9 research outputs found

    Convergence rate for a Gauss collocation method applied to unconstrained optimal control

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    A local convergence rate is established for an orthogonal collocation method based on Gauss quadrature applied to an unconstrained optimal control problem. If the continuous problem has a sufficiently smooth solution and the Hamiltonian satisfies a strong convexity condition, then the discrete problem possesses a local minimizer in a neighborhood of the continuous solution, and as the number of collocation points increases, the discrete solution convergences exponentially fast in the sup-norm to the continuous solution. This is the first convergence rate result for an orthogonal collocation method based on global polynomials applied to an optimal control problem

    Convergence rate for a Radau collocation method applied to unconstrained optimal control

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    A local convergence rate is established for an orthogonal collocation method based on Radau quadrature applied to an unconstrained optimal control problem. If the continuous problem has a sufficiently smooth solution and the Hamiltonian satisfies a strong convexity condition, then the discrete problem possesses a local minimizer in a neighborhood of the continuous solution, and as the number of collocation points increases, the discrete solution convergences exponentially fast in the sup-norm to the continuous solution. An earlier paper analyzes an orthogonal collocation method based on Gauss quadrature, where neither end point of the problem domain is a collocation point. For the Radau quadrature scheme, one end point is a collocation point.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0826

    Mesh Refinement Method for Solving Bang-Bang Optimal Control Problems Using Direct Collocation

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    A mesh refinement method is developed for solving bang-bang optimal control problems using direct collocation. The method starts by finding a solution on a coarse mesh. Using this initial solution, the method then determines automatically if the Hamiltonian is linear with respect to the control, and, if so, estimates the locations of the discontinuities in the control. The switch times are estimated by determining the roots of the switching functions, where the switching functions are determined using estimates of the state and costate obtained from the collocation method. The accuracy of the switch times is then improved on subsequent meshes by dividing the original optimal control problem into multiple domains and including variables that define the locations of the switch times. While in principle any collocation method can be used, in this research the previously developed Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation method is employed because it provides an accurate approximation of the costate which in turn improves the approximation of the switching functions. The method of this paper is designed to be used with a previously developed mesh refinement method in order to accurately approximate the solution in segments where the solution is smooth. The method is demonstrated on three examples where it is shown to accurately determine the switching structure of a bang-bang optimal control problem. When compared with previously developed mesh refinement methods, the results demonstrate that the method developed in this paper improves computational efficiency when solving bang-bang optimal control problems.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables

    Convergence rate for a Gauss collocation method applied to constrained optimal control

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    A local convergence rate is established for a Gauss orthogonal collocation method applied to optimal control problems with control constraints. If the Hamiltonian possesses a strong convexity property, then the theory yields convergence for problems whose optimal state and costate possess two square integrable derivatives. The convergence theory is based on a stability result for the sup-norm change in the solution of a variational inequality relative to a 2-norm perturbation, and on a Sobolev space bound for the error in interpolation at the Gauss quadrature points and the additional point -1. The tightness of the convergence theory is examined using a numerical example.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1605.0212

    Comparison of Derivative Estimation Methods in Solving Optimal Control Problems Using Direct Collocation

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    A study is conducted to evaluate four derivative estimation methods when solving a large sparse nonlinear programming problem that arises from the approximation of an optimal control problem using a direct collocation method. In particular, the Taylor series-based finite-difference, bicomplex-step, and hyper-dual derivative estimation methods are evaluated and compared alongside a well known automatic differentiation method. The performance of each derivative estimation method is assessed based on the number of iterations, the computation time per iteration, and the total computation time required to solve the nonlinear programming problem. The efficiency of each of the four derivative estimation methods is compared by solving three benchmark optimal control problems. It is found that while central finite-differencing is typically more efficient per iteration than either the hyper-dual or bicomplex-step, the latter two methods have significantly lower overall computation times due to the fact that fewer iterations are required by the nonlinear programming problem when compared with central finite-differencing. Furthermore, while the bicomplex-step and hyper-dual methods are similar in performance, the hyper-dual method is significantly easier to implement. Moreover, the automatic differentiation method is found to be substantially less computationally efficient than any of the three Taylor series-based methods. The results of this study show that the hyper-dual method offers several benefits over the other three methods both in terms of computational efficiency and ease of implementation.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    A Warm Start Method for Solving Chance Constrained Optimal Control Problems

