2 research outputs found

    On Column Selection in Approximate Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    We study the problem of column selection in large-scale kernel canonical correlation analysis (KCCA) using the Nystr\"om approximation, where one approximates two positive semi-definite kernel matrices using "landmark" points from the training set. When building low-rank kernel approximations in KCCA, previous work mostly samples the landmarks uniformly at random from the training set. We propose novel strategies for sampling the landmarks non-uniformly based on a version of statistical leverage scores recently developed for kernel ridge regression. We study the approximation accuracy of the proposed non-uniform sampling strategy, develop an incremental algorithm that explores the path of approximation ranks and facilitates efficient model selection, and derive the kernel stability of out-of-sample mapping for our method. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the promise of our method

    Correcting errors in speech recognition with articulatory dynamics

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    We introduce a novel mechanism for incorporating articulatory dynamics into speech recognition with the theory of task dynamics. This system reranks sentencelevel hypotheses by the likelihoods of their hypothetical articulatory realizations which are derived from relationships learned with aligned acoustic/articulatory data. Experiments compare this with two baseline systems, namely an acoustic hidden Markov model and a dynamic Bayes network augmented with discretized representations of the vocal tract. Our system based on task dynamics reduces worderror rates significantly by 10.2 % relative to the best baseline models.