44 research outputs found

    Compressed Encoding for Rank Modulation

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    Rank modulation has been recently proposed as a scheme for storing information in flash memories. While rank modulation has advantages in improving write speed and endurance, the current encoding approach is based on the "push to the top" operation that is not efficient in the general case. We propose a new encoding procedure where a cell level is raised to be higher than the minimal necessary subset -instead of all - of the other cell levels. This new procedure leads to a significantly more compressed (lower charge levels) encoding. We derive an upper bound for a family of codes that utilize the proposed encoding procedure, and consider code constructions that achieve that bound for several special cases

    Computing the Ball Size of Frequency Permutations under Chebyshev Distance

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    Let SnλS_n^\lambda be the set of all permutations over the multiset {1,...,1λ,...,m,...,mλ}\{\overbrace{1,...,1}^{\lambda},...,\overbrace{m,...,m}^\lambda\} where n=mλn=m\lambda. A frequency permutation array (FPA) of minimum distance dd is a subset of SnλS_n^\lambda in which every two elements have distance at least dd. FPAs have many applications related to error correcting codes. In coding theory, the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and the sphere-packing bound are derived from the size of balls of certain radii. We propose two efficient algorithms that compute the ball size of frequency permutations under Chebyshev distance. Both methods extend previous known results. The first one runs in O((2dλdλ)2.376logn)O({2d\lambda \choose d\lambda}^{2.376}\log n) time and O((2dλdλ)2)O({2d\lambda \choose d\lambda}^{2}) space. The second one runs in O((2dλdλ)(dλ+λλ)nλ)O({2d\lambda \choose d\lambda}{d\lambda+\lambda\choose \lambda}\frac{n}{\lambda}) time and O((2dλdλ))O({2d\lambda \choose d\lambda}) space. For small constants λ\lambda and dd, both are efficient in time and use constant storage space.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201

    Systematic Codes for Rank Modulation

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    The goal of this paper is to construct systematic error-correcting codes for permutations and multi-permutations in the Kendall's τ\tau-metric. These codes are important in new applications such as rank modulation for flash memories. The construction is based on error-correcting codes for multi-permutations and a partition of the set of permutations into error-correcting codes. For a given large enough number of information symbols kk, and for any integer tt, we present a construction for (k+r,k){(k+r,k)} systematic tt-error-correcting codes, for permutations from Sk+rS_{k+r}, with less redundancy symbols than the number of redundancy symbols in the codes of the known constructions. In particular, for a given tt and for sufficiently large kk we can obtain r=t+1r=t+1. The same construction is also applied to obtain related systematic error-correcting codes for multi-permutations.Comment: to be presented ISIT201

    Generalized Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation

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    We consider the local rank-modulation scheme in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. Local rank-modulation is a generalization of the rank-modulation scheme, which has been recently suggested as a way of storing information in flash memory. We study Gray codes for the local rank-modulation scheme in order to simulate conventional multi-level flash cells while retaining the benefits of rank modulation. Unlike the limited scope of previous works, we consider code constructions for the entire range of parameters including the code length, sliding window size, and overlap between adjacent windows. We show our constructed codes have asymptotically-optimal rate. We also provide efficient encoding, decoding, and next-state algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, shorter version was submitted to ISIT 201

    On Optimal Anticodes over Permutations with the Infinity Norm

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    Motivated by the set-antiset method for codes over permutations under the infinity norm, we study anticodes under this metric. For half of the parameter range we classify all the optimal anticodes, which is equivalent to finding the maximum permanent of certain (0,1)(0,1)-matrices. For the rest of the cases we show constraints on the structure of optimal anticodes

    Correcting Charge-Constrained Errors in the Rank-Modulation Scheme

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    We investigate error-correcting codes for a the rank-modulation scheme with an application to flash memory devices. In this scheme, a set of n cells stores information in the permutation induced by the different charge levels of the individual cells. The resulting scheme eliminates the need for discrete cell levels, overcomes overshoot errors when programming cells (a serious problem that reduces the writing speed), and mitigates the problem of asymmetric errors. In this paper, we study the properties of error-correcting codes for charge-constrained errors in the rank-modulation scheme. In this error model the number of errors corresponds to the minimal number of adjacent transpositions required to change a given stored permutation to another erroneous one—a distance measure known as Kendall’s τ-distance.We show bounds on the size of such codes, and use metric-embedding techniques to give constructions which translate a wealth of knowledge of codes in the Lee metric to codes over permutations in Kendall’s τ-metric. Specifically, the one-error-correcting codes we construct are at least half the ball-packing upper bound