2,680 research outputs found

    Counting compositions over finite abelian groups

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    We find the number of compositions over finite abelian groups under two types of restrictions: (i) each part belongs to a given subset and (ii) small runs of consecutive parts must have given properties. Waring's problem over finite fields can be converted to type~(i) compositions, whereas Carlitz and locally Mullen compositions can be formulated as type~(ii) compositions. We use the multisection formula to translate the problem from integers to group elements, the transfer matrix method to do exact counting, and finally the Perron-Frobenius theorem to derive asymptotics. We also exhibit bijections involving certain restricted classes of compositions

    The multisubset sum problem for finite abelian groups

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    In this note, we give the explicit formula for the number of multisubsets of a finite abelian group GG with any given size such that the sum is equal to a given element g∈Gg\in G. This also gives the number of partitions of gg into a given number of parts over a finite abelian group. An inclusion-exclusion formula for the number of multisubsets of a subset of GG with a given size and a given sum is also obtained

    Random matrices, the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, and roots of unity

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    The Cohen-Lenstra-Martinet heuristics predict the frequency with which a fixed finite abelian group appears as an ideal class group of an extension of number fields, for certain sets of extensions of a base field. Recently, Malle found numerical evidence suggesting that their proposed frequency is incorrect when there are unexpected roots of unity in the base field of these extensions. Moreover, Malle proposed a new frequency, which is a much better match for his data. We present a random matrix heuristic (coming from function fields) that leads to a function field version of Malle's conjecture (as well as generalizations of it).Comment: 14 page

    Quantum tori, mirror symmetry and deformation theory

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    We suggest to compactify the universal covering of the moduli space of complex structures by non-commutative spaces. The latter are described by certain categories of sheaves with connections which are flat along foliations. In the case of abelian varieties this approach gives quantum tori as a non-commutative boundary of the moduli space. Relations to mirror symmetry, modular forms and deformation theory are discussed.Comment: Corrections to Section 4 and references adde

    Higher categorical aspects of Hall Algebras

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    These are extended notes for a series of lectures on Hall algebras given at the CRM Barcelona in February 2015. The basic idea of the theory of Hall algebras is that the collection of flags in an exact category encodes an associative multiplication law. While introduced by Steinitz and Hall for the category of abelian p-groups, it has since become clear that the original construction can be applied in much greater generality and admits numerous useful variations. These notes focus on higher categorical aspects based on the relation between Hall algebras and Waldhausen's S-construction.Comment: 60 pages, preliminary version, comments very welcom

    Homotopy types and geometries below Spec Z

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    After the first heuristic ideas about `the field of one element' F_1 and `geometry in characteristics 1' (J.~Tits, C.~Deninger, M.~Kapranov, A.~Smirnov et al.), there were developed several general approaches to the construction of `geometries below Spec Z'. Homotopy theory and the `the brave new algebra' were taking more and more important places in these developments, systematically explored by B.~To\"en and M.~Vaqui\'e, among others. This article contains a brief survey and some new results on counting problems in this context, including various approaches to zeta--functions and generalised scissors congruences. The new version includes considerable extensions and revisions suggested by I. Zakharevich.Comment: 38 page

    Bost-Connes systems and F₁-structures in Grothendieck rings, spectra, and Nori motives

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    We construct geometric lifts of the Bost-Connes algebra to Grothendieck rings and to the associated assembler categories and spectra, as well as to certain categories of Nori motives. These categorifications are related to the integral Bost-Connes algebra via suitable Euler characteristic type maps and zeta functions, and in the motivic case via fiber functors. We also discuss aspects of F₁-geometry, in the framework of torifications, that fit into this general setting

    The cobordism hypothesis

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    In this expository paper we introduce extended topological quantum field theories and the cobordism hypothesis.Comment: 36 pages; v2 has a reference correctio

    The structure of double groupoids

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    We give a general description of the structure of a discrete double groupoid (with an extra, quite natural, filling condition) in terms of groupoid factorizations and groupoid 2-cocycles with coefficients in abelian group bundles. Our description goes as follows: To any double groupoid, we associate an abelian group bundle and a second double groupoid, its frame. The frame satisfies that every box is determined by its edges, and thus is called a `slim' double groupoid. In a first step, we prove that every double groupoid is obtained as an extension of its associated abelian group bundle by its frame. In a second, independent, step we prove that every slim double groupoid with filling condition is completely determined by a factorization of a certain canonically defined `diagonal' groupoid.Comment: amslatex, 28 pages, revised version to appear in J. Pure Appl. Algebr

    On the Brauer constructions and generic Jordan types of Young modules

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    Let p be a prime number. We study the dimensions of Brauer constructions of Young and Young permutation modules with respect to p-subgroups of the symmetric groups. They depend only on partitions labelling the modules and the orbits of the action of the p-subgroups, and are related to their generic Jordan types. We obtain some reductive formulae and, in the case of two-part partitions, make some explicit calculation
