171 research outputs found

    UFPR-Periocular: A Periocular Dataset Collected by Mobile Devices in Unconstrained Scenarios

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    Recently, ocular biometrics in unconstrained environments using images obtained at visible wavelength have gained the researchers' attention, especially with images captured by mobile devices. Periocular recognition has been demonstrated to be an alternative when the iris trait is not available due to occlusions or low image resolution. However, the periocular trait does not have the high uniqueness presented in the iris trait. Thus, the use of datasets containing many subjects is essential to assess biometric systems' capacity to extract discriminating information from the periocular region. Also, to address the within-class variability caused by lighting and attributes in the periocular region, it is of paramount importance to use datasets with images of the same subject captured in distinct sessions. As the datasets available in the literature do not present all these factors, in this work, we present a new periocular dataset containing samples from 1,122 subjects, acquired in 3 sessions by 196 different mobile devices. The images were captured under unconstrained environments with just a single instruction to the participants: to place their eyes on a region of interest. We also performed an extensive benchmark with several Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures and models that have been employed in state-of-the-art approaches based on Multi-class Classification, Multitask Learning, Pairwise Filters Network, and Siamese Network. The results achieved in the closed- and open-world protocol, considering the identification and verification tasks, show that this area still needs research and development

    A Reminiscence of ”Mastermind”: Iris/Periocular Biometrics by ”In-Set” CNN Iterative Analysis

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged as the most popular classification models in biometrics research. Under the discriminative paradigm of pattern recognition, CNNs are used typically in one of two ways: 1) verification mode (”are samples from the same person?”), where pairs of images are provided to the network to distinguish between genuine and impostor instances; and 2) identification mode (”whom is this sample from?”), where appropriate feature representations that map images to identities are found. This paper postulates a novel mode for using CNNs in biometric identification, by learning models that answer to the question ”is the query’s identity among this set?”. The insight is a reminiscence of the classical Mastermind game: by iteratively analysing the network responses when multiple random samples of k gallery elements are compared to the query, we obtain weakly correlated matching scores that - altogether - provide solid cues to infer the most likely identity. In this setting, identification is regarded as a variable selection and regularization problem, with sparse linear regression techniques being used to infer the matching probability with respect to each gallery identity. As main strength, this strategy is highly robust to outlier matching scores, which are known to be a primary error source in biometric recognition. Our experiments were carried out in full versions of two well known irises near-infrared (CASIA-IrisV4-Thousand) and periocular visible wavelength (UBIRIS.v2) datasets, and confirm that recognition performance can be solidly boosted-up by the proposed algorithm, when compared to the traditional working modes of CNNs in biometrics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PatchBMI-Net: Lightweight Facial Patch-based Ensemble for BMI Prediction

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    Due to an alarming trend related to obesity affecting 93.3 million adults in the United States alone, body mass index (BMI) and body weight have drawn significant interest in various health monitoring applications. Consequently, several studies have proposed self-diagnostic facial image-based BMI prediction methods for healthy weight monitoring. These methods have mostly used convolutional neural network (CNN) based regression baselines, such as VGG19, ResNet50, and Efficient-NetB0, for BMI prediction from facial images. However, the high computational requirement of these heavy-weight CNN models limits their deployment to resource-constrained mobile devices, thus deterring weight monitoring using smartphones. This paper aims to develop a lightweight facial patch-based ensemble (PatchBMI-Net) for BMI prediction to facilitate the deployment and weight monitoring using smartphones. Extensive experiments on BMI-annotated facial image datasets suggest that our proposed PatchBMI-Net model can obtain Mean Absolute Error (MAE) in the range [3.58, 6.51] with a size of about 3.3 million parameters. On cross-comparison with heavyweight models, such as ResNet-50 and Xception, trained for BMI prediction from facial images, our proposed PatchBMI-Net obtains equivalent MAE along with the model size reduction of about 5.4x and the average inference time reduction of about 3x when deployed on Apple-14 smartphone. Thus, demonstrating performance efficiency as well as low latency for on-device deployment and weight monitoring using smartphone applications.Comment: 7 pages,3 figure

    Cross-Spectral Periocular Recognition with Conditional Adversarial Networks

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    This work addresses the challenge of comparing periocular images captured in different spectra, which is known to produce significant drops in performance in comparison to operating in the same spectrum. We propose the use of Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, trained to con-vert periocular images between visible and near-infrared spectra, so that biometric verification is carried out in the same spectrum. The proposed setup allows the use of existing feature methods typically optimized to operate in a single spectrum. Recognition experiments are done using a number of off-the-shelf periocular comparators based both on hand-crafted features and CNN descriptors. Using the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Cross-Spectral Iris Images Database (PolyU) as benchmark dataset, our experiments show that cross-spectral performance is substantially improved if both images are converted to the same spectrum, in comparison to matching features extracted from images in different spectra. In addition to this, we fine-tune a CNN based on the ResNet50 architecture, obtaining a cross-spectral periocular performance of EER=1%, and GAR>99% @ FAR=1%, which is comparable to the state-of-the-art with the PolyU database.Comment: Accepted for publication at 2020 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2020
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