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    A warm start method is developed for efficiently solving complex chance constrained optimal control problems. The warm start method addresses the computational challenges of solving chance constrained optimal control problems using biased kernel density estimators and Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation with an hphp adaptive mesh refinement method. To address the computational challenges, the warm start method improves both the starting point for the chance constrained optimal control problem, as well as the efficiency of cycling through mesh refinement iterations. The improvement is accomplished by tuning a parameter of the kernel density estimator, as well as implementing a kernel switch as part of the solution process. Additionally, the number of samples for the biased kernel density estimator is set to incrementally increase through a series of mesh refinement iterations. Thus, the warm start method is a combination of tuning a parameter, a kernel switch, and an incremental increase in sample size. This warm start method is successfully applied to solve two challenging chance constrained optimal control problems in a computationally efficient manner using biased kernel density estimators and Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation.Comment: 34 pages, 6 Figures, 8 Table

    Convergence Rate for a Radau hp Collocation Method Applied to Constrained Optimal Control

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    For unconstrained control problems, a local convergence rate is established for an hphp-method based on collocation at the Radau quadrature points in each mesh interval of the discretization. If the continuous problem has a sufficiently smooth solution and the Hamiltonian satisfies a strong convexity condition, then the discrete problem possesses a local minimizer in a neighborhood of the continuous solution, and as either the number of collocation points or the number of mesh intervals increase, the discrete solution convergences to the continuous solution in the sup-norm. The convergence is exponentially fast with respect to the degree of the polynomials on each mesh interval, while the error is bounded by a polynomial in the mesh spacing. An advantage of the hphp-scheme over global polynomials is that there is a convergence guarantee when the mesh is sufficiently small, while the convergence result for global polynomials requires that a norm of the linearized dynamics is sufficiently small. Numerical examples explore the convergence theory.Comment: This paper subsumes arXiv: 1508.0378

    Mesh Refinement Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Nonsmooth Solutions Using Jump Function Approximations

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    A mesh refinement method is described for solving optimal control problems using Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation. The method detects discontinuities in the control solution by employing an edge detection scheme based on jump function approximations. When discontinuities are identified, the mesh is refined with a targeted hh-refinement approach whereby the discontinuity locations are bracketed with mesh points. The remaining smooth portions of the mesh are refined using previously developed techniques. The method is demonstrated on two examples, and results indicate that the method solves optimal control problems with discontinuous control solutions using fewer mesh refinement iterations and less computation time when compared with previously developed methods.Comment: 22 Pages, 8 Figures, 0 Table

    Modified Legendre-Gauss-Radau Collocation Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Nonsmooth Solutions

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    A new method is developed for solving optimal control problems whose solutions are nonsmooth. The method developed in this paper employs a modified form of the Legendre-Gauss-Radau orthogonal direct collocation method. This modified Legendre-Gauss-Radau method adds two variables and two constraints at the end of a mesh interval when compared with a previously developed standard Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation method. The two additional variables are the time at the interface between two mesh intervals and the control at the end of each mesh interval. The two additional constraints are a collocation condition for those differential equations that depend upon the control and an inequality constraint on the control at the endpoint of each mesh interval. The additional constraints modify the search space of the nonlinear programming problem such that an accurate approximation to the location of the nonsmoothness is obtained. The transformed adjoint system of the modified Legendre-Gauss-Radau method is then developed. Using this transformed adjoint system, a method is developed to transform the Lagrange multipliers of the nonlinear programming problem to the costate of the optimal control problem. Furthermore, it is shown that the costate estimate satisfies one of the Weierstrass-Erdmann optimality conditions. Finally, the method developed in this paper is demonstrated on an example whose solution is nonsmooth.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure