4 research outputs found

    Interface analysis between GSVML and HL7 version 3

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    AbstractIn order to realize gene-based medicine, a number of key challenges must be overcome. Construction of infrastructure capable of integrating genetic and clinical information is one of those challenges. The Genomic Sequence Variation Markup Language (GSVML) and the Health Level Seven Version 3 (HL7v3) are important electronic data exchange standards for clinical genome infrastructure, and compatibility between these two standards will promote the above integration. In this study, we analyzed the interface between GSVML and HL7v3, primarily for the Clinical Genomics Domain, from a view of the GSVML, and were able to create a blueprint for a functional interface between GSVML and HL7v3. We expect that these analytical results will help accelerate the realization of gene-based medicine

    Agent-Based Medical Diagnosis Systems

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    Medical diagnostics elaboration many times is a distributed and cooperative work, which involves more medical human specialists and different medical systems. Recent results described in the literature prove that medical diagnosis problems can be solved efficiently by large-scale medical multi-agent systems. Cooperative diagnosing of medical diagnosis problems by large-scale multi-agent systems makes the diagnoses elaborations easier and may increase the accuracy of elaborated diagnostics. The purpose of the study described in this paper consists in the development of a novel large-scale hybrid medical diagnosis system called LMDS. The LMDS system is composed from physicians, medical expert system agents developed in our previous works and medical ICMA agents. Medical ICMA agents represent a novel class of agents with the ICMA architecture developed in our previous works, endowed with medical diagnosis capability. The main novelty of the LMDS system consists in the novel classes of agent members of the system and the manner in which the members of the system contribute to the problems solving. Each diagnostics can be elaborated cooperatively by more members of the system. The diagnosis system can solve difficult medical diagnosis problems whose solving must be discovered cooperatively by the members of the system. Many difficult medical problem solving requires medical knowledge that cannot be detained by a single physician or a medical computational system. Simulations prove the correctness in operation of the LMDS system


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    У монографії розглянуто теоретичні основи та застосування агентних технологій. Висвітлено сучасні підходи до подання й обробки знань, на яких базуються інтелектуальні програмні агенти. Наведено моделі та технології створення програмних агентів і мультиагентних систем, їх застосування для пошуку інформації та підтримки електронного бізнесу.\ud Для науковців і спеціалістів, які займаються дослідженнями та розробками в галузі інтелектуальних інформаційних систем, бізнес-застосунків інформаційної економіки.\u

    Cooperative Software Agents for Patient Management

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    . Managing patients in a shared-care context is a knowledge intensive activity. To support cooperative work in medical care, computer technology should either augment the capabilities of individual specialists and enhance their ability of interacting with each other and with computational resources. Thus, a major shift is needed from centralized first generation Hospital Information Systems to distributed environments composed of several interconnected agents, cooperating in maintaining a full track of the patient clinical history and supporting health care providers in all the phases of the patient management process. In this paper we describe a methodology for implementing a network of cooperating software agents aimed at improving the health care delivery process. Moreover, a preliminary computational prototype exploiting the proposed methodology is also illustrated. 1 Introduction The management of a patient in a shared-care context is a knowledge intensive activity. Health care ..