14,703 research outputs found

    A recursive algorithm for multivariate risk measures and a set-valued Bellman's principle

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    A method for calculating multi-portfolio time consistent multivariate risk measures in discrete time is presented. Market models for dd assets with transaction costs or illiquidity and possible trading constraints are considered on a finite probability space. The set of capital requirements at each time and state is calculated recursively backwards in time along the event tree. We motivate why the proposed procedure can be seen as a set-valued Bellman's principle, that might be of independent interest within the growing field of set optimization. We give conditions under which the backwards calculation of the sets reduces to solving a sequence of linear, respectively convex vector optimization problems. Numerical examples are given and include superhedging under illiquidity, the set-valued entropic risk measure, and the multi-portfolio time consistent version of the relaxed worst case risk measure and of the set-valued average value at risk.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-Period Trading via Convex Optimization

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    We consider a basic model of multi-period trading, which can be used to evaluate the performance of a trading strategy. We describe a framework for single-period optimization, where the trades in each period are found by solving a convex optimization problem that trades off expected return, risk, transaction cost and holding cost such as the borrowing cost for shorting assets. We then describe a multi-period version of the trading method, where optimization is used to plan a sequence of trades, with only the first one executed, using estimates of future quantities that are unknown when the trades are chosen. The single-period method traces back to Markowitz; the multi-period methods trace back to model predictive control. Our contribution is to describe the single-period and multi-period methods in one simple framework, giving a clear description of the development and the approximations made. In this paper we do not address a critical component in a trading algorithm, the predictions or forecasts of future quantities. The methods we describe in this paper can be thought of as good ways to exploit predictions, no matter how they are made. We have also developed a companion open-source software library that implements many of the ideas and methods described in the paper

    Set-valued shortfall and divergence risk measures

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    Risk measures for multivariate financial positions are studied in a utility-based framework. Under a certain incomplete preference relation, shortfall and divergence risk measures are defined as the optimal values of specific set minimization problems. The dual relationship between these two classes of multivariate risk measures is constructed via a recent Lagrange duality for set optimization. In particular, it is shown that a shortfall risk measure can be written as an intersection over a family of divergence risk measures indexed by a scalarization parameter. Examples include set-valued versions of the entropic risk measure and the average value at risk. As a second step, the minimization of these risk measures subject to trading opportunities is studied in a general convex market in discrete time. The optimal value of the minimization problem, called the market risk measure, is also a set-valued risk measure. A dual representation for the market risk measure that decomposes the effects of the original risk measure and the frictions of the market is proved

    Superhedging in illiquid markets

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    We study contingent claims in a discrete-time market model where trading costs are given by convex functions and portfolios are constrained by convex sets. In addition to classical frictionless markets and markets with transaction costs or bid-ask spreads, our framework covers markets with nonlinear illiquidity effects for large instantaneous trades. We derive dual characterizations of superhedging conditions for contingent claim processes in a market without a cash account. The characterizations are given in terms of stochastic discount factors that correspond to martingale densities in a market with a cash account. The dual representations are valid under a topological condition and a weak consistency condition reminiscent of the ``law of one price'', both of which are implied by the no arbitrage condition in the case of classical perfectly liquid market models. We give alternative sufficient conditions that apply to market models with nonlinear cost functions and portfolio constraints

    Asset Allocation under the Basel Accord Risk Measures

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    Financial institutions are currently required to meet more stringent capital requirements than they were before the recent financial crisis; in particular, the capital requirement for a large bank's trading book under the Basel 2.5 Accord more than doubles that under the Basel II Accord. The significant increase in capital requirements renders it necessary for banks to take into account the constraint of capital requirement when they make asset allocation decisions. In this paper, we propose a new asset allocation model that incorporates the regulatory capital requirements under both the Basel 2.5 Accord, which is currently in effect, and the Basel III Accord, which was recently proposed and is currently under discussion. We propose an unified algorithm based on the alternating direction augmented Lagrangian method to solve the model; we also establish the first-order optimality of the limit points of the sequence generated by the algorithm under some mild conditions. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement; each step of the algorithm consists of solving convex quadratic programming or one-dimensional subproblems. Numerical experiments on simulated and real market data show that the algorithm compares favorably with other existing methods, especially in cases in which the model is non-convex