13,502 research outputs found

    Autonomic Resource Management in Virtual Networks

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    Virtualization enables the building of multiple virtual networks over a shared substrate. One of the challenges to virtualisation is efficient resource allocation. This problem has been found to be NP hard. Therefore, most approaches to it have not only proposed static solutions, but have also made many assumptions to simplify it. In this paper, we propose a distributed, autonomic and artificial intelligence based solution to resource allocation. Our aim is to obtain self-configuring, selfoptimizing, self-healing and context aware virtual networksComment: Short Paper, 4 Pages, Summer School, PhD Work In Progress Workshop. Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions (SAIL). June 201

    MARL-FWC: Optimal Coordination of Freeway Traffic Control Measures

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    The objective of this article is to optimize the overall traffic flow on freeways using multiple ramp metering controls plus its complementary Dynamic Speed Limits (DSLs). An optimal freeway operation can be reached when minimizing the difference between the freeway density and the critical ratio for maximum traffic flow. In this article, a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Freeways Control (MARL-FWC) system for ramps metering and DSLs is proposed. MARL-FWC introduces a new microscopic framework at the network level based on collaborative Markov Decision Process modeling (Markov game) and an associated cooperative Q-learning algorithm. The technique incorporates payoff propagation (Max-Plus algorithm) under the coordination graphs framework, particularly suited for optimal control purposes. MARL-FWC provides three control designs: fully independent, fully distributed, and centralized; suited for different network architectures. MARL-FWC was extensively tested in order to assess the proposed model of the joint payoff, as well as the global payoff. Experiments are conducted with heavy traffic flow under the renowned VISSIM traffic simulator to evaluate MARL-FWC. The experimental results show a significant decrease in the total travel time and an increase in the average speed (when compared with the base case) while maintaining an optimal traffic flow

    Coordinating Disaster Emergency Response with Heuristic Reinforcement Learning

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    A crucial and time-sensitive task when any disaster occurs is to rescue victims and distribute resources to the right groups and locations. This task is challenging in populated urban areas, due to the huge burst of help requests generated in a very short period. To improve the efficiency of the emergency response in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, we propose a heuristic multi-agent reinforcement learning scheduling algorithm, named as ResQ, which can effectively schedule the rapid deployment of volunteers to rescue victims in dynamic settings. The core concept is to quickly identify victims and volunteers from social network data and then schedule rescue parties with an adaptive learning algorithm. This framework performs two key functions: 1) identify trapped victims and rescue volunteers, and 2) optimize the volunteers' rescue strategy in a complex time-sensitive environment. The proposed ResQ algorithm can speed up the training processes through a heuristic function which reduces the state-action space by identifying the set of particular actions over others. Experimental results showed that the proposed heuristic multi-agent reinforcement learning based scheduling outperforms several state-of-art methods, in terms of both reward rate and response times

    A Conceptual Bio-Inspired Framework for the Evolution of Artificial General Intelligence

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    In this work, a conceptual bio-inspired parallel and distributed learning framework for the emergence of general intelligence is proposed, where agents evolve through environmental rewards and learn throughout their lifetime without supervision, i.e., self-learning through embodiment. The chosen control mechanism for agents is a biologically plausible neuron model based on spiking neural networks. Network topologies become more complex through evolution, i.e., the topology is not fixed, while the synaptic weights of the networks cannot be inherited, i.e., newborn brains are not trained and have no innate knowledge of the environment. What is subject to the evolutionary process is the network topology, the type of neurons, and the type of learning. This process ensures that controllers that are passed through the generations have the intrinsic ability to learn and adapt during their lifetime in mutable environments. We envision that the described approach may lead to the emergence of the simplest form of artificial general intelligence.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted to "The 3rd Special Session on Biologically Inspired Parallel and Distributed Computing, Algorithms and Solutions" (BICAS 2020

    Revisiting the Master-Slave Architecture in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Many tasks in artificial intelligence require the collaboration of multiple agents. We exam deep reinforcement learning for multi-agent domains. Recent research efforts often take the form of two seemingly conflicting perspectives, the decentralized perspective, where each agent is supposed to have its own controller; and the centralized perspective, where one assumes there is a larger model controlling all agents. In this regard, we revisit the idea of the master-slave architecture by incorporating both perspectives within one framework. Such a hierarchical structure naturally leverages advantages from one another. The idea of combining both perspectives is intuitive and can be well motivated from many real world systems, however, out of a variety of possible realizations, we highlights three key ingredients, i.e. composed action representation, learnable communication and independent reasoning. With network designs to facilitate these explicitly, our proposal consistently outperforms latest competing methods both in synthetic experiments and when applied to challenging StarCraft micromanagement tasks

    A Comprehensive Review of Shepherding as a Bio-inspired Swarm-Robotics Guidance Approach

