1,456 research outputs found

    Riemannian Optimization for Convex and Non-Convex Signal Processing and Machine Learning Applications

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    The performance of most algorithms for signal processing and machine learning applications highly depends on the underlying optimization algorithms. Multiple techniques have been proposed for solving convex and non-convex problems such as interior-point methods and semidefinite programming. However, it is well known that these algorithms are not ideally suited for large-scale optimization with a high number of variables and/or constraints. This thesis exploits a novel optimization method, known as Riemannian optimization, for efficiently solving convex and non-convex problems with signal processing and machine learning applications. Unlike most optimization techniques whose complexities increase with the number of constraints, Riemannian methods smartly exploit the structure of the search space, a.k.a., the set of feasible solutions, to reduce the embedded dimension and efficiently solve optimization problems in a reasonable time. However, such efficiency comes at the expense of universality as the geometry of each manifold needs to be investigated individually. This thesis explains the steps of designing first and second-order Riemannian optimization methods for smooth matrix manifolds through the study and design of optimization algorithms for various applications. In particular, the paper is interested in contemporary applications in signal processing and machine learning, such as community detection, graph-based clustering, phase retrieval, and indoor and outdoor location determination. Simulation results are provided to attest to the efficiency of the proposed methods against popular generic and specialized solvers for each of the above applications

    Valuing fuel diversification in optimal investment policies for electricity generation portfolios

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    Optimal capacity allocation for investments in electricity generation assets can be deterministically derived by comparing technology specific long-term and short-term marginal costs. In an uncertain market environment, Mean-Variance Portfolio (MVP) theory provides a consistent framework to valuate financial risks in power generation portfolios that allows to derive the efficient fuel mix of a system portfolio with different generation technologies from a welfare maximization perspective. Because existing literature on MVP applications in electricity generation markets uses predominantly numerical methods to characterize portfolio risks, this article presents a novel analytical approach combining conceptual elements of peak-load pricing and MVP theory to derive optimal portfolios consisting of an arbitrary number of plant technologies given uncertain fuel prices. For this purpose, we provide a static optimization model which allows to fully capture fuel price risks in a mean variance portfolio framework. The analytically derived optimality conditions contribute to a much better understanding of the optimal investment policy and its risk characteristics compared to existing numerical methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate an application of the proposed framework and results to the German electricity market which has not yet been treated in MVP literature on electricity markets.power plant investments, peak load pricing, mean-variance portfolio theory, fuel mix diversification

    Multidisciplinary Optimization Approach for Design and Operation of Constrained and Complex-shaped Space Systems.

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    The design of a small satellite is challenging since they are constrained by mass, volume, and power. To mitigate these constraint effects, designers adopt deployable configurations on the spacecraft that result in an interesting and difficult optimization problem. The resulting optimization problem is challenging due to the computational complexity caused by the large number of design variables and the model complexity created by the deployables. Adding to these complexities, there is a lack of integration of the design optimization systems into operational optimization, and the utility maximization of spacecraft in orbit. The developed methodology enables satellite Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) that is extendable to on-orbit operation. Optimization of on-orbit operations is possible with MDO since the model predictive controller developed in this dissertation guarantees the achievement of the on-ground design behavior in orbit. To enable the design optimization of highly constrained and complex-shaped space systems, the spherical coordinate analysis technique, called the ``Attitude Sphere'', is extended and merged with an additional engineering tools like OpenGL. OpenGL's graphic acceleration facilitates the accurate estimation of the shadow-degraded photovoltaic cell area. This technique is applied to the design optimization of the satellite Electric Power System (EPS) and the design result shows that the amount of photovoltaic power generation can be increased more than 9%. Based on this initial methodology, the goal of this effort is extended from Single Discipline Optimization to Multidisciplinary Optimization, which includes the design and also operation of the EPS, Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), and communication system. The geometry optimization satisfies the conditions of the ground development phase; however, the operation optimization may not be as successful as expected in orbit due to disturbances. To address this issue, for the ADCS operations, controllers based on Model Predictive Control that are effective for constraint handling were developed and implemented. All the suggested design and operation methodologies are applied to a mission “CADRE”, which is space weather mission scheduled for operation in 2016. This application demonstrates the usefulness and capability of the methodology to enhance CADRE's capabilities, and its ability to be applied to a variety of missions.PhDAerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120694/1/daylee_1.pd

    Graduated Non-Convexity for Robust Spatial Perception: From Non-Minimal Solvers to Global Outlier Rejection

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    Semidefinite Programming (SDP) and Sums-of-Squares (SOS) relaxations have led to certifiably optimal non-minimal solvers for several robotics and computer vision problems. However, most non-minimal solvers rely on least-squares formulations, and, as a result, are brittle against outliers. While a standard approach to regain robustness against outliers is to use robust cost functions, the latter typically introduce other non-convexities, preventing the use of existing non-minimal solvers. In this paper, we enable the simultaneous use of non-minimal solvers and robust estimation by providing a general-purpose approach for robust global estimation, which can be applied to any problem where a non-minimal solver is available for the outlier-free case. To this end, we leverage the Black-Rangarajan duality between robust estimation and outlier processes (which has been traditionally applied to early vision problems), and show that graduated non-convexity (GNC) can be used in conjunction with non-minimal solvers to compute robust solutions, without requiring an initial guess. Although GNC's global optimality cannot be guaranteed, we demonstrate the empirical robustness of the resulting robust non-minimal solvers in applications, including point cloud and mesh registration, pose graph optimization, and image-based object pose estimation (also called shape alignment). Our solvers are robust to 70-80% of outliers, outperform RANSAC, are more accurate than specialized local solvers, and faster than specialized global solvers. We also propose the first certifiably optimal non-minimal solver for shape alignment using SOS relaxation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, published at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2020, Best Paper Award in Robot Vision at ICRA 202

    Escapist policy rules

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    We study a simple, microfounded macroeconomic system in which the monetary authority employs a Taylor-type policy rule. We analyze situations in which the self-confirming equilibrium is unique and learnable according to Bullard and Mitra (2002). We explore the prospects for the use of 'large deviation' theory in this context, as employed by Sargent (1999) and Cho, Williams, and Sargent (2002). We show that our system can sometimes depart from the self-confirming equilibrium towards a non-equilibrium outcome characterized by persistently low nominal interest rates and persistently low inflation. Thus we generate events that have some of the properties of "liquidity traps" observed in the data, even though the policymaker remains committed to a Taylor-type policy rule which otherwise has desirable stabilization properties