2 research outputs found

    Operational criterion for controlled dense coding with non-trivial tripartite entangled states

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    In this paper, we provide an operational criterion for controlled dense coding with a general class of three-qubit partially entangled states. A general three-qubit pure entangled state can be classified into two inequivalent classes according to their genuine tripartite entanglement. We claim that if a three-qubit state shows entanglement characteristic similar to GHZGHZ-class then such non-trivial tripartite states are useful in {\it controlled dense coding} whereas states belonging to WW-class are not useful for that. We start with a particular class of non-trivial partially entangled states belonging to GHZGHZ-class and show that they are effective in controlled dense coding. Then we cite several other examples of different types of tripartite entangled states to support our conjecture.Comment: Accepted for publication in "Pramana Journal of Physics", (Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer

    Study on Entanglement and its Utility in Information Processing

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    The efficacies of maximally and that of non-maximally entangled mixed states as teleportation channels have been studied. A new class of non-maximally entangled mixed states have been proposed also. Their advantages as quantum teleportation channels over existing non-maximally entangled mixed states have been verified. The mixed states can also be generated using quantum cloning machines. We have also studied how one can utilize the mixed entangled states obtained as output from a state independent quantum cloning machine in teleportation and dense coding. Mixed states can also be used in secret sharing. A new protocol of secret sharing has been devised where four parties are involved. One of them is honest by nature and the other is dishonest. The dishonest one has two associates who are also involved in the protocol. It has been shown how the honest party, by using quantum cloning machine, can prevent the dishonest party from communicating the secret message to his accomplices. A relation has been established among entanglement of the initially prepared state, entanglement of the mixed state received by the recipients of the dishonest one after honest party applies the cloning scheme and the cloning parameters of the cloning machine. The usefulness of tri-partite and four-partite entangled states in controlled dense coding has been discussed. The thesis concludes with the summary and possible courses of future works.Comment: Ph. D Thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta (2016). Published in newweb.bose.res.in>academic program