10 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Networks to Enhance Coded Speech

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    Enhancing coded speech suffering from far-end acoustic background noise, quantization noise, and potentially transmission errors, is a challenging task. In this work we propose two postprocessing approaches applying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) either in the time domain or the cepstral domain to enhance the coded speech without any modification of the codecs. The time domain approach follows an end-to-end fashion, while the cepstral domain approach uses analysis-synthesis with cepstral domain features. The proposed postprocessors in both domains are evaluated for various narrowband and wideband speech codecs in a wide range of conditions. The proposed postprocessor improves speech quality (PESQ) by up to 0.25 MOS-LQO points for G.711, 0.30 points for G.726, 0.82 points for G.722, and 0.26 points for adaptive multirate wideband codec (AMR-WB). In a subjective CCR listening test, the proposed postprocessor on G.711-coded speech exceeds the speech quality of an ITU-T-standardized postfilter by 0.36 CMOS points, and obtains a clear preference of 1.77 CMOS points compared to legacy G.711, even better than uncoded speech with statistical significance. The source code for the cepstral domain approach to enhance G.711-coded speech is made available.Comment: More analysis are added for version

    Learning with Learned Loss Function: Speech Enhancement with Quality-Net to Improve Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality

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    Utilizing a human-perception-related objective function to train a speech enhancement model has become a popular topic recently. The main reason is that the conventional mean squared error (MSE) loss cannot represent auditory perception well. One of the typical hu-man-perception-related metrics, which is the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), has been proven to provide a high correlation to the quality scores rated by humans. Owing to its complex and non-differentiable properties, however, the PESQ function may not be used to optimize speech enhancement models directly. In this study, we propose optimizing the enhancement model with an approximated PESQ function, which is differentiable and learned from the training data. The experimental results show that the learned surrogate function can guide the enhancement model to further boost the PESQ score (in-crease of 0.18 points compared to the results trained with MSE loss) and maintain the speech intelligibility.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL

    MetricGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks based Black-box Metric Scores Optimization for Speech Enhancement

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    Adversarial loss in a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) is not designed to directly optimize evaluation metrics of a target task, and thus, may not always guide the generator in a GAN to generate data with improved metric scores. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel MetricGAN approach with an aim to optimize the generator with respect to one or multiple evaluation metrics. Moreover, based on MetricGAN, the metric scores of the generated data can also be arbitrarily specified by users. We tested the proposed MetricGAN on a speech enhancement task, which is particularly suitable to verify the proposed approach because there are multiple metrics measuring different aspects of speech signals. Moreover, these metrics are generally complex and could not be fully optimized by Lp or conventional adversarial losses.Comment: Accepted by Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201

    AMRConvNet: AMR-Coded Speech Enhancement Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Speech is converted to digital signals using speech coding for efficient transmission. However, this often lowers the quality and bandwidth of speech. This paper explores the application of convolutional neural networks for Artificial Bandwidth Expansion (ABE) and speech enhancement on coded speech, particularly Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) used in 2G cellular phone calls. In this paper, we introduce AMRConvNet: a convolutional neural network that performs ABE and speech enhancement on speech encoded with AMR. The model operates directly on the time-domain for both input and output speech but optimizes using combined time-domain reconstruction loss and frequency-domain perceptual loss. AMRConvNet resulted in an average improvement of 0.425 Mean Opinion Score - Listening Quality Objective (MOS-LQO) points for AMR bitrate of 4.75k, and 0.073 MOS-LQO points for AMR bitrate of 12.2k. AMRConvNet also showed robustness in AMR bitrate inputs. Finally, an ablation test showed that our combined time-domain and frequency-domain loss leads to slightly higher MOS-LQO and faster training convergence than using either loss alone.Comment: IEEE SMC 202

