12,366 research outputs found

    Inflations of Geometric Grid Classes: Three Case Studies

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    We enumerate three specific permutation classes defined by two forbidden patterns of length four. The techniques involve inflations of geometric grid classes

    Growth rates of permutation classes: categorization up to the uncountability threshold

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    In the antecedent paper to this it was established that there is an algebraic number ξ≈2.30522\xi\approx 2.30522 such that while there are uncountably many growth rates of permutation classes arbitrarily close to ξ\xi, there are only countably many less than ξ\xi. Here we provide a complete characterization of the growth rates less than ξ\xi. In particular, this classification establishes that ξ\xi is the least accumulation point from above of growth rates and that all growth rates less than or equal to ξ\xi are achieved by finitely based classes. A significant part of this classification is achieved via a reconstruction result for sum indecomposable permutations. We conclude by refuting a suggestion of Klazar, showing that ξ\xi is an accumulation point from above of growth rates of finitely based permutation classes.Comment: To appear in Israel J. Mat

    Strings from Feynman Graph counting : without large N

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    A well-known connection between n strings winding around a circle and permutations of n objects plays a fundamental role in the string theory of large N two dimensional Yang Mills theory and elsewhere in topological and physical string theories. Basic questions in the enumeration of Feynman graphs can be expressed elegantly in terms of permutation groups. We show that these permutation techniques for Feynman graph enumeration, along with the Burnside counting lemma, lead to equalities between counting problems of Feynman graphs in scalar field theories and Quantum Electrodynamics with the counting of amplitudes in a string theory with torus or cylinder target space. This string theory arises in the large N expansion of two dimensional Yang Mills and is closely related to lattice gauge theory with S_n gauge group. We collect and extend results on generating functions for Feynman graph counting, which connect directly with the string picture. We propose that the connection between string combinatorics and permutations has implications for QFT-string dualities, beyond the framework of large N gauge theory.Comment: 55 pages + 10 pages Appendices, 23 figures ; version 2 - typos correcte
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