4,915 research outputs found

    The Generalized Legendre transform and its applications to inverse spectral problems

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    Let MM be a Riemannian manifold, Ο„:GΓ—Mβ†’M\tau: G \times M \to M an isometric action on MM of an nn-torus GG and V:Mβ†’RV: M \to \mathbb R a bounded GG-invariant smooth function. By GG-invariance the Schr\"odinger operator, P=βˆ’β„2Ξ”M+VP=-\hbar^2 \Delta_M+V, restricts to a self-adjoint operator on L2(M)Ξ±/ℏL^2(M)_{\alpha/\hbar}, Ξ±\alpha being a weight of GG and 1/ℏ1/\hbar a large positive integer. Let [cΞ±,∞)[c_\alpha, \infty) be the asymptotic support of the spectrum of this operator. We will show that cΞ±c_\alpha extend to a function, W:gβˆ—β†’RW: \mathfrak g^* \to \mathbb R and that, modulo assumptions on Ο„\tau and VV one can recover VV from WW, i.e. prove that VV is spectrally determined. The main ingredient in the proof of this result is the existence of a "generalized Legendre transform" mapping the graph of dWdW onto the graph of dVdV.Comment: 23 page

    Off-the-Grid Line Spectrum Denoising and Estimation with Multiple Measurement Vectors

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    Compressed Sensing suggests that the required number of samples for reconstructing a signal can be greatly reduced if it is sparse in a known discrete basis, yet many real-world signals are sparse in a continuous dictionary. One example is the spectrally-sparse signal, which is composed of a small number of spectral atoms with arbitrary frequencies on the unit interval. In this paper we study the problem of line spectrum denoising and estimation with an ensemble of spectrally-sparse signals composed of the same set of continuous-valued frequencies from their partial and noisy observations. Two approaches are developed based on atomic norm minimization and structured covariance estimation, both of which can be solved efficiently via semidefinite programming. The first approach aims to estimate and denoise the set of signals from their partial and noisy observations via atomic norm minimization, and recover the frequencies via examining the dual polynomial of the convex program. We characterize the optimality condition of the proposed algorithm and derive the expected convergence rate for denoising, demonstrating the benefit of including multiple measurement vectors. The second approach aims to recover the population covariance matrix from the partially observed sample covariance matrix by motivating its low-rank Toeplitz structure without recovering the signal ensemble. Performance guarantee is derived with a finite number of measurement vectors. The frequencies can be recovered via conventional spectrum estimation methods such as MUSIC from the estimated covariance matrix. Finally, numerical examples are provided to validate the favorable performance of the proposed algorithms, with comparisons against several existing approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    A Size-Free CLT for Poisson Multinomials and its Applications

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    An (n,k)(n,k)-Poisson Multinomial Distribution (PMD) is the distribution of the sum of nn independent random vectors supported on the set Bk={e1,…,ek}{\cal B}_k=\{e_1,\ldots,e_k\} of standard basis vectors in Rk\mathbb{R}^k. We show that any (n,k)(n,k)-PMD is poly(kΟƒ){\rm poly}\left({k\over \sigma}\right)-close in total variation distance to the (appropriately discretized) multi-dimensional Gaussian with the same first two moments, removing the dependence on nn from the Central Limit Theorem of Valiant and Valiant. Interestingly, our CLT is obtained by bootstrapping the Valiant-Valiant CLT itself through the structural characterization of PMDs shown in recent work by Daskalakis, Kamath, and Tzamos. In turn, our stronger CLT can be leveraged to obtain an efficient PTAS for approximate Nash equilibria in anonymous games, significantly improving the state of the art, and matching qualitatively the running time dependence on nn and 1/Ξ΅1/\varepsilon of the best known algorithm for two-strategy anonymous games. Our new CLT also enables the construction of covers for the set of (n,k)(n,k)-PMDs, which are proper and whose size is shown to be essentially optimal. Our cover construction combines our CLT with the Shapley-Folkman theorem and recent sparsification results for Laplacian matrices by Batson, Spielman, and Srivastava. Our cover size lower bound is based on an algebraic geometric construction. Finally, leveraging the structural properties of the Fourier spectrum of PMDs we show that these distributions can be learned from Ok(1/Ξ΅2)O_k(1/\varepsilon^2) samples in polyk(1/Ξ΅){\rm poly}_k(1/\varepsilon)-time, removing the quasi-polynomial dependence of the running time on 1/Ξ΅1/\varepsilon from the algorithm of Daskalakis, Kamath, and Tzamos.Comment: To appear in STOC 201
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