4 research outputs found

    Counting Paths in Digraphs

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    Say a digraph is k-free if it has no directed cycles of length at most k, for positive integers k. Thomasse conjectured that the number of induced 3-vertex directed paths in a simple 2-free digraph on n vertices is at most (n-1)n(n+1)/15. We present an unpublished result of Bondy proving that there are at most 2n^3/25 such paths, and prove that for the class of circular interval digraphs, an upper bound of n^3/16 holds. We also study the problem of bounding the number of (non-induced) 4-vertex paths in 3-free digraphs. We show an upper bound of 4n^4/75 using Bondy's result for Thomasse's conjecture

    Counting paths in digraphs

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