272 research outputs found

    Design And Analysis Of Adaptive And Reconfigurable Antennas For Wireless Communication

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    Modern radar and communication systems have experienced a tremendous increase in the number of antennas onboard, on the ground, and in orbital space. This places a burden due to the confined volume and limited weight requirements especially in space applications. The reconfigurable antenna is a promising and exciting new type of antenna, where through the use of appropriate switches the antenna can be structurally reconfigured, to maintain the elements near their resonant dimensions for several frequency bands. This increases the bandwidth of the antenna dramatically, which enables the use of one antenna for several applications. Four novel reconfigurable antenna elements were designed to work at 2.45 GHz and at 5.78 GHz, to cover the transition period when wireless communication will shift to the 5.78 GHz band. The four elements designed are: the reconfigurable Yagi, the reconfigurable corner-fed triangular loop antenna, the reconfigurable center-fed equilateral triangular loop antenna and the reconfigurable rectangular-spiral antenna. None of these antennas have been reported in the literature. Simulation results for all four antennas were obtained using IE3D. Fabrication and measurements for the Yagi antenna was done and the measured results agree with simulations. All four antennas have very good performance with respect to the 3dB beamwidth and directivity. However the reconfigurable rectangular-spiral antenna is the most compact in size among all four antennas. It is (20 mm x 20 mm) in size. At 2.45 GHz it has a 3dB beamwidth of 87° and directivity of 6.47dB. As for the 5.78GHz frequency the 3dB beamwidth is 82.5° and the directivity is 7.16dB. This dissertation also introduces the use of reconfigurable antenna elements in adaptive arrays. An adaptive array that can null interference and direct its main lobe to the desired signal while being reconfigurable to maintain functionality at several frequency bands has the potential to revolutionize wireless communications in the future. Through several examples, at both the design frequencies, it is shown that the reconfigurable and adaptive antenna arrays are successful in nulling noises incident on the array. These examples illustrate how reconfigurable elements and adaptive arrays can be combined very beneficially for use in wireless communication systems

    Moment method analysis of linearly tapered slot antennas

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    A method of moments (MOM) model for the analysis of the Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna (LTSA) is developed and implemented. The model employs an unequal size rectangular sectioning for conducting parts of the antenna. Piecewise sinusoidal basis functions are used for the expansion of conductor current. The effect of the dielectric is incorporated in the model by using equivalent volume polarization current density and solving the equivalent problem in free-space. The feed section of the antenna including the microstripline is handled rigorously in the MOM model by including slotline short circuit and microstripline currents among the unknowns. Comparison with measurements is made to demonstrate the validity of the model for both the air case and the dielectric case. Validity of the model is also verified by extending the model to handle the analysis of the skew-plate antenna and comparing the results to those of a skew-segmentation modeling results of the same structure and to available data in the literature. Variation of the radiation pattern for the air LTSA with length, height, and taper angle is investigated, and the results are tabulated. Numerical results for the effect of the dielectric thickness and permittivity are presented

    Modeling Challenging EMC Problems Using the Method of Moments

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    A variety of numerical techniques are used in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for the numerical analysis of practical problems. The most important are the finite-difference time-domain technique, the finite-element method, the transmission-line-matrix method and the method of moments. All approaches have their strengths and weaknesses and cannot be applied to all kinds of problems with the same degree of efficiency, measured in memory consumption and computation time necessary. In this paper it is shown that the method of moments (MoM) can be applied to a variety of scenarios, each of which would form a challenging problem to all of the mentioned numerical techniques. It is shown that a customization of the MoM to the specific problems at hand can be accomplished. All examples shown have been computed using the academic code CONCEPT-II developed at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

    Abbreviations and acronyms

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    This booklet provides a partial list of acronyms, abbreviations, and other short word forms, including their definitions, used in documents at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This list does not preclude the use of other short forms of less general usage, as long as these short forms are identified the first time they appear in a document and are defined in a glossary in the document in which they are used. This document supplements information in the GSFC Scientific and Technical Information Handbook (GHB 2200.2/April 1989). It is not intended to contain all short word forms used in GSFC documents; however, it was compiled of actual short forms used in recent GSFC documents. The entries are listed first, alphabetically by the short form, and then again alphabetically by definition

    Plasmonic nanoparticle monomers and dimers: From nano-antennas to chiral metamaterials

