4 research outputs found

    A cell outage management framework for dense heterogeneous networks

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    In this paper, we present a novel cell outage management (COM) framework for heterogeneous networks with split control and data planes-a candidate architecture for meeting future capacity, quality-of-service, and energy efficiency demands. In such an architecture, the control and data functionalities are not necessarily handled by the same node. The control base stations (BSs) manage the transmission of control information and user equipment (UE) mobility, whereas the data BSs handle UE data. An implication of this split architecture is that an outage to a BS in one plane has to be compensated by other BSs in the same plane. Our COM framework addresses this challenge by incorporating two distinct cell outage detection (COD) algorithms to cope with the idiosyncrasies of both data and control planes. The COD algorithm for control cells leverages the relatively larger number of UEs in the control cell to gather large-scale minimization-of-drive-test report data and detects an outage by applying machine learning and anomaly detection techniques. To improve outage detection accuracy, we also investigate and compare the performance of two anomaly-detecting algorithms, i.e., k-nearest-neighbor- and local-outlier-factor-based anomaly detectors, within the control COD. On the other hand, for data cell COD, we propose a heuristic Grey-prediction-based approach, which can work with the small number of UE in the data cell, by exploiting the fact that the control BS manages UE-data BS connectivity and by receiving a periodic update of the received signal reference power statistic between the UEs and data BSs in its coverage. The detection accuracy of the heuristic data COD algorithm is further improved by exploiting the Fourier series of the residual error that is inherent to a Grey prediction model. Our COM framework integrates these two COD algorithms with a cell outage compensation (COC) algorithm that can be applied to both planes. Our COC solution utilizes an actor-critic-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which optimizes the capacity and coverage of the identified outage zone in a plane, by adjusting the antenna gain and transmission power of the surrounding BSs in that plane. The simulation results show that the proposed framework can detect both data and control cell outage and compensate for the detected outage in a reliable manner

    Role of satellite communications in 5G ecosystem: perspectives and challenges

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    The next generation of mobile radio communication systems – so-called 5G – will provide some major changes to those generations to date. The ability to cope with huge increases in data traffic at reduced latencies and improved quality of user experience together with a major reduction in energy usage are big challenges. In addition, future systems will need to embody connections to billions of objects – the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) which raises new challenges.Visions of 5G are now available from regions across the world and research is ongoing towards new standards. The consensus is a flatter architecture that adds a dense network of small cells operating in the millimetre wave bands and which are adaptable and software controlled. But what is the place for satellites in such a vision? The chapter examines several potential roles for satellites in 5G including coverage extension, IoT, providing resilience, content caching and multi-cast, and the integrated architecture. Furthermore, the recent advances in satellite communications together with the challenges associated with the use of satellite in the integrated satellite-terrestrial architecture are also discussed

    Correlation-Based Adaptive Pilot Pattern in Control/Data Separation Architecture

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    Most of the wireless systems such as the long term evolution (LTE) adopt a pilot symbol-aided channel estimation approach for data detection purposes. In this technique, some of the transmission resources are allocated to common pilot signals which constitute a significant overhead in current standards. This can be traced to the worst-case design approach adopted in these systems where the pilot spacing is chosen based on extreme condition assumptions. This suggests extending the set of the parameters that can be adaptively adjusted to include the pilot density. In this paper, we propose an adaptive pilot pattern scheme that depends on estimating the channel correlation. A new system architecture with a logical separation between control and data planes is considered and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is chosen as the access technique. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can provide a significant saving of the LTE pilot overhead with a marginal performance penalty