112 research outputs found

    Space-time-frequency block codes for MIMO-OFDM in next generation wireless systems

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    In this thesis the use of space-frequency block codes (SFBC) and space-time-frequency block codes (STFBC) in wireless systems are investigated. A variety of SFBC and STFBC schemes are proposed for particular propagation scenarios and system settings where each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The objective is to pro-pose coding strategies with improved flexibility, feasibility and spectral efficiency,and reduce the decoding complexity in an MIMO-OFDM system. Firstly an efficient SFBC with improved system performance is proposed for MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed SFBC incorporates the concept of matched rotation precoding (MRP) to achieve full transmit diversity and optimal system performance foran arbitrary numberoftransmitantennas,subcarrierinterval andsubcarriergrouping. The MRP is proposed to exploit the inherent rotation and repetition properties of SFBC, arising from the channel power delay profile, in order to fully capture both space and frequency diversity of SFBC in a MIMO-OFDM system. It is able to relax restrictions on subcarrier interval and subcarrier grouping, making it ideal for adaptive/time-varying systems or multiuser systems. The SFBC without an optimization process is unstable in terms of achievable system performance and diversity order, and also risks diversity loss within a specific propagation scenario. Such loss or risk is prominent while wireless propagation channel has a limited number of dominant paths, e.g. relatively close to transmitters or relatively flat topography. Hence in orderto improve the feasibility of SFBC in dynamic scenarios, the lower bound of the coding gain for MRP is derived. The SFBC with MRP is proposed for more practical scenarios when only partial channel power delay profile information is known at the transmit end, for example the wireless channel has dominant propagation paths. The proposed rate one MRP has a relatively simple optimization process that can be transformed into an explicit diagram and hence an optimal result can be derived intuitively without calculations. Next, a multi-rate transmission strategy is proposed for both SFBCand STFBC to balance the system performance and transmission rate. A variety of rate adaptive coding matrices are obtained by a simple truncation of the coding matrix, or by parameter optimization for coding matrices for a given transmission rate and constellation. Pro-posed strategy can easily and gradually adjust the achievable diversity order. As a result it is capable of achieving a relatively smooth balance between system performance and transmission rate in both SFBC and STFBC, without a significant change of coding structure or constellation size. Such tradeoff would be useful to maintain stable Quality of Service (QoS) for users by providing more scalability of achievable performance in a time-varying channel. Finally the decoding procedure of space-time block code (STBC), SFBCand STFBC is discussed. The decoding of all existing STBC/SFBC/STFBC is unified at first, in order to show a concise procedure and make fair comparisons. Then maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) and arbitrary sphere decoding (SD) can be adopted. To reduce the complexity of decoding further, a novel decoding method called compensation de-coding (CD) is presented for a given space-time-frequency coding scheme. By taking advantage of the simplicity of zero-forcing decoding (ZFD) we are able to calculate a compensation vector for the output of ZFD. After modification by utilizing the com-pensation vector, the BER performance can be improved significantly. The decoding procedure is relatively simple and is independent of the constellation size. The per-formance of the proposed decoding method is close to maximum-likelihood decoding for low to medium SNR. A low complexity detection scheme, classifier based decoding (CBD), is further proposed for MIMO systems incorporating spatial multiplexing. The CBD is a hybrid of an equalizer-based technique and an algorithmic search stage. Based on an error matrix and its probability density functions for different classes of error, a particular search region is selected for the algorithmic stage. As the probability of occurrence of error classes with larger search regions is small, overall complexity of the proposed technique remains low, whilst providing a significant improvement in the bit error rate performance

    Improved Spatial Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communications

