2 research outputs found

    An iterative Bregman regularization method for optimal control problems with inequality constraints

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    We study an iterative regularization method of optimal control problems with control constraints. The regularization method is based on generalized Bregman distances. We provide convergence results under a combination of a source condition and a regularity condition on the active sets. We do not assume attainability of the desired state. Furthermore, a-priori regularization error estimates are obtained

    On the switching behavior of sparse optimal controls for the one-dimensional heat equation

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    An optimal boundary control problem for the one-dimensional heat equation is considered. The objective functional includes a standard quadratic terminal observation, a Tikhonov regularization term with regularization parameter ν\nu, and the L1L^1-norm of the control that accounts for sparsity. The switching structure of the optimal control is discussed for ν≥0\nu \ge 0. Under natural assumptions, it is shown that the set of switching points of the optimal control is countable with the final time as only possible accumulation point. The convergence of switching points is investigated for ν↘0\nu \searrow 0