1,994 research outputs found

    Disability in young people and adults one year after head injury: prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of disability in young people and adults admitted to hospital with a head injury and to estimate the annual incidence in the community. DESIGN: Prospective, hospital based cohort study, with one year follow up of sample stratified by coma score. SETTING: Five acute hospitals in Glasgow. SUBJECTS: 2962 patients (aged 14 years or more) with head injury; 549 (71%) of the 769 patients selected for follow up participated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Glasgow outcome scale and problem orientated questionnaire. RESULTS: Survival with moderate or severe disability was common after mild head injury (47%, 95% confidence interval 42% to 52%) and similar to that after moderate (45%, 35% to 56%) or severe injury (48%, 36% to 60%). By extrapolation from the population identified (90% of whom had mild injuries), it was estimated that annually in Glasgow (population 909 498) 1400 young people and adults are still disabled one year after head injury. CONCLUSION: The incidence of disability in young people and adults admitted with a head injury is higher than expected. This reflects the high rate of sequelae previously unrecognised in the large number of patients admitted to hospital with an apparently mild head injury

    Numerical methods for coupled reconstruction and registration in digital breast tomosynthesis.

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    Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) provides an insight into the fine details of normal fibroglandular tissues and abnormal lesions by reconstructing a pseudo-3D image of the breast. In this respect, DBT overcomes a major limitation of conventional X-ray mam- mography by reducing the confounding effects caused by the superposition of breast tissue. In a breast cancer screening or diagnostic context, a radiologist is interested in detecting change, which might be indicative of malignant disease. To help automate this task image registration is required to establish spatial correspondence between time points. Typically, images, such as MRI or CT, are first reconstructed and then registered. This approach can be effective if reconstructing using a complete set of data. However, for ill-posed, limited-angle problems such as DBT, estimating the deformation is com- plicated by the significant artefacts associated with the reconstruction, leading to severe inaccuracies in the registration. This paper presents a mathematical framework, which couples the two tasks and jointly estimates both image intensities and the parameters of a transformation. Under this framework, we compare an iterative method and a simultaneous method, both of which tackle the problem of comparing DBT data by combining reconstruction of a pair of temporal volumes with their registration. We evaluate our methods using various computational digital phantoms, uncom- pressed breast MR images, and in-vivo DBT simulations. Firstly, we compare both iter- ative and simultaneous methods to the conventional, sequential method using an affine transformation model. We show that jointly estimating image intensities and parametric transformations gives superior results with respect to reconstruction fidelity and regis- tration accuracy. Also, we incorporate a non-rigid B-spline transformation model into our simultaneous method. The results demonstrate a visually plausible recovery of the deformation with preservation of the reconstruction fidelity

    Missed breast cancer:The legal factors

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    An Image Processing Framework for Breast Cancer Detection Using Multi-View Mammographic Images

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women. The early phase of breast cancer is asymptomatic, without any signs or symptoms. The earlier breast cancer can be detected, the greater chance of cure. Early detection using screening mammography is a common step for detecting the presence of breast cancer. Many studies of computer-based using breast cancer detection have been done previously. However, the detection process for craniocaudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view angles were done separately. This study aims to improve the detection performance for breast cancer diagnosis with CC and MLO view analysis. An image processing framework for multi-view screening was used to improve the diagnostic results rather than single-view. Image enhancement, segmentation, and feature extraction are all part of the framework provided in this study. The stages of image quality improvement are very important because the contrast of mammographic images is relatively low, so it often overlaps between cancer tissue and normal tissue. Texture-based segmentation utilizing the first-order local entropy approach was used to segment the images. The value of the radius and the region of probable cancer were calculated using the findings of feature extraction. The results of this study show the accuracy of breast cancer detection using CC and MLO views were 88.0% and 80.5% respectively. The proposed framework was useful in the diagnosis of breast cancer, that the detection results and features help clinicians in making treatment

    Malignant phyllodes tumour as an intracystic growth with osteosarcomatous differentiation

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    Phyllodes tumour is an uncommon fibro epithelial tumour of breast that often presents clinically as a rapidly enlarging lump. On mammography it appears as a soft tissue density well circumscribed mass. Ultrasound shows it to be a solid hypoechoic mass with small cystic spaces. A case of malignant phyllodes tumour with an atypical appearance of intracystic tumour on sonography is reported with pertinent imaging features and histopathological diagnostic criteria. The tumour had undergone osteosarcomatous differentiation

    Breast cancer and breast screening: perceptions of Chinese migrant women living in New Zealand

