5 research outputs found

    Counting Permutations Modulo Pattern-Replacement Equivalences for Three-Letter Patterns

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    We study a family of equivalence relations on SnS_n, the group of permutations on nn letters, created in a manner similar to that of the Knuth relation and the forgotten relation. For our purposes, two permutations are in the same equivalence class if one can be reached from the other through a series of pattern-replacements using patterns whose order permutations are in the same part of a predetermined partition of ScS_c. When the partition is of S3S_3 and has one nontrivial part and that part is of size greater than two, we provide formulas for the number of classes created in each previously unsolved case. When the partition is of S3S_3 and has two nontrivial parts, each of size two (as do the Knuth and forgotten relations), we enumerate the classes for 1313 of the 1414 unresolved cases. In two of these cases, enumerations arise which are the same as those yielded by the Knuth and forgotten relations. The reasons for this phenomenon are still largely a mystery