1 research outputs found

    Coordinating Randomized Policies for Increasing Security in Multiagent Systems

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    Despite significant recent advances in decision theoretic frameworks for reasoning about multiagent teams, little attention has been paid to applying such frameworks in adversarial domains, where the agent team may face security threats from other agents. This paper focuses on domains where such threats are caused by unseen adversaries whose actions or payoffs are unknown. In such domains, action randomization is recognized as a key technique to deteriorate an adversarys capability to predict and exploit an agent/agent teams actions. Unfortunately, there are two key challenges in such randomization. First, randomization can reduce the expected reward (quality) of the agent team’s plans, and thus we must provide some guarantees on such rewards. Second, randomization results in miscoordination in teams. While communication within an agent team can help in alleviating the miscoordination problem, communication is unavailable in many real domains or sometimes scarcely available. To address these challenges, this paper provides the following contributions. First, we recall the Multiagent Constrained MDP (MCMDP) framework that enables policy generation for a team of agents where each agent may have a limited or no(communication) resource. Second, since randomized policies generated directly for MCMDPs lead to miscoordination, we introduce a transformation algorithm that converts the MCMDP into a transformed MCMDP incorporating explicit communication and no communication actions. Third, we show that incorporating randomization results in a non-linear program and the unavailability/limited availability of communication results in addition of non-convex constraints to the non-linear program. Finally, we experimentally illustrate the benefits of our work