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    INTRODUCTION: Migrant Chinese constitute a significant and increasing proportion of New Zealand women. They have lower rates of participation in breast cancer screening than other New Zealanders, but reasons for this are unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting Chinese women’s understanding of, and access to, breast health services, to better understand reasons for low participation in screening and their experiences of breast cancer clinic care. METHODS: The participants were 26 Chinese migrant women—19 recruited in the community and seven recruited from 17 eligible women attending a breast clinic between 2008 and 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand. The design was that of a qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews and thematic content analysis. FINDINGS: There were low levels of awareness about the national breast screening programme and limited engagement with preventive primary care services. Concerns about privacy and a range of communication difficulties were identified that related to oral language, lack of written information in Chinese, and limited understanding about Chinese perceptions of ill health and traditional Chinese medicine by New Zealand health professionals. CONCLUSION: Addressing communication barriers for Chinese migrant women has the potential to raise awareness about breast cancer and breast health, and to increase successful participation in breast cancer screening. Greater efforts are needed to ensure this group has an understanding of, and is engaged with a primary care provider. Such efforts are key to improving health for this growing sector of the New Zealand population

    Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Diseases

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    Cancer is a disease that starts in a localized organ or tissue and then grows out of control. Breast cancer is an important health problem as in the Western world; it is the second most frequent cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer). The incidence rate, however, rises dramatically over the age of 50 years. This is may be due to several risk factors, such as family history, genetics, early menstruation, late menopause, and other factors, that have not yet been identified. The problems of breast diseases have prompted global governments to put constant efforts to increase patient\u27s recovery level against this disease. Early and accurate detection with mass screening programs helps improves a woman\u27s chances for successful treatment. It also minimizes pain, suffering, and anxiety that surround patients and their families. The current and the most cost-effective technique used for screening and diagnosis of breast cancer is X-ray mammography. It is the state-of-the-art for earlier detection to improve both prognosis and survival rate. This is may be due to its good availability, high sensitivity, and relatively low cost/patient. The goal of this chapter is to introduce the problems caused by breast cancer. Starting with an overview of the requirement for breast tumor imaging and the diagnostic techniques used for breast cancer assessment are briefly described, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. In addition, the problems associated with a relatively new functional breast imaging technique namely scintimammography were introduced and discussed. The intention that the chapter provide the reader with sufficient background on the available diagnostic techniques of breast tumor imaging approach, as well as an overview of the literature

    Dermatofibrosarcoma presenting as a nodule in the breast of a 75-year-old woman: a case report

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a rare neoplasm of soft tissues and its location in the breast is extremely uncommon. Confusion is possible with other primary breast lesions. CASE PRESENTATION: A 75-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a mass in her left breast 21 years after being diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast, treated by a right mastectomy and axillary dissection followed by radiotherapy and breast reconstruction. Mammography revealed a dish-shaped skin nodule formation in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. Echography confirmed the presence of a lesion measuring 1.4 x 0.8 cm. Based on imaging, the diagnosis was a probable angiosarcoma. Due to the presence of a pacemaker for cardiac arrhythmia and full anticoagulation therapy for a pulmonary embolism, magnetic resonance imaging and a biopsy were not done. We proceeded directly to a quadrantectomy and the final diagnosis revealed a dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, 1. 8 cm in its greatest microscopic dimension, located 0.1 cm from the upper surgical margin. To ensure the wide resection margins required for this type of neoplasm, a re-excision was performed. CONCLUSION: A dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast is an uncommon discovery. The aim of this case report is to highlight the importance of the surgical procedure in cases of the discovery of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Re-excision may be necessary to ensure adequate resection margins

    3–5 BI-RADs Microcalcifications: Correlation between MRI and Histological Findings

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    Purpose. To evaluate the correlation between MRI and histopathological findings in patients with mammographically detected 3–5 BI-RAD (Breast Imaging Reporting And Data Systems) microcalcifications and to allow a better surgical planning. Materials and Method. 62 female Patients (age 50 ± 12) with screening detected 3–5 BI-RAD microcalcifications underwent dynamic 3 T contrast-enhanced breast MRI. After 30-day (range 24–36 days) period, 55 Patients underwent biopsy using stereotactic vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB), 5 Patients underwent stereotactic mammographically guided biopsy, and 2 Patients underwent MRI-guided VAB. Results. Microhistology examination demonstrated 36 malignant lesions and 26 benign lesions. The analysis of MRI findings identified 8 cases of MRI BI-RADS 5, 23 cases of MRI BI-RADS 4, 11 cases of MRI BI-RADS 3, 4 cases type A and 7 cases type B, and 20 cases of MRI BI-RADS 1-2. MRI sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 88.8%, 76.9%, 84.2%, and 83.3%, respectively