    Speech Enhancement with Zero-Shot Model Selection

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    Recent research on speech enhancement (SE) has seen the emergence of deep learning-based methods. It is still a challenging task to determine effective ways to increase the generalizability of SE under diverse test conditions. In this paper, we combine zero-shot learning and ensemble learning to propose a zero-shot model selection (ZMOS) approach to increase the generalization of SE performance. The proposed approach is realized in two phases, namely offline and online phases. The offline phase clusters the entire set of training data into multiple subsets, and trains a specialized SE model (termed component SE model) with each subset. The online phase selects the most suitable component SE model to carry out enhancement. Two selection strategies are developed: selection based on quality score (QS) and selection based on quality embedding (QE). Both QS and QE are obtained by a Quality-Net, a non-intrusive quality assessment network. In the offline phase, the QS or QE of a train-ing utterance is used to group the training data into clusters. In the online phase, the QS or QE of the test utterance is used to identify the appropriate component SE model to perform enhancement on the test utterance. Experimental results have confirmed that the proposed ZMOS approach can achieve better performance in both seen and unseen noise types compared to the baseline systems, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed approach to provide robust SE performance

    Audio Codec Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Audio codecs are typically transform-domain based and efficiently code stationary audio signals, but they struggle with speech and signals containing dense transient events such as applause. Specifically, with these two classes of signals as examples, we demonstrate a technique for restoring audio from coding noise based on generative adversarial networks (GAN). A primary advantage of the proposed GAN-based coded audio enhancer is that the method operates end-to-end directly on decoded audio samples, eliminating the need to design any manually-crafted frontend. Furthermore, the enhancement approach described in this paper can improve the sound quality of low-bit rate coded audio without any modifications to the existent standard-compliant encoders. Subjective tests illustrate that the proposed enhancer improves the quality of speech and difficult to code applause excerpts significantly.Comment: Accepted to 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 04-08 May 202

    Multichannel Speech Enhancement by Raw Waveform-mapping using Fully Convolutional Networks

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    In recent years, waveform-mapping-based speech enhancement (SE) methods have garnered significant attention. These methods generally use a deep learning model to directly process and reconstruct speech waveforms. Because both the input and output are in waveform format, the waveform-mapping-based SE methods can overcome the distortion caused by imperfect phase estimation, which may be encountered in spectral-mapping-based SE systems. So far, most waveform-mapping-based SE methods have focused on single-channel tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel fully convolutional network (FCN) with Sinc and dilated convolutional layers (termed SDFCN) for multichannel SE that operates in the time domain. We also propose an extended version of SDFCN, called the residual SDFCN (termed rSDFCN). The proposed methods are evaluated on two multichannel SE tasks, namely the dual-channel inner-ear microphones SE task and the distributed microphones SE task. The experimental results confirm the outstanding denoising capability of the proposed SE systems on both tasks and the benefits of using the residual architecture on the overall SE performance.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin

    Components Loss for Neural Networks in Mask-Based Speech Enhancement

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    Estimating time-frequency domain masks for single-channel speech enhancement using deep learning methods has recently become a popular research field with promising results. In this paper, we propose a novel components loss (CL) for the training of neural networks for mask-based speech enhancement. During the training process, the proposed CL offers separate control over preservation of the speech component quality, suppression of the residual noise component, and preservation of a naturally sounding residual noise component. We illustrate the potential of the proposed CL by evaluating a standard convolutional neural network (CNN) for mask-based speech enhancement. The new CL obtains a better and more balanced performance in almost all employed instrumental quality metrics over the baseline losses, the latter comprising the conventional mean squared error (MSE) loss and also auditory-related loss functions, such as the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) loss and the recently proposed perceptual weighting filter loss. Particularly, applying the CL offers better speech component quality, better overall enhanced speech perceptual quality, as well as a more naturally sounding residual noise. On average, an at least 0.1 points higher PESQ score on the enhanced speech is obtained while also obtaining a higher SNR improvement by more than 0.5 dB, for seen noise types. This improvement is stronger for unseen noise types, where an about 0.2 points higher PESQ score on the enhanced speech is obtained, while also the output SNR is ahead by more than 0.5 dB. The new proposed CL is easy to implement and code is provided at https://github.com/ifnspaml/Components-Loss