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    The simultaneous control of multiple coordinated robotic agents represents an elaborate problem. If solved, however, the interaction between the agents can lead to solutions to sophisticated problems. The concept of swarming, inspired by nature, can be described as the emergence of complex system-level behaviors from the interactions of relatively elementary agents. Due to the effectiveness of solutions found in nature, bio-inspired swarming-based control techniques are receiving a lot of attention in robotics. One method, known as swarm shepherding, is founded on the sheep herding behavior exhibited by sheepdogs, where a swarm of relatively simple agents are governed by a shepherd (or shepherds) which is responsible for high-level guidance and planning. Many studies have been conducted on shepherding as a control technique, ranging from the replication of sheep herding via simulation, to the control of uninhabited vehicles and robots for a variety of applications. We present a comprehensive review of the literature on swarm shepherding to reveal the advantages and potential of the approach to be applied to a plethora of robotic systems in the future.Comment: Copyright 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    A Framework for learning multi-agent dynamic formation strategy in real-time applications

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    Formation strategy is one of the most important parts of many multi-agent systems with many applications in real world problems. In this paper, a framework for learning this task in a limited domain (restricted environment) is proposed. In this framework, agents learn either directly by observing an expert behavior or indirectly by observing other agents or objects behavior. First, a group of algorithms for learning formation strategy based on limited features will be presented. Due to distributed and complex nature of many multi-agent systems, it is impossible to include all features directly in the learning process; thus, a modular scheme is proposed in order to reduce the number of features. In this method, some important features have indirect influence in learning instead of directly involving them as input features. This framework has the ability to dynamically assign a group of positions to a group of agents to improve system performance. In addition, it can change the formation strategy when the context changes. Finally, this framework is able to automatically produce many complex and flexible formation strategy algorithms without directly involving an expert to present and implement such complex algorithms.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    ALAN: Adaptive Learning for Multi-Agent Navigation

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    In multi-agent navigation, agents need to move towards their goal locations while avoiding collisions with other agents and static obstacles, often without communication with each other. Existing methods compute motions that are optimal locally but do not account for the aggregated motions of all agents, producing inefficient global behavior especially when agents move in a crowded space. In this work, we develop methods to allow agents to dynamically adapt their behavior to their local conditions. We accomplish this by formulating the multi-agent navigation problem as an action-selection problem, and propose an approach, ALAN, that allows agents to compute time-efficient and collision-free motions. ALAN is highly scalable because each agent makes its own decisions on how to move using a set of velocities optimized for a variety of navigation tasks. Experimental results show that the agents using ALAN, in general, reach their destinations faster than using ORCA, a state-of-the-art collision avoidance framework, the Social Forces model for pedestrian navigation, and a Predictive collision avoidance model.Comment: Submitted to the Autonomous Robots Journal, Special Issue on Distributed Robot

    A Survey of Learning in Multiagent Environments: Dealing with Non-Stationarity

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    The key challenge in multiagent learning is learning a best response to the behaviour of other agents, which may be non-stationary: if the other agents adapt their strategy as well, the learning target moves. Disparate streams of research have approached non-stationarity from several angles, which make a variety of implicit assumptions that make it hard to keep an overview of the state of the art and to validate the innovation and significance of new works. This survey presents a coherent overview of work that addresses opponent-induced non-stationarity with tools from game theory, reinforcement learning and multi-armed bandits. Further, we reflect on the principle approaches how algorithms model and cope with this non-stationarity, arriving at a new framework and five categories (in increasing order of sophistication): ignore, forget, respond to target models, learn models, and theory of mind. A wide range of state-of-the-art algorithms is classified into a taxonomy, using these categories and key characteristics of the environment (e.g., observability) and adaptation behaviour of the opponents (e.g., smooth, abrupt). To clarify even further we present illustrative variations of one domain, contrasting the strengths and limitations of each category. Finally, we discuss in which environments the different approaches yield most merit, and point to promising avenues of future research.Comment: 64 pages, 7 figures. Under review since November 201

    The Morphospace of Consciousness

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    We construct a complexity-based morphospace to study systems-level properties of conscious & intelligent systems. The axes of this space label 3 complexity types: autonomous, cognitive & social. Given recent proposals to synthesize consciousness, a generic complexity-based conceptualization provides a useful framework for identifying defining features of conscious & synthetic systems. Based on current clinical scales of consciousness that measure cognitive awareness and wakefulness, we take a perspective on how contemporary artificially intelligent machines & synthetically engineered life forms measure on these scales. It turns out that awareness & wakefulness can be associated to computational & autonomous complexity respectively. Subsequently, building on insights from cognitive robotics, we examine the function that consciousness serves, & argue the role of consciousness as an evolutionary game-theoretic strategy. This makes the case for a third type of complexity for describing consciousness: social complexity. Having identified these complexity types, allows for a representation of both, biological & synthetic systems in a common morphospace. A consequence of this classification is a taxonomy of possible conscious machines. We identify four types of consciousness, based on embodiment: (i) biological consciousness, (ii) synthetic consciousness, (iii) group consciousness (resulting from group interactions), & (iv) simulated consciousness (embodied by virtual agents within a simulated reality). This taxonomy helps in the investigation of comparative signatures of consciousness across domains, in order to highlight design principles necessary to engineer conscious machines. This is particularly relevant in the light of recent developments at the crossroads of cognitive neuroscience, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence & biomimetics.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure
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