulations show that the proposed methodology achieves complete coverage and accurate reconstruction of 3-D underwater terrain

    Online view planning for inspecting unexplored underwater structures

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    In this paper, we propose a method to automate the exploration of unknown underwater structures for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The proposed algorithm iteratively incorporates exteroceptive sensor data and replans the next-best-view (NBV) in order to fully map an underwater structure. This approach does not require prior environment information. However, a safe exploration depth and the exploration area (defined by a bounding box, parametrized by its size, location and resolution) must be provided by the user. The algorithm operates online by iteratively conducting the following three tasks: 1) Profiling sonar data is firstly incorporated into a 2-dimensional (2D) grid map, where voxels are labeled according to their state (a voxel can be labeled as empty, unseen, occluded, occplane, occupied or viewed). 2) Useful viewpoints to continue exploration are generated according to the map. 3) A safe path is generated to guide the robot towards the next viewpoint location. Two sensors are used in this approach: a scanning profiling sonar, which is used to build an occupancy map of the surroundings, and an optical camera, which acquires optical data of the scene. Finally, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach we provide real-world results using the Sparus II AUV

    Planning feasible and safe paths online for autonomous underwater vehicles in unknown environments

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    We present a framework for planning collision-free and safe paths online for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in unknown environments. We build up on our previous work and propose an improved approach. While preserving its main modules (mapping, planning and mission handler), the framework now considers motion constraints to plan feasible paths, i.e., those that meet vehicle’s motion capabilities. The new framework also incorporates a risk function to avoid navigating close to nearby obstacles, and reuses the last best known solution to eliminate time-consuming pruning routines. To evaluate this approach, we use the Sparus II AUV, a torpedo-shaped vehicle performing autonomous missions in a 2-dimensional workspace. We validate the framework’s new features by solving tasks in both simulation and real-world in-water trials and comparing results with our previous approach

    Optimized environment exploration for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Achieving full autonomous robotic environment exploration in the underwater domain is very challenging, mainly due to noisy acoustic sensors, high localization error, control disturbances of the water and lack of accurate un- derwater maps. In this work we present a robotic exploration algorithm for underwater vehicles that does not rely on prior information about the environment. Our method has been greatly influenced by many robotic exploration, view planning and path planning algorithms. The proposed method constitutes a significant improvement over our previous work [1]: Firstly, we refine our exploration approach to improve robustness; Secondly, we propose an alternative map representation based on the quadtree data structure that allows different relevant queries to be performed efficiently, reducing the computational cost of the viewpoint generation process; Thirdly, we present an algorithm that is capable of generating consistent maps even when noisy sonar data is used. The aforementioned contributions have increased the reliability of the algorithm, allowing new real experiments performed in artificial structures but also in more challenging natural environments, from which we provide a 3D reconstruction to show that with this algorithm full optical coverage is obtained