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    Transmission and reception methods with multiple antennas have been demonstrated to be very useful in providing high data rates and improving reliability in wireless communications. In particular, spatial modulation (SM) has recently emerged as an attractive transmission method for multiple-antennas systems due to its better energy efficiency and lower system complexity. This thesis is concerned with developing transmission techniques to improve the spectral efficiency of SM where antenna/subcarrier index involves in conveying information bits. In the first part of the thesis, new transmission techniques are developed for SM over frequency-flat fading channels. The first proposed scheme is based on a high-rate space-time block code instead of using the classical Alamouti STBC, which helps to increase the spectral efficiency and achieve a transmit diversity order of two. A simplified maximum likelihood detection is also developed for this proposed scheme. Analysis of coding gains and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms previously-proposed SM schemes at high data transmission rates. Then, a new space-shift keying (SSK) modulation scheme is proposed which requires a smaller number of transmit antennas than that required in the bi-space shift keying (BiSSK). Such a proposed SSK-based scheme is obtained by multiplexing two in-phase and quadrature generalized SSK streams and optimizing the carrier signals transmitted by the activated antennas. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other SSK-based schemes via minimum Euclidean distance analysis and computer simulation. The third scheme proposed in this part is an improved version of quadrature SM (QSM). The main feature of this proposed scheme is to send a second constellation symbol over the in-phase and quadrature antenna dimensions. A significant performance advantage of the proposed scheme is realized at the cost of a slight increase in the number of radio-frequency (RF) chains. Performance comparisons with the most recent SM schemes confirm the advantage of the proposed scheme. The last contribution of the first part is an optimal constellation design for QSM to minimize the average probability of error. It is shown that, the error performance of QSM not only depends on the Euclidean distances between the amplitude phase modulation (APM) symbols and the energies of APM symbols, but also on the in-phase and quadrature components of the QSM symbols. The analysis of the union bound of the average error probability reveals that at a very large number of transmit antennas, the optimal constellations for QSM converge to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellation. Simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of the obtained constellations over other modulation schemes. In the second part of the thesis, the applications of SM in frequency-selective fading channels are studied. First, a new transmission scheme that employs SM for each group of subcarriers in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission is investigated. Specifically, OFDM symbols in each group are passed through a precoder to maximize the diversity and coding gains, while SM is applied in each group to convey more information bits by antenna indices. Performance analysis and simulation results are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over a previously-proposed combination of SM and OFDM. Next, the performance of OFDM based on index modulation and a flexible version of OFDM, knows as OFDM with multiple constellations, is compared for both case of "no precoding'' and "with precoding'' of data symbols. It is shown that the precoded OFDM with multiple constellations outperforms precoded-IM based OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels. The last part of the thesis investigates a multiuser downlink transmission system based on in-phase and quadrature space-shift keying modulation and precoding to reduce the minimum number of transmit antennas while keeping the complexity of the receiver low. In addition to the maximum likelihood (ML) detection, the low complexity zero forcing (ZF) receiver is also studied. Theoretical upper bounds for the error probabilities of both ML and ZF receivers are obtained and corroborated with simulation results

    Timing and Carrier Synchronization in Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey and Classification of Research in the Last 5 Years

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    Timing and carrier synchronization is a fundamental requirement for any wireless communication system to work properly. Timing synchronization is the process by which a receiver node determines the correct instants of time at which to sample the incoming signal. Carrier synchronization is the process by which a receiver adapts the frequency and phase of its local carrier oscillator with those of the received signal. In this paper, we survey the literature over the last 5 years (2010–2014) and present a comprehensive literature review and classification of the recent research progress in achieving timing and carrier synchronization in single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), cooperative relaying, and multiuser/multicell interference networks. Considering both single-carrier and multi-carrier communication systems, we survey and categorize the timing and carrier synchronization techniques proposed for the different communication systems focusing on the system model assumptions for synchronization, the synchronization challenges, and the state-of-the-art synchronization solutions and their limitations. Finally, we envision some future research directions

    Novel multiple antenna techniques for improved diversity in wireless communication systems

