67,599 research outputs found

    Counting Independent Sets of a Fixed Size in Graphs with Given Minimum Degree

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    Galvin showed that for all fixed δ and sufficiently large n, the n-vertex graph with minimum degree δ that admits the most independent sets is the complete bipartite graph . He conjectured that except perhaps for some small values of t, the same graph yields the maximum count of independent sets of size t for each possible t. Evidence for this conjecture was recently provided by Alexander, Cutler, and Mink, who showed that for all triples with , no n-vertex bipartite graph with minimum degree δ admits more independent sets of size t than . Here, we make further progress. We show that for all triples with and , no n-vertex graph with minimum degree δ admits more independent sets of size t than , and we obtain the same conclusion for and . Our proofs lead us naturally to the study of an interesting family of critical graphs, namely those of minimum degree δ whose minimum degree drops on deletion of an edge or a vertex

    Path Coupling Using Stopping Times and Counting Independent Sets and Colourings in Hypergraphs

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    We give a new method for analysing the mixing time of a Markov chain using path coupling with stopping times. We apply this approach to two hypergraph problems. We show that the Glauber dynamics for independent sets in a hypergraph mixes rapidly as long as the maximum degree Delta of a vertex and the minimum size m of an edge satisfy m>= 2Delta+1. We also show that the Glauber dynamics for proper q-colourings of a hypergraph mixes rapidly if m>= 4 and q > Delta, and if m=3 and q>=1.65Delta. We give related results on the hardness of exact and approximate counting for both problems.Comment: Simpler proof of main theorem. Improved bound on mixing time. 19 page

    Large induced subgraphs via triangulations and CMSO

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    We obtain an algorithmic meta-theorem for the following optimization problem. Let \phi\ be a Counting Monadic Second Order Logic (CMSO) formula and t be an integer. For a given graph G, the task is to maximize |X| subject to the following: there is a set of vertices F of G, containing X, such that the subgraph G[F] induced by F is of treewidth at most t, and structure (G[F],X) models \phi. Some special cases of this optimization problem are the following generic examples. Each of these cases contains various problems as a special subcase: 1) "Maximum induced subgraph with at most l copies of cycles of length 0 modulo m", where for fixed nonnegative integers m and l, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph with at most l vertex-disjoint cycles of length 0 modulo m. 2) "Minimum \Gamma-deletion", where for a fixed finite set of graphs \Gamma\ containing a planar graph, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph containing no graph from \Gamma\ as a minor. 3) "Independent \Pi-packing", where for a fixed finite set of connected graphs \Pi, the task is to find an induced subgraph G[F] of a given graph G with the maximum number of connected components, such that each connected component of G[F] is isomorphic to some graph from \Pi. We give an algorithm solving the optimization problem on an n-vertex graph G in time O(#pmc n^{t+4} f(t,\phi)), where #pmc is the number of all potential maximal cliques in G and f is a function depending of t and \phi\ only. We also show how a similar running time can be obtained for the weighted version of the problem. Pipelined with known bounds on the number of potential maximal cliques, we deduce that our optimization problem can be solved in time O(1.7347^n) for arbitrary graphs, and in polynomial time for graph classes with polynomial number of minimal separators

    Maximizing the number of independent sets of a fixed size

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    Let it(G)i_t(G) be the number of independent sets of size tt in a graph GG. Engbers and Galvin asked how large it(G)i_t(G) could be in graphs with minimum degree at least δ\delta. They further conjectured that when n2δn\geq 2\delta and t3t\geq 3, it(G)i_t(G) is maximized by the complete bipartite graph Kδ,nδK_{\delta, n-\delta}. This conjecture has drawn the attention of many researchers recently. In this short note, we prove this conjecture.Comment: 5 page

    Graphs with many strong orientations

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    We establish mild conditions under which a possibly irregular, sparse graph GG has "many" strong orientations. Given a graph GG on nn vertices, orient each edge in either direction with probability 1/21/2 independently. We show that if GG satisfies a minimum degree condition of (1+c1)log2n(1+c_1)\log_2{n} and has Cheeger constant at least c2log2log2nlog2nc_2\frac{\log_2\log_2{n}}{\log_2{n}}, then the resulting randomly oriented directed graph is strongly connected with high probability. This Cheeger constant bound can be replaced by an analogous spectral condition via the Cheeger inequality. Additionally, we provide an explicit construction to show our minimum degree condition is tight while the Cheeger constant bound is tight up to a log2log2n\log_2\log_2{n} factor.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; revised version includes more background and minor changes that better clarify the expositio

    Chromatic thresholds in dense random graphs

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    The chromatic threshold δχ(H,p)\delta_\chi(H,p) of a graph HH with respect to the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) is the infimum over d>0d > 0 such that the following holds with high probability: the family of HH-free graphs GG(n,p)G \subset G(n,p) with minimum degree δ(G)dpn\delta(G) \ge dpn has bounded chromatic number. The study of the parameter δχ(H):=δχ(H,1)\delta_\chi(H) := \delta_\chi(H,1) was initiated in 1973 by Erd\H{o}s and Simonovits, and was recently determined for all graphs HH. In this paper we show that δχ(H,p)=δχ(H)\delta_\chi(H,p) = \delta_\chi(H) for all fixed p(0,1)p \in (0,1), but that typically δχ(H,p)δχ(H)\delta_\chi(H,p) \ne \delta_\chi(H) if p=o(1)p = o(1). We also make significant progress towards determining δχ(H,p)\delta_\chi(H,p) for all graphs HH in the range p=no(1)p = n^{-o(1)}. In sparser random graphs the problem is somewhat more complicated, and is studied in a separate paper.Comment: 36 pages (including appendix), 1 figure; the appendix is copied with minor modifications from arXiv:1108.1746 for a self-contained proof of a technical lemma; accepted to Random Structures and Algorithm