4 research outputs found

    Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia

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    Designing synthetic microbial consortia is an emerging area in synthetic biology and a major goal is to realize stable and robust coexistence of multiple species. Cooperation and competition are fundamental intra/interspecies interactions that shape population level behaviors, yet it is not well-understood how these interactions affect the stability and robustness of coexistence. In this paper, we show that communities with cooperative interactions are more robust to population disturbance, e.g., depletion by antibiotics, by forming intermixed spatial patterns. Meanwhile, competition leads to population spatial heterogeneity and more fragile coexistence in communities. Using reaction-diffusion and nonlocal PDE models and simulations of a two-species E. coli consortium, we demonstrate that cooperation is more beneficial than competition in maintaining coexistence in spatially structured consortia, but not in well-mixed environments. This also suggests a tradeoff between constructing heterogeneous communities with localized functions and maintaining robust coexistence. The results provide general strategies for engineering spatially structured consortia by designing interspecies interactions and suggest the importance of cooperation for biodiversity in microbial community

    Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia

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    Designing synthetic microbial consortia is an emerging area in synthetic biology and a major goal is to realize stable and robust coexistence of multiple species. Cooperation and competition are fundamental intra/interspecies interactions that shape population level behaviors, yet it is not well-understood how these interactions affect the stability and robustness of coexistence. In this paper, we show that communities with cooperative interactions are more robust to population disturbance, e.g., depletion by antibiotics, by forming intermixed spatial patterns. Meanwhile, competition leads to population spatial heterogeneity and more fragile coexistence in communities. Using reaction-diffusion and nonlocal PDE models and simulations of a two-species E. coli consortium, we demonstrate that cooperation is more beneficial than competition in maintaining coexistence in spatially structured consortia, but not in well-mixed environments. This also suggests a tradeoff between constructing heterogeneous communities with localized functions and maintaining robust coexistence. The results provide general strategies for engineering spatially structured consortia by designing interspecies interactions and suggest the importance of cooperation for biodiversity in microbial community

    Layered Feedback Control Improves Robust Functionality across Heterogeneous Cell Populations

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    Realizing homeostatic control of metabolites or proteins is one of the key goals of synthetic circuits. However, if control is only implemented internally in individual cells, cell-cell heterogeneity may break the homeostasis on populationlevel since cells do not contribute equally to the production or regulation. New control structures are needed to achieve robust functionality in heterogeneous cell populations. Quorum sensing(QS) serves as a collective mechanism by releasing and sensing small and diffusible signaling molecules for group decision-making. We propose a layered feedback control structure that includes a global controller using quorum sensing and a local controller via internal signal-receptor systems. We demonstrate with modeling and simulation that the global controller drives contributing cells to compensate for disturbances while the local controller governs the fail-mode performance in non-contributing cells. The layered controller can tolerate a higher portion of non-contributing cells or longer generations of mutant cells while maintaining metabolites or proteins level within a small error range, compared with only internal feedback control. We further discuss the potential of such layered structures in robust control of cell population size,population fraction and other population-dependent functions