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    The focus of this thesis is to enhance the performance of wireless communication systems through the exploitation of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver ends of a communication link. Such a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) connection can theoretically provide spatially independent channels which can be exploited to provide diversity gain and thereby mitigate the problem of channel fading. To integrate such MIMO technology with emerging wireless systems such as third generation code division multiple access (CDMA) and fourth generation orthogonal division multiple access (OFDMA) based-approaches novel advanced signal processing techniques are required. The major advantages of MIMO systems, including array, diversity and multiplexing gains, are initially reviewed. Diversity gain is identified as the key property, which leverages the spatial independent channels to increase the robustness of the communication link. The family of space-time block codes is then introduced as a low computational complexity scheme to benefit from diversity gain within wireless systems. In particular, extended-orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes (EO-/QO-STBCs) are introduced for systems with four transmit antennas which can operate either in open or closed-loop forms. New EO-STBC and QO-STBC wideband CDMA transmission schemes are proposed which when operating in closed-loop mode, i.e. channel state information is exploited at the transmitter, is shown to attain full diversity and thereby outperform previous schemes in terms of attain able symbol error rate performance. This advantage is then utilized in MIMO-OFDM transmission schemes and similar frame error rate (FER) performance advantage is attained. Finally, to mitigate multiuser interference within the proposed MIMO-OFDM system a novel two-step combined parallel interference canceller and multiuser detection scheme is proposed. Simulation studies based upon FER confirm the efficacy of the technique

    Signal processing for future MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems

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    The combination of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is likely to provide the air-interface solution for future broadband wireless systems. A major challenge for MIMO-OFDM systems is the problem of multi-access interference (MAI) induced by the presence of multiple users transmitting over the same bandwidth. Novel signal processing techniques are therefore required to mitigate MAI and thereby increase link performance. A background review of space-time block codes (STBCs) to lever age diversity gain in MIMO systems is provided together with an introduction to OFDM. The link performance of an OFDM system is also shown to be sensitive to time-variation of the channel. Iterative minimum mean square error (MMSE) receivers are therefore proposed to overcome such time-variation. In the context of synchronous uplink transmission, a new two-step hard-decision interference cancellation receiver for STBC MIMO-OFDM is shown to have robust performance and relatively low complexity. Further improvement is obtained through employing error control coding methods and iterative algorithms. A soft output multiuser detector based on MMSE interference suppression and error correction coding at the first stage is shown by frame error rate simulations to provide significant performance improvement over the classical linear scheme. Finally, building on the "turbo principle", a low-complexity iterative interference cancellation and detection scheme is designed to provide a good compromise between the exponential computational complexity of the soft interference cancellation linear MMSE algorithm and the near-capacity performance of a scheme which uses iterative turbo processing for soft interference suppression in combination with multiuser detection.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Signal processing for future MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems

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    The combination of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is likely to provide the air-interface solution for future broadband wireless systems. A major challenge for MIMO-OFDM systems is the problem of multi-access interference (MAI) induced by the presence of multiple users transmitting over the same bandwidth. Novel signal processing techniques are therefore required to mitigate MAI and thereby increase link performance. A background review of space-time block codes (STBCs) to lever age diversity gain in MIMO systems is provided together with an introduction to OFDM. The link performance of an OFDM system is also shown to be sensitive to time-variation of the channel. Iterative minimum mean square error (MMSE) receivers are therefore proposed to overcome such time-variation. In the context of synchronous uplink transmission, a new two-step hard-decision interference cancellation receiver for STBC MIMO-OFDM is shown to have robust performance and relatively low complexity. Further improvement is obtained through employing error control coding methods and iterative algorithms. A soft output multiuser detector based on MMSE interference suppression and error correction coding at the first stage is shown by frame error rate simulations to provide significant performance improvement over the classical linear scheme. Finally, building on the "turbo principle", a low-complexity iterative interference cancellation and detection scheme is designed to provide a good compromise between the exponential computational complexity of the soft interference cancellation linear MMSE algorithm and the near-capacity performance of a scheme which uses iterative turbo processing for soft interference suppression in combination with multiuser detection
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