3 research outputs found

    Convolutional neural network compression for natural language processing

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    Convolutional neural networks are modern models that are very efficient in many classification tasks. They were originally created for image processing purposes. Then some trials were performed to use them in different domains like natural language processing. The artificial intelligence systems (like humanoid robots) are very often based on embedded systems with constraints on memory, power consumption etc. Therefore convolutional neural network because of its memory capacity should be reduced to be mapped to given hardware. In this paper, results are presented of compressing the efficient convolutional neural networks for sentiment analysis. The main steps are quantization and pruning processes. The method responsible for mapping compressed network to FPGA and results of this implementation are presented. The described simulations showed that 5-bit width is enough to have no drop in accuracy from floating point version of the network. Additionally, significant memory footprint reduction was achieved (from 85% up to 93%).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Retrain or not retrain? -- efficient pruning methods of deep CNN networks

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNN) play a major role in image processing tasks like image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation. Very often CNN networks have from several to hundred stacked layers with several megabytes of weights. One of the possible methods to reduce complexity and memory footprint is pruning. Pruning is a process of removing weights which connect neurons from two adjacent layers in the network. The process of finding near optimal solution with specified drop in accuracy can be more sophisticated when DL model has higher number of convolutional layers. In the paper few approaches based on retraining and no retraining are described and compared together

    Accelerating Natural Language Understanding in Task-Oriented Dialog

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    Task-oriented dialog models typically leverage complex neural architectures and large-scale, pre-trained Transformers to achieve state-of-the-art performance on popular natural language understanding benchmarks. However, these models frequently have in excess of tens of millions of parameters, making them impossible to deploy on-device where resource-efficiency is a major concern. In this work, we show that a simple convolutional model compressed with structured pruning achieves largely comparable results to BERT on ATIS and Snips, with under 100K parameters. Moreover, we perform acceleration experiments on CPUs, where we observe our multi-task model predicts intents and slots nearly 63x faster than even DistilBERT.Comment: Accepted to ACL 2020 Workshop on NLP for Conversational A