5 research outputs found

    Federated Learning with Downlink Device Selection

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    We study federated edge learning, where a global model is trained collaboratively using privacy-sensitive data at the edge of a wireless network. A parameter server (PS) keeps track of the global model and shares it with the wireless edge devices for training using their private local data. The devices then transmit their local model updates, which are used to update the global model, to the PS. The algorithm, which involves transmission over PS-to-device and device-to-PS links, continues until the convergence of the global model or lack of any participating devices. In this study, we consider device selection based on downlink channels over which the PS shares the global model with the devices. Performing digital downlink transmission, we design a partial device participation framework where a subset of the devices is selected for training at each iteration. Therefore, the participating devices can have a better estimate of the global model compared to the full device participation case which is due to the shared nature of the broadcast channel with the price of updating the global model with respect to a smaller set of data. At each iteration, the PS broadcasts different quantized global model updates to different participating devices based on the last global model estimates available at the devices. We investigate the best number of participating devices through experimental results for image classification using the MNIST dataset with biased distribution.Comment: accepted in IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 202

    XOR Mixup: Privacy-Preserving Data Augmentation for One-Shot Federated Learning

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    User-generated data distributions are often imbalanced across devices and labels, hampering the performance of federated learning (FL). To remedy to this non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data problem, in this work we develop a privacy-preserving XOR based mixup data augmentation technique, coined XorMixup, and thereby propose a novel one-shot FL framework, termed XorMixFL. The core idea is to collect other devices' encoded data samples that are decoded only using each device's own data samples. The decoding provides synthetic-but-realistic samples until inducing an IID dataset, used for model training. Both encoding and decoding procedures follow the bit-wise XOR operations that intentionally distort raw samples, thereby preserving data privacy. Simulation results corroborate that XorMixFL achieves up to 17.6% higher accuracy than Vanilla FL under a non-IID MNIST dataset

    Distillation-Based Semi-Supervised Federated Learning for Communication-Efficient Collaborative Training with Non-IID Private Data

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    This study develops a federated learning (FL) framework overcoming largely incremental communication costs due to model sizes in typical frameworks without compromising model performance. To this end, based on the idea of leveraging an unlabeled open dataset, we propose a distillation-based semi-supervised FL (DS-FL) algorithm that exchanges the outputs of local models among mobile devices, instead of model parameter exchange employed by the typical frameworks. In DS-FL, the communication cost depends only on the output dimensions of the models and does not scale up according to the model size. The exchanged model outputs are used to label each sample of the open dataset, which creates an additionally labeled dataset. Based on the new dataset, local models are further trained, and model performance is enhanced owing to the data augmentation effect. We further highlight that in DS-FL, the heterogeneity of the devices' dataset leads to ambiguous of each data sample and lowing of the training convergence. To prevent this, we propose entropy reduction averaging, where the aggregated model outputs are intentionally sharpened. Moreover, extensive experiments show that DS-FL reduces communication costs up to 99% relative to those of the FL benchmark while achieving similar or higher classification accuracy

    Convergence of Federated Learning over a Noisy Downlink

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    We study federated learning (FL), where power-limited wireless devices utilize their local datasets to collaboratively train a global model with the help of a remote parameter server (PS). The PS has access to the global model and shares it with the devices for local training, and the devices return the result of their local updates to the PS to update the global model. This framework requires downlink transmission from the PS to the devices and uplink transmission from the devices to the PS. The goal of this study is to investigate the impact of the bandwidth-limited shared wireless medium in both the downlink and uplink on the performance of FL with a focus on the downlink. To this end, the downlink and uplink channels are modeled as fading broadcast and multiple access channels, respectively, both with limited bandwidth. For downlink transmission, we first introduce a digital approach, where a quantization technique is employed at the PS to broadcast the global model update at a common rate such that all the devices can decode it. Next, we propose analog downlink transmission, where the global model is broadcast by the PS in an uncoded manner. We consider analog transmission over the uplink in both cases. We further analyze the convergence behavior of the proposed analog approach assuming that the uplink transmission is error-free. Numerical experiments show that the analog downlink approach provides significant improvement over the digital one, despite a significantly lower transmit power at the PS. The experimental results corroborate the convergence results, and show that a smaller number of local iterations should be used when the data distribution is more biased, and also when the devices have a better estimate of the global model in the analog downlink approach.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Communication Efficient Distributed Learning with Censored, Quantized, and Generalized Group ADMM

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    In this paper, we propose a communication-efficiently decentralized machine learning framework that solves a consensus optimization problem defined over a network of inter-connected workers. The proposed algorithm, Censored and Quantized Generalized GADMM (CQ-GGADMM), leverages the worker grouping and decentralized learning ideas of Group Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (GADMM), and pushes the frontier in communication efficiency by extending its applicability to generalized network topologies, while incorporating link censoring for negligible updates after quantization. We theoretically prove that CQ-GGADMM achieves the linear convergence rate when the local objective functions are strongly convex under some mild assumptions. Numerical simulations corroborate that CQ-GGADMM exhibits higher communication efficiency in terms of the number of communication rounds and transmit energy consumption without compromising the accuracy and convergence speed, compared to the censored decentralized ADMM, and the worker grouping method of GADMM.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure