1,688 research outputs found

    Control Barrier Function Based Quadratic Programs for Safety Critical Systems

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    Safety critical systems involve the tight coupling between potentially conflicting control objectives and safety constraints. As a means of creating a formal framework for controlling systems of this form, and with a view toward automotive applications, this paper develops a methodology that allows safety conditions -- expressed as control barrier functions -- to be unified with performance objectives -- expressed as control Lyapunov functions -- in the context of real-time optimization-based controllers. Safety conditions are specified in terms of forward invariance of a set, and are verified via two novel generalizations of barrier functions; in each case, the existence of a barrier function satisfying Lyapunov-like conditions implies forward invariance of the set, and the relationship between these two classes of barrier functions is characterized. In addition, each of these formulations yields a notion of control barrier function (CBF), providing inequality constraints in the control input that, when satisfied, again imply forward invariance of the set. Through these constructions, CBFs can naturally be unified with control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) in the context of a quadratic program (QP); this allows for the achievement of control objectives (represented by CLFs) subject to conditions on the admissible states of the system (represented by CBFs). The mediation of safety and performance through a QP is demonstrated on adaptive cruise control and lane keeping, two automotive control problems that present both safety and performance considerations coupled with actuator bounds

    Barrier Functions in Cascaded Controller: Safe Quadrotor Control

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    Safe control for inherently unstable systems such as quadrotors is crucial. Imposing multiple dynamic constraints simultaneously on the states for safety regulation can be a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a quadratic programming (QP) based approach on a cascaded control architecture for quadrotors to enforce safety. Safety regions are constructed using control barrier functions (CBF) while explicitly considering the nonlinear underactuated dynamics of the quadrotor. The safety regions constructed using CBFs establish a non-conservative forward invariant safe region for quadrotor navigation. Barriers imposed across the cascaded architecture allows independent safety regulation in quadrotor's altitude and lateral domains. Despite barriers appearing in a cascaded fashion, we show preservation of safety for quadrotor motion in SE(3). We demonstrate the feasibility of our method on a quadrotor in simulation with static and dynamic constraints enforced on position and velocity spaces simultaneously.Comment: Submitted to ACC 2020, 8 pages, 7 figure

    Compositional Set Invariance in Network Systems with Assume-Guarantee Contracts

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    This paper presents an assume-guarantee reasoning approach to the computation of robust invariant sets for network systems. Parameterized signal temporal logic (pSTL) is used to formally describe the behaviors of the subsystems, which we use as the template for the contract. We show that set invariance can be proved with a valid assume-guarantee contract by reasoning about individual subsystems. If a valid assume-guarantee contract with monotonic pSTL template is known, it can be further refined by value iteration. When such a contract is not known, an epigraph method is proposed to solve for a contract that is valid, ---an approach that has linear complexity for a sparse network. A microgrid example is used to demonstrate the proposed method. The simulation result shows that together with control barrier functions, the states of all the subsystems can be bounded inside the individual robust invariant sets.Comment: Submitted to 2019 American Control Conferenc
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