41,805 research outputs found

    Manipulating growth and propagation of correlations in dipolar multilayers: From pair production to bosonic Kitaev models

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    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of dipoles confined in multiple stacked two-dimensional layers realising a long-range interacting quantum spin 1/2 XXZ model. We demonstrate that strong in-plane XXX interactions can protect a manifold of collective layer dynamics. This then allows us to map the many-body spin dynamics to bosonic models. In a bilayer configuration we show how to engineer the paradigmatic two-mode squeezing Hamiltonian known from quantum optics, resulting in exponential production of entangled pairs and generation of metrologically useful entanglement from initially prepared product states. In multi-layer configurations we engineer a bosonic variant of the Kitaev model displaying chiral propagation along the layer direction. Our study illustrates how the control over interactions, lattice geometry and state preparation in interacting dipolar systems uniquely afforded by AMO platforms such as Rydberg and magnetic atoms, polar molecules or trapped ions allow for the control over the temporal and spatial propagation of correlations for applications in quantum sensing and quantum simulation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + references + supplemen

    A Rydberg ion flywheel for quantum work storage

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    Trapped ions provide a platform for quantum technologies that offers long coherence times and high degrees of scalability and controllability. Here, we use this platform to develop a realistic model of a thermal device consisting of two laser-driven, strongly coupled Rydberg ions in a harmonic trap. We show that the translational degrees of freedom of this system can be utilized as a flywheel storing the work output that is generated by a cyclic thermodynamic process applied to its electronic degrees of freedom. Mimicking such a process through periodic variations of external control parameters, we use a mean-field approach underpinned by exact numerical and analytical calculations to identify relevant physical processes and to determine the charging rate of the flywheel. Our work paves the way for the design of microscopic thermal machines based on Rydberg ions that can be equipped with both many-body working media and universal work storages.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    From Quantum Optics to Quantum Technologies

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    Quantum optics is the study of the intrinsically quantum properties of light. During the second part of the 20th century experimental and theoretical progress developed together; nowadays quantum optics provides a testbed of many fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics such as coherence and quantum entanglement. Quantum optics helped trigger, both directly and indirectly, the birth of quantum technologies, whose aim is to harness non-classical quantum effects in applications from quantum key distribution to quantum computing. Quantum light remains at the heart of many of the most promising and potentially transformative quantum technologies. In this review, we celebrate the work of Sir Peter Knight and present an overview of the development of quantum optics and its impact on quantum technologies research. We describe the core theoretical tools developed to express and study the quantum properties of light, the key experimental approaches used to control, manipulate and measure such properties and their application in quantum simulation, and quantum computing.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Accepted, Prog. Quant. Ele

    Trapped ions in optical lattices for probing oscillator chain models

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    We show that a chain of trapped ions embedded in microtraps generated by an optical lattice can be used to study oscillator models related to dry friction and energy transport. Numerical calculations with realistic experimental parameters demonstrate that both static and dynamic properties of the ion chain change significantly as the optical lattice power is varied. Finally, we lay out an experimental scheme to use the spin degree of freedom to probe the phase space structure and quantum critical behavior of the ion chain

    Implementation of quantum gates and preparation of entangled states in cavity QED with cold trapped ions

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    We propose a scheme to perform basic gates of quantum computing and prepare entangled states in a system with cold trapped ions located in a single mode optical cavity. General quantum computing can be made with both motional state of the trapped ion and cavity state being qubits. We can also generate different kinds of entangled states in such a system without state reduction, and can transfer quantum states from the ion in one trap to the ion in another trap. Experimental requirement for achieving our scheme is discussed.Comment: To appear in J. Opt.