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    We review the basic physics behind light interaction with plasmonic nanoparticles. The theoretical foundations of light scattering on one metallic particle (a plasmonic monomer) and two interacting particles (a plasmonic dimer) are systematically investigated. Expressions for effective particle susceptibility (polarizability) are derived, and applications of these results to plasmonic nanoantennas are outlined. In the long-wavelength limit, the effective macroscopic parameters of an array of plasmonic dimers are calculated. These parameters are attributable to an effective medium corresponding to a dilute arrangement of nanoparticles, i.e., a metamaterial where plasmonic monomers or dimers have the function of "meta-atoms". It is shown that planar dimers consisting of rod-like particles generally possess elliptical dichroism and function as atoms for planar chiral metamaterials. The fabricational simplicity of the proposed rod-dimer geometry can be used in the design of more cost-effective chiral metamaterials in the optical domain.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys.

    GPU Acceleration of a Non-Standard Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Electromagnetics

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    The emergence of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) provides new opportunities to accelerate applications involving a large number of regular computations. However, properly leveraging the computational resources of graphical processors is a very challenging task. In this paper, we use this kind of device to parallelize FE-IIEE (Finite Element-Iterative Integral Equation Evaluation), a non-standard finite element mesh truncation technique introduced by two of the authors. This application is computationally very demanding due to the amount, size and complexity of the data involved in the procedure. Besides, an efficient implementation becomes even more difficult if the parallelization has to maintain the complex workflow of the original code. The proposed implementation using CUDA applies different optimization techniques to improve performance. These include leveraging the fastest memories of the GPU and increasing the granularity of the computations to reduce the impact of memory access. We have applied our parallel algorithm to two real radiation and scattering problems demonstrating speedups higher than 140 on a state-of-the-art GPU.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under Grant TEC2016-80386-P, Grant TIN2017-82972-R, and Grant ESP2015-68245-C4-1-P, and in part by the Valencian Regional Government under Grant PROMETEO/2019/109

    The Buffered Block Forward Backward technique for solving electromagnetic wave scattering problems

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    This work focuses on efficient numerical techniques for solving electromagnetic wave scattering problems. The research is focused on three main areas: scattering from perfect electric conductors, 2D dielectric scatterers and 3D dielectric scattering objects. The problem of fields scattered from perfect electric conductors is formulated using the Electric Field Integral Equation. The Coupled Field Integral Equation is used when a 2D homogeneous dielectric object is considered. The Combined Field Integral Equation describes the problem of scattering from 3D homogeneous dielectric objects. Discretising the Integral Equation Formulation using the Method of Moments creates the matrix equation that is to be solved. Due to the large number of discretisations necessary the resulting matrices are of significant size and therefore the matrix equations cannot be solved by direct inversion and iterative methods are employed instead. Various iterative techniques for solving the matrix equation are presented including stationary methods such as the ”forwardbackward” technique, as well its matrix-block version. A novel iterative solver referred to as Buffered Block Forward Backward (BBFB) method is then described and investigated. It is shown that the incorporation of buffer regions dampens spurious diffraction effects and increases the computational efficiency of the algorithm. The BBFB is applied to both perfect electric conductors and homogeneous dielectric objects. The convergence of the BBFB method is compared to that of other techniques and it is shown that, depending on the grouping and buffering used, it can be more effective than classical methods based on Krylov subspaces for example. A possible application of the BBFB, namely the design of 2D dielectric photonic band-gap TeraHertz waveguides is investigated. i

    Expanding Hardware-in-the-Loop Formation Navigation and Control with Radio Frequency Crosslink Ranging

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    The Formation Flying Testbed (FFTB) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) provides a hardware-in-the-loop test environment for formation navigation and control. The facility continues to evolve as a modular, hybrid, dynamic simulation facility for end-to-end guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) design and analysis of formation flying spacecraft. The core capabilities of the FFTB, as a platform for testing critical hardware and software algorithms in-the-loop, are reviewed with a focus on recent improvements. With the most recent improvement, in support of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 testing of the Inter-spacecraft Ranging and Alarm System (IRAS) for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, the FFTB has significantly expanded its ability to perform realistic simulations that require Radio Frequency (RF) ranging sensors for relative navigation with the Path Emulator for RF Signals (PERFS). The PERFS, currently under development at NASA GSFC, modulates RF signals exchanged between spacecraft. The RF signals are modified to accurately reflect the dynamic environment through which they travel, including the effects of medium, moving platforms, and radiated power

    Efficient domain decomposition methods for the electromagnetic analysis of dielectric objects

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